Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Bible Study Starts: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 1st at 7:00 PM at Esic Church, I will be starting a group interested in exploring the the book, "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby.

I think this group would benefit anyone however if you are struggling with finding peace in your life, this will be an excellent study to attend. All are welcome.

Laurie Frey, Jeannie Trimmer and the rest of the Africa Vision of Hope team are on their way. They are currently in Detroit waiting for their next flight to the other side of the world. You will be able to follow their activities on the African Vision of Hope web site.

A Note from your Pastor
The voice of God varies greatly because many times it comes from other Christians who have been moved by the Holy Spirit to speak to you regarding something that God wants you to know or do. 
Do you see how exciting that can be? When you surrender your life to God He can speak to you through others AND He can use you as a messenger. Do you know what the definition of "Angel is?"
It means "messenger!" Oh if we could only grasp the possibilities that God has for us!

See you soon. Don't forget the bible study tomorrow at 7:00. 
Love, Pastor Kent

Monday, July 29, 2013

Prayer meeting Tomorrow Night!

Jennifer Kaburick , Grace Eneyo, and myself will be having prayer for anyone and for any need tomorrow at Esic Church starting at 6:00 PM.  All are welcome to come pray or come to be prayed for. We will also be praying for RTP 2013.

Sincerely, Pastor Kent

It's Monday and God is Alive and Well and Speaking!

Last night the Sanctuary was full, God was with us, and Love was flowing. Take time today to thank God for all good things in your life. Trust God by developing a relationship with Him.

We will continue our series on Hearing Gods Voice. There is so much more!

I want to apologize for not mentioning last night another wonderful mission that our Praise Community Fellowship was involved with yesterday. We had a team go to the Ronald McDonald house to cook and serve breakfast to the families that are staying there. Donna Bowers and a team of other volunteers took on this very loving project to help families who have children in St. Louis for serious medical problems. Thank you mission team!

New Bible Study Starts: This Thursday, August 1st at 7:00 PM at Esic Church, I will be starting a group interested in exploring the the book, "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby.

Who should consider joining this group? Anyone who wants to get to know God personally and be able to discern and hear His voice.  We will be using the bible and the book "Experiencing God" to help us deepen and define our individual walk with God. This will be an open forum style study.
Anyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in joining this study show up this Thursday and learn more. You can decide after that first meeting.

What makes Praise Community Fellowship Special? I am going to start sharing emails and notes and comments I get about our great little church.  This morning Laurie Frey sent me an email that was literally bursting with excitement. It was a long email but let me give you a few highlights.

"ok last night I could not believe the outpouring of support that I received from the PCF family.  Thank you for the nice little dedication.  it was perfect!  That was absolutely amazing.  I couldn't even think of what I'd say in words.  I have never felt so loved and appreciated and supported ever!  People who I didn't even think I had met before were coming up to Jeannie and I telling us they would pray for us etc and can you believe I now have 3 offers of people to mow my grass while I'm gone."  " I never thought much about this whole "power of prayer" thing until the last while and last night I was like "WOW!  ok God, I GET IT NOW!"

 Laurie, we are glad you are part of PCF!  What can I say....the PCF family is putting into practice our motto: Praise Community Fellowship, a Place Where Unconditional Love Changes Lives!

Come join us. A place where you will be loved!   Amen!
Have a Great, God filled week!
Love, Pastor Kent

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hearing The Voice of God starts Tonight

I know it is absolutely beautiful outside. That is why you should plan on joining your PCF family tonight to worship the creator of this beautiful day.

Come and be a part of the God Culture.  If you show up you will understand what that means.

Also we will be dedicating several of our PCF family members as they get ready to depart for Zambia this Wednesday.

Worship, prayer, music, fellowship, and a message on how to hear the voice of God.

Hope to see all of you tonight at 6:30.  Love, Pastor Kent

Special Message from Laurie Frey

Hello PCF congregation.  I know several of you have asked how you can keep up with what we will be doing on the African Vision of Hope Trip from July 31-August 11th.  It is really easy if you are a Facebook user.   All you have to do is go to the "African Vision of Hope" Facebook page and click "like" and every couple of days there should be updates posted on what we are doing.  If you don't want to "like" anything, just visit the page (It is open) every couple of days and look for the updates.  We will not be able to individually post anything to our own page while we are there, but someone on our mission team will write an update every day or so, depending on internet connection.  The updates are also supposed to be posted on our "wall".  So...that means if you are friends with me, the updates may show up on my facebook page also.    It means a lot to have everyone at PCF behind us,  praying for us and checking up on us while we are there.  You guys are the best friends ever! 

 I will be working with a group doing HIV/AIDS/STD Health education with some dancing thrown in during free time (I know, what a combo!).  Jeannie Trimmer will be working on a medical team to help adults and children who have no access to medical care that we take for granted here in the USA.

If you have 4 minutes, watch this video and listen to the words.  It helped me realize what going to Africa is all about.   If link does not work, look up "Kings and Queens" by the group "Audio Adrenaline"  The song may just blow the hair off your head!

Friday, July 26, 2013


I made a big boo boo regarding Emily's concert.  I listed the incorrect location.  The concert will be at St. Johns United Methodist church located on route 143 Edwardsville across from the Edwardsville Moose.  7:00 pm.   See you then.

Sincerely, Kent

Emily Ottwein Concert Tonight

This evening at 7:00pm Troy Methodist Church will be hosting a concert directed by Emily Ottwein. It is called the Requiem by Faure.  This is about a 45 minute concert and all are invited to attend. See you there.

Love, Pastor Kent

This Coming Sunday

We will begin a series on Hearing the Voice of God this Sunday at 6:30. God still speaks and it is vital for Christians to know His voice and to respond to His voice so that His Kingdom comes and His will be Done.

BIG NEWS: This Sunday we will be dedicating two of our PCF members who are embarking on a missions trip with African Vision of Hope. Laurie Frey and Jeannie Trimmer are leaving for Zambia on the 31st. Please lift up Laurie and Jeannie in prayer as they travel to the other side of the world to bring the love of Jesus to our Zambian brothers and sisters. I'm sure there will be many stories to be told when they get back home.

 Note: Let your friends and family know that we offer families that are booked up with ball leagues and other scheduling conflicts on Sunday mornings an option for worshipping together as a family on Sunday evenings.

This weeks Jesus Experiment Text:

John 14:23-24

23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

Come join us with music, prayer, message and fellowship. Praise Community Fellowship, a place where Unconditional Love changes lives.

In The News:
Brad Heuchert and his son Cory had a nice article in the Intelligencer Thursday about their family tradition as firefighters starting with Brad's Father and continuing on with Brad and His son. It is a very nice article and can be read online at Please continue to pray for Brad's son Cory who fell while trimming a tree and fractured his neck and broke several ribs. We pray for a complete and rapid recovery.

I will look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Love, Pastor Kent

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A Major Problem for Christianity?

We a Christians want to share the good news with those who do not believe. I think a major obstacle for the Christian community in achieving that goal is that "Christians" are living out their true beliefs!

Rather than elaborate on that point, I'll let you kick that one around for awhile.

Love, Pastor Kent

Monday, July 22, 2013


Rusty, Sheryl and Dustin Burian

Rusty's Hobby: Golf & Fishing               Rusty's Birthdate: 12/31
Favorite Music: All kinds
Favorite Book: Do not read much but like Kent's Blog
Grew up in: Glen Carbon
3 Things on bucket List:
1.) Play Golf at Augusta National Golf Club
2.) Travel to Europe
3.) Own a house by a lake

Sheryl's Hobby: Making silk floral arrangements and volunteering for Veterans day events at EHS, and volunteering for PCF!
Favorite Music: All kinds
Favorite Book: Harry Potters series and any biography
3 Things on bucket list:
1.) Travel to Europe
2.) Ride a Horse on the beach
3.) Visit NASA                                         Sheryl's Birthdate: 07/13


Sally McLauchlan

Hobby: Dancing, Swimming, Gardening
Favorite Music: Rock & Roll for house cleaning   Instrumental for the classroom
Favorite book: I don't read much. Does Charlottes Web count?
I grew up in: Palatine Il.
3 Things on my bucket list:
1.) See the Northern Lights
2.) Go on a mission trip
3.) Go to Alaska


Ken Winchester

Hobby: Gardening and woodworking
Favorite Music: Pink Floyd, John Mellencamp, All music
Favorite Book: Vegetable Gardening Bible by Edward C. Smith
Where I grew up: Flora Il.
3 Things on my Bucket list:
1.) Become a grandfather
2.) Build an energy efficient house
3.) Build some of the furniture for the house

Waiting On God

I do believe that waiting on God is probably one of the most trying, strenuous, maybe even agonizing time in a Christians faith walk. But as I look back over my life and remember the many major decisions I made without His guidance, and how most of them ended up costing me dearly in way or another, it now makes it much easier for me to stay the course and wait on the Lord.

But what does that mean, "Wait on the Lord?"
It means that when you have gone to God with a sincere heart and asked for guidance and direction on a matter, you do not take action until he speaks.

How will He speak?
He may speak to your heart. That is a knowing deep in your soul as to what direction to take but He may also speak through scripture, through others and/or through circumstances. The key is developing a relationship with Him where you make God Lord of you life and You trust Him completely in all things.

We will be starting a series on knowing and hearing the voice of God starting this next Sunday.

What circumstances in your life do you need Devine guidance?  You will only go to God and then wait on Him if you truly have made Him Lord of your life and completely trust Him.

Have a great week.  Love, Pastor Kent

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Reminder about Tonight at PCF

Two events tonight at Praise Community Fellowship.

Our mission group has invited anyone who who would like to find out more about participating in the Ronald McDonald House mission project to come to a meeting tonight at 6:00.  

At 6:30 we will be presenting a movie that is 50 minutes in length titled, "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE." This movie is a very inspiring look at four ordinary people who become extraordinary because they acted on the voice of God to love in big ways.  The whole family will be inspired by this powerful story. The movie shows that no matter who you are, where you live,  what your resources, or what your age, God can use you to do great things for His Kingdom.

I hope you will join us this evening at 6:00 to hear about our next mission project at the Ronald McDonald house, and then stay for the movie "Unconditional Love."

This film will help kick off a series I will be preaching on, "Prayer and Hearing the Voice of God" I will begin this series next week at our regular service. Great things are coming.  Be a part!

I hope to see you all tonight!   Love, Pastor Kent

Friday, July 19, 2013

In the News

Having clean water, plenty of food, health insurance, a nice home, car, and good schools does not fix the root of what’s wrong with mankind.

The single most loving act we can is do is share the good news of Jesus. The primary reason we have material lack in the world is not lack of resources but lack of the Gospel of Jesus and living it!

The reason 3,500 children die everyday from starvation and disease worldwide is not because there is not enough food or medicine in the world but because of Greed. The gospel of Jesus is what can melt greed. Not war, not more social programs, negotiations, nor the united nations; but the life and heart changing power of Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.

I read in the news that Detroit is going to declare bankruptcy. I hear there are many government officials and business leaders meeting to try and come up with a solution. The solution is turning hearts to Jesus. Greed, corruption, waste, inefficiency can all be solved by the power of Jesus. Because when people accept Jesus and are empowered by the Holy Spirit love replaces greed. 

Praise Community Fellowship and all churches have a huge work to do and it begins by empowering ourselves with the the love and forgiveness of Jesus and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit.

This Coming Sunday, July 21st 6:30 I will be showing a film called Unconditional Love. It is powerful and motivating and shows how the love of Jesus can change problems. This film will be a kick off to a series I will begin on the 28th on the Hearing the Voice of God. 

Lets change the world!  Praise Community Fellowship, a place where unconditional love changes lives. Love, pastor Kent


Introducing Brad and Barb Joiner

Brads birthday 12-11-1954
Barbs birthday 12-03-1954

Our hobbies are: Golf, bike riding, and for Brad cooking
Favorite music: All types of music except RAP
Brads favorite book: Any of Lewis Grizzards books
Barbs favorite book: Gone With the Wind

Both born and raised in: East Alton, Woodriver Il.
Bucket list for both:
1.) Travel to Asia
2.) Travel to India
3.) Travel to Europe
Brad: Skydive

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Introducing Rosemary Gann

Hobby: Collects Precious Moments dolls and figurines.  
Favorite Music: Country and Gospel. 
Favorite Book: Gone with the Wind.
Where did I grow up: Trenton Missouri currently lives in East Alton, Illinois.
Three things on my Bucket List: 
1.) Fly on a plane 
2.) Visit Disney 
3.) Visit Graceland 
Birthday: January 10th

News from Our PCF Mission Committee

The Missions group will be organizing a breakfast at the Ronald McDonald House on July 28. 

 If you would like to find out how you can help, we will be meeting  at Esic Church at 6:00pm, this coming Sunday, (Before the Film Unconditional Love) Come join us for for more information.

Please come join us in this exciting opportunity to serve.

About Introductions

As you have seen I have begun posting introductions on the website. Let me remind you of the format.

I need a digital picture of you/ family.
Full name of all those in photo
Birthdate if you choose
And answer the following questions. These are short answer questions, please do not send long commentaries.

1.) Your hobby or passion
2.) Favorite music
3.) Favorite book...other than the bible.
4.) In what town and state did you grow up.
5.) Name three things on your bucket list.

send this info to:

Thank you. I will post them as I receive them.

Love, Pastor Kent

In the News

This morning I read more about the ongoing aftermath of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman case. As a person who looks at life from a new perspective because of my relationship with Jesus, I am convinced that this is not a racial problem but a Spiritual problem.

If either or both of those two young men would have had the love of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit in their life this tragedy would not have happened...Period!

Bonni and I had dinner this past week with a family from our PCF congregation and we were talking about what we thought the number one need is in our area here in Edwardsville. For the most part people are not starving, we do not have an epidemic disease problem, we have clean water and homes to live in unlike much of the world.

I believe the #1  problem here in the middle America, like in most of the US, is lack of a close, intimate relationship with Jesus.  He is the answer. Always has been, always will be.

Hope to see you this Sunday, 6:30 Esic Church.   Love, Pastor Kent

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Radical Stories... Real People

This coming Sunday, July 21st,  2013
Presenting Unconditional Love: A 50 minute film that will move you.

God has called us to a life different from the world around us.

Come and see for yourself how real...ordinary people have made an impact for Christ in this world.

Join us this coming Sunday at 6:30 at Esic Church and begin the journey of hearing God and stepping out in faith. This film will be the start of a series I will begin preaching called "Hearing the Voice of God Through Prayer!"

Come join us. The whole family will be moved by this film.

Praise Community Fellowship, a place where unconditional love changes lives.  We are just beginning.

God has a plan for your life!  And it is more than you could possibly think or imagine.

Jeremiah 29:11-13

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Love, Pastor Kent

Introduction #2

The Hanks Family

Amy, Darlene, Eddie, Amber

Hobby or Passion: Boating, bowling, golf
Favorite Music: Top 40
Favorite Book: Not much of a reader
Where did you grow up: Darlene/ Granite City  Eddie and the girls/ Edwardsville
3 things on your bucket list:
1.) Long European vacation
2.) Live on a beautiful lake
3.) See PCF continue to grow into a fabulous family

Birthdates: Darlene 9/28   Eddie 7/2   Amy 7/3   Amber 7/1

Introduction #1


Dan, Owen, Sidra, and Annika (official dancer of PCF) Miller
Sidra says:  
My hobby and or passion: being a mom! Always seeking ways to enjoy our town, stores, parks, events, etc!

Favorite music: hmmmm. The Zydeco Crawdadys put on a pretty good show last weekend!

Favorite book: I really like reading the news :)

Where I grew up: Good old Edwardsville

3 things on my bucket list:   
1.) Go to Africa with Project Restore
2.) Take lots of fun family road trips
3.) Learn to play the bass

We have a wonderful PCF Family!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I would like to begin introducing people on the Blog... aka.... email.  I'm guessing 98% of our PCF family is getting the blog so, what if I start introducing people here?  This is what I am thinking.

You send me a digital photo of yourself or if married a photo of both of you along with your name, we can sing to you at church... and answer the following questions;

1.) Your hobby or passion
2.) Favorite music
3.) Favorite book...other than the bible.
4.) In what town and state did you grow up.
5.) Name three things on your bucket list.

That's it. It gives us a taste of who you are and anyone who wants to get to know you better can talk to you at church.  You can send the digital photo and answers to the questions to my email:

Something to think about

John 10:27

27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

Praise Community Fellowship, we are seeking to know His voice and willing to follow.  Great things on the horizon.  Keep walking, praying and following.

Love, Pastor Kent

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday Morning Review

Last nights sermon take away:

John 5:39-40

39 You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. 40 But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.

The Pharisees could not accept who Jesus was claiming to be even though they had spent a lifetime reading and studying the scriptures and knew that it was Gods plan to send a savior into the world.

I am convinced that God is also showing up in all of our lives regularly, but that we too are often missing Him. Why?  Because we, just like the Pharisees, are focused on what "we" expect God to do, or to be. We are still living by sight and by experience and think we know the truth of our situations.
Never accept the truth of a situation until God has spoken. Only then can we proceed with confidence the we are acting in Gods will.

The key word is surrender,  reaching a point in your relationship with God that you can completely trust Him with every aspect of your life.  A point when you will be able to clearly recognize His voice and His promptings and are willing to surrender all of your will, wants, and desires to His plans even if they seem impossible.  

When you get tired of swimming up stream, and there is no where else to turn, try surrendering to Him. Because as Jesus taught us, He is the Way, The Truth and The Life.  If you want an exciting and fulfilling life, try God!

TONIGHT  at GLIK PARK 6:30 PM :  Everyone is invited to a gathering and prayer meeting put together by Jennifer Kaburik to seek Gods blessing and guidance for RTP ministry this season.  All are welcome.

Stay tuned for much much more!   Love, Pastor Kent

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Great News Sunday!

Tomorrow, Sunday evening, July14 we are going to celebrate.

Celebrate what you might ask?  
The reality of God moving amongst us and answering prayer.

Faith is bolstered by experiencing God. Tomorrow evening I am going to tell you some wonderful things that have been transpiring.  I will be sharing how our church is going to be starting some fun, inspiring programs on some of the "off Sundays."

I am going to take you on a journey with some scripture that I know will inspire you to celebrate and worship with a whole new dimension to your spiritual growth.

I hope you will join us for an uplifting evening of music, worship, prayer and Communion.

There is a great scripture in Acts:

Acts 9:17-18

17 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized,

Come and have your scales removed tomorrow.  Let the love of God flood your hearts and recieve the peace of God!  

See you tomorrow!  6:30!   PM    Esic Church  Great Music, Great Fellowship, Love, Forgiveness, and the Power Of the Holy Spirit!  It doesn't get any better than that!   Love Pastor Kent

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Two Ways To Experience Your Day

There are essentially two ways to experience life. We can adjust our life's focus and activities to achieve God's purposes or our own. It's really that simple. And because it comes down to that choice, many choose to be passive or ineffective Christians.  It is a choice.  Everyday you wake up you have to decide if following God's agenda is going to be more important than following your own agenda.

So what does that mean?
It means that a Christians daily walk always is focused on honoring, pleasing, and worshipping God.  And we do that by making adjustments to our thinking, our words, and our actions.  So here is a great question to ask yourself:

Can people get to know Jesus by observing your life?

Here is this weeks scripture for our Jesus Experiment Week 5.

Matthew 11:29

29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

This Sunday, July 14th, 6:30 PM  we will meet for some very uplifting music provided by the "Treble Makers" I hope you can join us, it will be a Communion Sunday.

Looking forward to seeing you then.   Love, Pastor Kent

Still no phone but I think I will be back in service by noon today.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Finding Kent

Yesterday about 2:00PM  my cell phone stopped working.  It is still not fixed.  So, if you have texted me or tried to call me on my cell since that time I have not received the message.

If you need to contact me, either email me at or call me on my home phone at 656-8632.  Leave a message if I do not pick up and I will get back to you.

I will let you know when I get my cell phone working.  

In the mean time, fill your life with love and gratitude!  Sincerely, Pastor Kent

Monday, July 8, 2013


In my post "The #1 problem for most Christians" I said I would see you this coming Sunday at 6:00PM... WRONG    The correct time is 6:30 PM.

So our next service, which will be a communion service, will be held at 6:30 Pm Sunday July 14th.  That's this next Sunday at Esic Baptist church.  OK then, now that that's all cleared up.

See you then, Love Pastor Kent

I need help/ suggestions

It has come to my attention that we have a couple of people in our church...exact number unknown..who are not on computers and are not receiving any of the information I send out each week.  

Any suggestions on how we can help these folks?  I don't think telling them to get a computer is the answer so lets try something other than that.  I'm open for suggestions.   Sincerely, Pastor Kent

The #1 Problem for Most Christians

Do any of these questions ring a bell with you?

  • Is God real?
  • Why don't I experience miracles?
  • Why isn't God speaking to me?
  • Why aren't my prayers being answered?
  • Why do I still Have so many problems?

These are questions that many of us have had at one time or another as we grow into our Christian walk. All of these questions have a basic answer. It is what I have found to be the #1 problem with most Christians including myself.

So Whats the Answer to the The #1 problem for Most Christians?  We want what Christianity has to offer "but" we want it without having to make any changes in our lives.   It ain't gonna to happen that way!  

If you want to experience all that God has to offer....which is better than anything you can possibly imagine, then you are going to have to make changes in your life.  There is no getting around it.  No change equals........... no change in your Christian walk!

This next Sunday I will be talking about this and some other great stuff!   Hope to see you Sunday, July 14th 6:00 PM  Esic Baptist....back in the sanctuary.  

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Beautiful Sunday Morning

We had a very nice early service today. We saw a beautiful sunrise and had perfect weather.  Thanks to Brad and Barb Joiner for all the pastries and coffee, what a surprise and thank you Rusty and Sheryl for the communion supplies and setup.

Here are a few thoughts for this week to make your faith and the power of God come alive:

1.) Go to God in prayer and ask Him to lead you to someone who needs something that you can supply.  

2.) Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to at least one person this week that you can go to and ask, "Can I  pray for you?" 

3.) Ask God to show you what provisions you have that He has need of.
Being a Christian is not passive but extremely active.  It requires you to participate.  It requires you to step out of your comfort zone. It requires you to love God and completely trust Him. It will require you to make changes to your life.

I will see you all this next Sunday July 14th, 6:30 PM  Esic Church.   

God has a plan for your life. Get on with it. Trust Him because that is the only way to true fulfillment and Peace!

Love,  Pastor Kent

Saturday, July 6, 2013

This Sunday July 7th 6:00 am Service Glik Park

The 6:00 AM service at Glik park is on go.  I will be talking about how God uses people who are willing to leave their comfort zone.  We will be receiving communion tomorrow.  Come for all things are made ready.

Bring your coffee, possibly a jacket or sweater, I don't know what the temp will be but the one thing I can assure you is this, God will be present:

Matthew 18:20

20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

How was your independence day weekend? 
We love our independence.  It usually starts when we are small children.  We want to do it on our own.  My grand daughter has reached the age when she reminds me regularly that she is a "big girl!"  She can do it herself.

We can't wait until we get old enough to get our drivers license so we can become more independent.  We can't wait until we can move out on our own, (sometimes parents can't wait either) so we can become more independent. Then, after we get out of college we hope to "make it big" so we can become financially independent. There is even a commercial that use to run on TV asking if we know what our figure is meaning how much do we need to accumulate so we can retire.  

As we get older we hope we can maintain or independence.  And on and on.  Is it any wonder why we all find it so hard in this country as we celebrate independence day, to make ourselves dependent on God?  I believe many Christians also want their independence from Him too.  This is nothing new however. Read the stories of the bible and it becomes clear that man seeks his independence from God.  But God calls us to become dependent on Him and His ways.

Oh there is so much to learn.  Hope to see you tomorrow where we will continue this discussion and talk more about the future of PCF.....  Gods way.

God has a plan for you.  It's waiting to be opened like big birthday present.   Come tomorrow and start tearing off the wrapper to find out what's inside.  Love, Pastor Kent

Friday, July 5, 2013

What Does God See for Praise Community Fellowship?

That is the question we are asking God to clarify for our church.  God will speak to you just as He will speak to me or any member of our fellowship. We have been brought together by God for a purpose and we want to fulfill that purpose to the best of our ability.

We know from the Bible that God wants His people to rely on and trust in Him completely.  We know from the Bible that when His people trust Him and stay close to Him He rewards them.

We  know from the New Testament that we as Christians are called to preach the Gospel to all the world and we are to remain in fellowship with one another as believers so as to grow Spiritually and strengthen one another's walk.

What is God telling you about our future?  The answer will come from prayer and Bible reading.  God still communicates with His people.  We just need to take the time to go to Him and listen.

The Jesus Experiment Week 5
This week we will look at an Old Testament verse from Psalms to meditate on and practice.

Psalm 25:3-5

No one who hopes in you
    will ever be put to shame,
but shame will come on those
    who are treacherous without cause.
Show me your ways, Lord,
    teach me your paths.
Guide me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are God my Savior,
    and my hope is in you all day long

See you this Sunday 6:00am  Glik Park on East Lake Drive off of Gerber road. Look I finally spelled (Glik) correctly! 

You cannot get to the park from Rt. 143 due to road construction. You will have to come in on  Rte. 159 turn at the QT gas station onto Goshen Road. You will be driving East.  Turn left onto Gerber Road and follow it approx. 1 mile.  Turn right onto East Lake Drive, Glik park will be on your right in about 1/4 mile on the right. There are signs.

Love, Pastor Kent

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Make This 4th of July a Turning Point in Your Life!

I have been using this summer schedule for much prayer, reading and reflection.  Today being the 4th of July, usually a time of Bar-b-Qs, celebration, family and friends, water melon, and fireworks, I find myself seeking to make myself more available to God.  Because, that is the only way to find my highest calling.  That is true for all believers.

Christians today, for the most part are passive Christians.  We like the concept of God, we like learning the concepts of Jesus and all about His teachings but when it comes to joining Him, that is a different story.  Why?  Why do we shy away from the God of the universe who created everything and is in control of everything?  What are we afraid of?  Especially when we read in the Bible that He loves us.  He only wants the best for us?  It is because we still think that we "HAVE" to be in control of our lives or else we will be miserable.

How about if you make this 4th of July a turning point in your life?  You will if you can honestly declare the following statement: "Lord, whatever I know to be Your will I will do.  Regardless of the cost and regardless of the adjustment I may have to make in my life, I commit myself to follow your will.  No matter what that looks like Lord I will do it! "

Do you think God could use someone like that?  That is what my prayer is for this 4th of July. Won't you join me in making yourself available to the King of the Universe?

See you this Sunday at 6:00 am  Glick Park!     Love, Pastor Kent

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sunday July 7th 6:00 am Service

On man that's really early.  I know and the real rub is, I really wanted it to be a true sunrise service but that means we would have to get there by 5:30 am because the sun is up at 5:43.  So lets just keep it at 6:00 am.  I will be serving communion to those who brave this early service.  Communion girls don't worry I have it handled you do not have to prepare a thing.

I am planning on meeting at the large pavilion, don't worry you won't miss it. I have been wanting to do an outside service for a long time and we will see how this goes. We will share the natural beauty of nature while coming together to worship.  Bring your coffee if you wish.

I will watch the weather and post on the blog if there is a change due to rain. I know there is a slight chance of rain predicted for this weekend. In the mean time enjoy the 4th and I will plan on seeing some of you on Sunday at 6:00 am!  

That's six o clock in the morning....really really early.  So set your alarm. Get up and come to the park.  This could be one of the best worship experiences of your life!  Who knows maybe we will start  meeting outside more often.  Invite some one who loves to get up early.

See you soon, Love, Pastor Kent

Monday, July 1, 2013

What Do You Want?

That question has two connotations to it. One is, it is said in anger or contempt and is actually a method of answering someone out of aggravation.  I think we all know that connotation well.  The other however is out of love and gives the question a more literal meaning.

The second connotation fulfills the definition of of love the I have used many times in my sermons.  Love always seeks to bless the object of its affection.  In this case, "What do you want?" is a sincere loving question that the person asking truly wishes to be able to fulfill.

Jesus asked this question of Bartimaeus.

Mark 10:45-52

Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight

46 Then they came to Jericho. As Jesus and his disciples, together with a large crowd, were leaving the city, a blind man, Bartimaeus (which means “son of Timaeus”), was sitting by the roadside begging. 47 When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
48 Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
49 Jesus stopped and said, “Call him.”
So they called to the blind man, “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” 50 Throwing his cloak aside, he jumped to his feet and came to Jesus.
51 “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.
The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”
52 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

So I ask this question of all of you, "What do you want?"

Hope to see you all this Sunday, Glick Park.  Times and info to come!    Love, Pastor Kent