Tomorrow evening Praise Community Fellowship will gather in a new place. We will gather at the Crystal Garden located at 1230 University Dr, Edwardsville. This is only about a block from Esic Baptist right down the road. Just look for people you know directing you into this new facility.
We will start the service at our usual time of 6:30 PM. But come early and get to know someone a little better.
Tomorrows Topic will be "And the Truth Shall Set You Free!"
The grand experiment of love continues tomorrow evening. Come be a part. We welcome anyone and everyone who is seeking a better way of life which is Jesus' way of life.
Our church has three important things to say to people.
1.) God has a plan for YOUR life because He loves YOU!
2.) We want to open a conversation about Jesus with as many people as possible.
3.) We are learning to live our lives as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing with everyone we meet and in all circumstances.
Why would we want to do that? Because God is Love. And the more love we give out to the world, the more of God we are sharing with the world. It is not us who will change the world it is God working through us.
See you tomorrow! 6:30 Crystal Garden also known as GC Cuisine. It's a journey not a destination…..yet!
Love, pastor Kent
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Wednesday afternoon with God!
If you tune in, God will instruct you to do something for Him when you least expect it. I just read a story about a woman who was practicing "tuning in" and here what she had to say. She was driving thru a Chick-fil-A restaurant and the girl at the window says to her, "I really love that blouse you have on!" So as soon as the gal telling the story drives away with her sandwich and drink God hits her with this, "Go buy the girl that just waited on you the blouse she loves and give it to her!"
After laughing and then thinking she was completely nuts for such a thought she decided that God was indeed speaking to her. So she goes and buys the girl the blouse takes it back to the store and says to her, "I know you may think I'm crazy but God told me to buy you this and I must obey him, so here is a gift from Jesus!"
Now I know some of you may think that this is going way out there. That's OK but I have done this exact thing and used the exact words that this lady did. "I know you may think I'm crazy, but God told me to ….this for you!" So I had to share this story because I believe that if more Christians would "tune in" and then "act" on what God is prompting them to do, this world would look so much better. And here is the kicker, the real blessing comes back to the giver! Can you imagine if millions of Christians would start "tuning in" and then following through? How many blessings a day would be happening all around us. How much more love would people begin having in their hearts. How much more positive impact would Christianity have in this world? And before you think I've completely gone off my rocker let me remind you of why Jesus became so popular so fast. It was His miracles! He was doing amazing things for people!
I have a theory. I believe the main reason more and more people aren't going to church anymore is because there is just too little evidence that God is doing anything thru or with the people who do go to church! And that is sad because I know that God is more than able to work through a surrendered heart who is tuned in and willing to do whatever God asks.
I will be at Glik Park tonight at 6:30 for anyone wanting to stop by and chat about God or any other questions you may have. If it is raining. I won't be there and we will make it another time.
Get tuned in so God can reveal His plan for you! Then get on with it!
Love, pastor Kent
After laughing and then thinking she was completely nuts for such a thought she decided that God was indeed speaking to her. So she goes and buys the girl the blouse takes it back to the store and says to her, "I know you may think I'm crazy but God told me to buy you this and I must obey him, so here is a gift from Jesus!"
Now I know some of you may think that this is going way out there. That's OK but I have done this exact thing and used the exact words that this lady did. "I know you may think I'm crazy, but God told me to ….this for you!" So I had to share this story because I believe that if more Christians would "tune in" and then "act" on what God is prompting them to do, this world would look so much better. And here is the kicker, the real blessing comes back to the giver! Can you imagine if millions of Christians would start "tuning in" and then following through? How many blessings a day would be happening all around us. How much more love would people begin having in their hearts. How much more positive impact would Christianity have in this world? And before you think I've completely gone off my rocker let me remind you of why Jesus became so popular so fast. It was His miracles! He was doing amazing things for people!
I have a theory. I believe the main reason more and more people aren't going to church anymore is because there is just too little evidence that God is doing anything thru or with the people who do go to church! And that is sad because I know that God is more than able to work through a surrendered heart who is tuned in and willing to do whatever God asks.
I will be at Glik Park tonight at 6:30 for anyone wanting to stop by and chat about God or any other questions you may have. If it is raining. I won't be there and we will make it another time.
Get tuned in so God can reveal His plan for you! Then get on with it!
Love, pastor Kent
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Special Needs Christians
As many of you know I have a special needs son. He did not develop as most people do. He essentially has stayed as an infant. Fully grown body but unable to function as an independent adult.
We can become handicapped as Christians too. We can have a spiritual birth but our development won't continue unless we make a determined effort to learn and develop a relationship with God. Otherwise we will remain as infants unable to experience the fullness of all that God has for us. Growth is a process. Our minds and bodies grow by eating a healthy diet and by going to school and exercising our mind with an increasingly challenging curriculum. Our spiritual development is no different.
Look at Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart!"
When I was a new Christian trying to grasp all I could about God I gravitated to such scriptures. Why? Because there were a ton of things that I wanted in this life. A house on the beach, a big boat, a hit record…… you know stuff. And if by being a Christian I could get them by believing in God, I was all in. I did not have the spiritual maturity to fully understand what many of the scriptures were teaching. In the scripture above I placed the emphasis on "getting the desires of my heart!" I mean read it yourself, there it is right there in the bible.
I did not yet understand what delighting my self in the Lord meant. I now know that to delight myself in anyone it takes a very close deep, caring, loving, adoring, relationship. A relationship which puts the object of my affection, the one I truly care about, first. And when you get there with God, He does something amazing. He changes your heart which changes your desires. And when your desires line up with His desires, "BAM" you now have miracle power!
Isaiah 55:11 "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it!"
This world could be so different if only we would delight ourself in a close relationship with God and listen closely to His voice through the Holy Spirit and then act on what He speaks to our hearts.
This Sunday we meet at the Crystal Garden. A new chapter in Praise Community Fellowship. Seeking Gods will in everything we do because God has a plan for our lives. We are growing and learning together. It is a life long process, not an arrival.
See you Sunday, 6:30pm. Love, pastor Kent
We can become handicapped as Christians too. We can have a spiritual birth but our development won't continue unless we make a determined effort to learn and develop a relationship with God. Otherwise we will remain as infants unable to experience the fullness of all that God has for us. Growth is a process. Our minds and bodies grow by eating a healthy diet and by going to school and exercising our mind with an increasingly challenging curriculum. Our spiritual development is no different.
Look at Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart!"
When I was a new Christian trying to grasp all I could about God I gravitated to such scriptures. Why? Because there were a ton of things that I wanted in this life. A house on the beach, a big boat, a hit record…… you know stuff. And if by being a Christian I could get them by believing in God, I was all in. I did not have the spiritual maturity to fully understand what many of the scriptures were teaching. In the scripture above I placed the emphasis on "getting the desires of my heart!" I mean read it yourself, there it is right there in the bible.
I did not yet understand what delighting my self in the Lord meant. I now know that to delight myself in anyone it takes a very close deep, caring, loving, adoring, relationship. A relationship which puts the object of my affection, the one I truly care about, first. And when you get there with God, He does something amazing. He changes your heart which changes your desires. And when your desires line up with His desires, "BAM" you now have miracle power!
Isaiah 55:11 "So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it!"
This world could be so different if only we would delight ourself in a close relationship with God and listen closely to His voice through the Holy Spirit and then act on what He speaks to our hearts.
This Sunday we meet at the Crystal Garden. A new chapter in Praise Community Fellowship. Seeking Gods will in everything we do because God has a plan for our lives. We are growing and learning together. It is a life long process, not an arrival.
See you Sunday, 6:30pm. Love, pastor Kent
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Did you get mail?
When we begin practicing our faith by continually tuning into Gods Spirit, we become like walking love letters from God to the brokenness that surrounds us. Let God speak His love through you. Become a love letter from God to someone He will show you today!
Tomorrow 8:00AM Glik Park. Special Memorial day service. See you then.
Love, pastor Kent
Tomorrow 8:00AM Glik Park. Special Memorial day service. See you then.
Love, pastor Kent
Friday, May 23, 2014
It's in your pocket!
Pull out a bill. A one, a five, a ten, a twenty, fifty, what ever you have. Put the face side down.
There you have it! Do you or don't you?
This Sunday special memorial day service at Glik park 8:00AM. I hope you can join us. I will be preaching on a great question that our guest speaker Ryan Stunkel asked me about a week ago. It has to do with one of the 10 commandments. Ryan served in the Iraq war, front lines. A wounded warrior. A warrior who just recently surrendered to Jesus. This is going to be a great Sunday service folks. I hope you can join us.
God has a plan for your life! Love, pastor Kent See you Sunday! 8:00 AM Glik Park
There you have it! Do you or don't you?
This Sunday special memorial day service at Glik park 8:00AM. I hope you can join us. I will be preaching on a great question that our guest speaker Ryan Stunkel asked me about a week ago. It has to do with one of the 10 commandments. Ryan served in the Iraq war, front lines. A wounded warrior. A warrior who just recently surrendered to Jesus. This is going to be a great Sunday service folks. I hope you can join us.
God has a plan for your life! Love, pastor Kent See you Sunday! 8:00 AM Glik Park
Thursday, May 22, 2014
We Have NO Staff!
Everything that happens at Praise Community Fellowship happens because someone is doing it out of their passion and love for God because we have no staff. It's because someone feels called to be part of Gods ministry.
As you are all aware of we are moving June 1st to a new location. There will be things we have to figure out when we get there. There will be "things" that we will need to address. What things? I don't know yet but I can assure you there will be things. Again, since we have no staff, there will be people volunteering to figure out what we need and how to make it happen. Now on the surface you may think that I am hinting that we need to have paid staff, that is not what I am saying at all. PCF is a group of people who have a desire to put the Great Commission into practice and we are doing so without the complications and the cost of having a paid staff.
We are building what I call a simple church. We are building with Gods help, an effective church. A church that changes peoples life focus. Taking focus off of self and onto God and others. Love God and Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself! Pretty simple….not easy…but definitely simple instructions.
It is a grand adventure in love. I hope you will join us.
Special Memorial Day Service
This Sunday, Ryan Stunkle a Marine who fought and was wounded in front line action in Iraq will be addressing our church. Ryan has recently given his life to Jesus and has a whole new perspective on life since his warrior days. Bring a friend. We will be meeting at Glik Park at 8:00AM this Sunday.
God has a plan for your life! Come make it a reality with our Praise Community Fellowship family.
Love, pastor Kent
As you are all aware of we are moving June 1st to a new location. There will be things we have to figure out when we get there. There will be "things" that we will need to address. What things? I don't know yet but I can assure you there will be things. Again, since we have no staff, there will be people volunteering to figure out what we need and how to make it happen. Now on the surface you may think that I am hinting that we need to have paid staff, that is not what I am saying at all. PCF is a group of people who have a desire to put the Great Commission into practice and we are doing so without the complications and the cost of having a paid staff.
Matthew 22:36-40
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
It is a grand adventure in love. I hope you will join us.
Special Memorial Day Service
This Sunday, Ryan Stunkle a Marine who fought and was wounded in front line action in Iraq will be addressing our church. Ryan has recently given his life to Jesus and has a whole new perspective on life since his warrior days. Bring a friend. We will be meeting at Glik Park at 8:00AM this Sunday.
God has a plan for your life! Come make it a reality with our Praise Community Fellowship family.
Love, pastor Kent
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
What are you looking For?
It seems that in this life we are in a constant search for "something." And I have noticed that that "something" seems to change as soon as we get to it. I thought I wanted "this", but now I want "that" because I'm pretty sure "that" will make me happier than "this!"
Know what I mean?
The church should be a place of transformation.
People are too busy, too broken, too worn out, and too frustrated to go to a church where God isn't working.
Prayer: God, please come into my life today and help me to hear your voice and then give me the courage and the strength to step out in faith and begin implementing your instructions. Amen
TONIGHT: The Garden Club will be meeting at LeClaire park on Madison Avenue Edwardsville, at 6:30. Topic tonight…Sharing Your Joy. If it is raining the meeting will be at Panera St. Louis Bread Company. All are welcome. Host this evening will be Linda Biarkis.
This Sunday special memorial day service at Glik park 8:00am.
See you soon. Love, pastor Kent
Know what I mean?
The church should be a place of transformation.
People are too busy, too broken, too worn out, and too frustrated to go to a church where God isn't working.
Prayer: God, please come into my life today and help me to hear your voice and then give me the courage and the strength to step out in faith and begin implementing your instructions. Amen
TONIGHT: The Garden Club will be meeting at LeClaire park on Madison Avenue Edwardsville, at 6:30. Topic tonight…Sharing Your Joy. If it is raining the meeting will be at Panera St. Louis Bread Company. All are welcome. Host this evening will be Linda Biarkis.
This Sunday special memorial day service at Glik park 8:00am.
See you soon. Love, pastor Kent
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
In case You Forgot
It's Tuesday, it's beautiful, and everything good in your life right now is from God.
We have a message: God has a plan for your life!
We have a mission: To open a conversation about Jesus with as many people as we can!
We have a method: To live our lives as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, and Healing to everyone we meet in all circumstances. OK that's not easy is it? But come on you can do it.
This coming Sunday we are having an 8:00am service in Glik park. See you there!
Love, pastor Kent
Monday, May 19, 2014
Monday Morning Thoughts
Why Church? Especially in an age when people are overbooked, in of need rest, and have limited time for their families.
This is the very question all members of all churches need to have an amazing answer to if we are going to be committed disciples of Jesus and expand His family. Imagine inviting someone to come to church with you and they ask, "WHY?" What are you going to say? Because we have some great singers? Because we are a great bunch of people? Because you will learn about Jesus?
People who are not in church are probably not interested in church. Wow, now that's profound!
Maybe we should start by asking ourselves this question. For those of you that have made church a priority in your life, why do you go to church? Be really really honest.
Now, do you think the reasons you go to church are going to be the selling points to someone who never goes to church and is not interested in church? It's a conundrum isn't it?
We are called by Jesus to make disciples of others, to reach out and tell others the wonderful gospel message. But people are too busy, and by many studies, are just not interested in church and what church stands for in "their minds!"
There was a junior high school that wanted boys to take home economics class and girls to take shop classes. They wanted to implement the program on a voluntary basis. So they sent out forms to all the boys and girls to see what type of participation rates they would have so as to plan for class size and teachers needed. When the forms came back they found that not one boy signed up for home economics but they did have several girls interested in the shop classes. This posed a dilemma to the new curriculum so the teachers came together to decide if their were going to have to make home economics mandatory. But one of the teachers came up with an idea. So the next Monday the forms were redistributed to all the students and this time when they came back nearly every boy in the school had signed up for the home economics class. So what had changed? The name of the class was changed from "home economics" to "bachelor living".
In reality the real change was the perception of the class. Church has a bad perception with many people today. Churches are judgmental, intolerant, irrelevant, and on and on according to studies done by Barna.
If a person has had a bad experience with church, which always means they had a bad experience with people, inviting them to church is probably going to be a fail UNLESS……They can see in you something extraordinarily different! What might that be? Love in action. Love is going to change the world. Love is going to change the church. Love is going to change your life. And as I said last night in my sermon, "Love is going to cost you!" You cannot love without doing something. Love always seeks to bless the object of its affection!
Who is the object of our affection? According to Jesus it is your neighbor. Who is your neighbor? Whoever God places in your path. People do not have time for church, neither do I but I can guarantee you this, most people will find time for love! Real love, non judgmental love. The kind of love that says, "I'm here what do you need?" "How can I help you?" "What are you struggling with?" Lets love people into God's church! You can start loving someone today. Step out of your comfort zone and do something wonderful for someone today. And when the time is right, the Holy Spirit will let you know when, then ask them to come to church with you. And hopefully we will be able to say with confidence, "If you think my love is special, wait until I introduce you to the rest of the family!" Wouldn't that be a group of people you would want to hang out with?" Praise Community Fellowship, we are not a church, we are a group of people putting love into action!
John 13:34-35
Mark your calendars, This coming Sunday, May 25th we will be meeting at Glik park at 8:00AM! We will not have an evening service.
Hope to see you there. God has a plan for your life and it revolves around love! Love, pastor Kent
This is the very question all members of all churches need to have an amazing answer to if we are going to be committed disciples of Jesus and expand His family. Imagine inviting someone to come to church with you and they ask, "WHY?" What are you going to say? Because we have some great singers? Because we are a great bunch of people? Because you will learn about Jesus?
People who are not in church are probably not interested in church. Wow, now that's profound!
Maybe we should start by asking ourselves this question. For those of you that have made church a priority in your life, why do you go to church? Be really really honest.
Now, do you think the reasons you go to church are going to be the selling points to someone who never goes to church and is not interested in church? It's a conundrum isn't it?
We are called by Jesus to make disciples of others, to reach out and tell others the wonderful gospel message. But people are too busy, and by many studies, are just not interested in church and what church stands for in "their minds!"
There was a junior high school that wanted boys to take home economics class and girls to take shop classes. They wanted to implement the program on a voluntary basis. So they sent out forms to all the boys and girls to see what type of participation rates they would have so as to plan for class size and teachers needed. When the forms came back they found that not one boy signed up for home economics but they did have several girls interested in the shop classes. This posed a dilemma to the new curriculum so the teachers came together to decide if their were going to have to make home economics mandatory. But one of the teachers came up with an idea. So the next Monday the forms were redistributed to all the students and this time when they came back nearly every boy in the school had signed up for the home economics class. So what had changed? The name of the class was changed from "home economics" to "bachelor living".
In reality the real change was the perception of the class. Church has a bad perception with many people today. Churches are judgmental, intolerant, irrelevant, and on and on according to studies done by Barna.
If a person has had a bad experience with church, which always means they had a bad experience with people, inviting them to church is probably going to be a fail UNLESS……They can see in you something extraordinarily different! What might that be? Love in action. Love is going to change the world. Love is going to change the church. Love is going to change your life. And as I said last night in my sermon, "Love is going to cost you!" You cannot love without doing something. Love always seeks to bless the object of its affection!
Who is the object of our affection? According to Jesus it is your neighbor. Who is your neighbor? Whoever God places in your path. People do not have time for church, neither do I but I can guarantee you this, most people will find time for love! Real love, non judgmental love. The kind of love that says, "I'm here what do you need?" "How can I help you?" "What are you struggling with?" Lets love people into God's church! You can start loving someone today. Step out of your comfort zone and do something wonderful for someone today. And when the time is right, the Holy Spirit will let you know when, then ask them to come to church with you. And hopefully we will be able to say with confidence, "If you think my love is special, wait until I introduce you to the rest of the family!" Wouldn't that be a group of people you would want to hang out with?" Praise Community Fellowship, we are not a church, we are a group of people putting love into action!
John 13:34-35
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Hope to see you there. God has a plan for your life and it revolves around love! Love, pastor Kent
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Tonights service, "What Do You Want To Build?"
I hope you will join us this evening as we prepare for chapter two in Praise Community Fellowship's journey. Every new beginning comes from another new beginnings end.
See you tonight at 6:30! Love, pastor Kent
The following is a letter from our board president Rusty Burian:
I hope you will join us this evening as we prepare for chapter two in Praise Community Fellowship's journey. Every new beginning comes from another new beginnings end.
See you tonight at 6:30! Love, pastor Kent
The following is a letter from our board president Rusty Burian:
Dear friends,
Today I experienced something that touched me deeply. When I was leaving our local Schnucks store there was a gentleman wearing a VFW hat, sitting on a stool, collecting for the VFW. I dropped a donation in the container and he thanked me and handed me a "red poppy", which the VFW has handed out for many years. I thanked him for his service and asked him when he served. He told me he served in the Navy during the Korean War. I told him my father served in World War II and our son served in Afghanistan. We continued to talk about the many, many soldiers, both men and women, who have been seriously injured and the many who have lost their lives defending our freedom. He asked if my father was still alive and I told him dad died in 2005. He asked because he had the honor to assist on an "Honor Flight" with WWII veterans. As continued to talk I noticed tears falling down his face from the corner of his eyes. At that point I felt the passion and the love this gentleman had for his country and fellow servicemen. I thanked him for his service and proceeded to my car. Next weekend is Memorial Day. It is the official beginning of the grilling season and many people will be gathering with family and friends to celebrate the 3 day weekend. Attendance is low in most churches at a time when churches probably should be full. We should be thanking God for servicemen and women, like the gentleman I met this morning. We need pray for all the families of fallen servicemen and women and pray for the saftey of those who continue to serve.
If you cannot attend church this weekend, please take a moment to say a prayer for our military, police, firefighters and emergency responders. Thank them for their service and pray for their saftey.
Sincerely, Rusty
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Make Me Number 1
June 1st we are moving into our new facility the Crystal Garden. It's a beautiful place to have worship and fellowship. I'm excited, the board is excited, and we should be because we are opening a new chapter in the book of Praise Community Fellowship.
But moving from one place to another doesn't change God. He still has one requirement. To make Him number one in our lives. Jesus said it like this:
But moving from one place to another doesn't change God. He still has one requirement. To make Him number one in our lives. Jesus said it like this:
Matthew 22:36-40
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Our ministry has its foundation on this verse. To love God and to love one another. Love requires action to be realized. To love people as much as we love ourselves……that is huge! As I write this I am getting hungry, so are millions of people all over the world. What will Praise Community Fellowship do to show others that we love them as much as we love ourselves? Let us not only count the ways but fulfill them.
God has a plan for all of us! Hope to see you soon. Love, pastor Kent
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Wednesday Thoughts
Be the answer to someones prayers this week! How you might ask?
Ask God to show you! He will! Just watch and listen. There is opportunity all around you!
Click link below
Do Something
NOTE: No Garden Club this evening.
See you soon. Love, pastor Kent
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Do you remember?
The following email was sent out by me on January 9th, 2012 after our first meeting in the basement of Jim and Sue Ebersoldt's home.
Love, Kent
Do you remember the excitement, the commitment, the blessing we all received? Well get ready for Chapter 2 of Praise Community Fellowship. On June 1st we will be moving to our new location, The Crystal Garden located at 1230 University Drive Edwardsville, less than 1/4 mile from where we are now. This is a fabulously unique facility to have our worship services and to reach out to the unchurched. See what I underlined in my first email to all of you in the letter above? God is in control of this journey! Write that on your hearts. This journey is about fulfilling what God wants this unique, crazy bunch of people to fulfill. And guess what? God has a plan for your life. Now is the time I need people to step up. We are being given another very unique opportunity to lift up God and His son Jesus to people who do not yet know Him. Do you know what all of us are? Salesmen and women for Jesus and all that He offers.
We are going to need creative energy and effort, and prayers, as we continue to do Gods work. So let me re-use a line or two from the letter I sent out after our very first meeting:
Be uplifted and excited. Let love, compassion, forgiveness and healing fill all of your hearts and dominate your life. And most important, talk with God every day and ask Him for direction. He really does hear and answer, but we must keep an open mind and willing heart to know His direction.
Love, pastor Kent
Last night’s fellowship group aka "The Flash Mob church" was a gathering inspired by the Holy Spirit. People thru the ages have been brought together by Gods calling for many reasons. One story that comes to mind when I think about our new beginning are the Hebrew people who left Egypt and started a journey to the promised land.
I like that analogy for our group because that is exactly where we find ourselves at this moment in time. We have stepped out in faith into the unknown on a journey that promises to be exciting. Yet, we are not sure exactly where it is we are going. One of the lessons to be learned from the Hebrews flight from Egypt on their journey to the promised land is: Listen closely to Gods prompting and direction. Pray for guidance, be patient, and watch and listen closely for the opportunities that God will show us. It was the straying from God's directions that kept the Hebrews from entering the promised land for 40 years.
Let me share with you something I have learned over the years about praying and listening for God's direction and this is very important. " Do not have a pre conceived idea of what God wants this group to do or become!"
God's ways are not mans ways. God will, through all of us, bring into focus what our mission will be. It could be something that we have not even considered and may be something that we least expect. Whatever it is you can rest assured that it will bring huge blessings to many as long as we do our part by staying close to God’s word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We will talk about all this more as we move forward. In the mean time we will continue to gather to sing, worship, fellowship and listen for Gods direction.
To everyone who attended Last night. Blessings to you, be uplifted and excited. Let love, compassion, forgiveness and healing fill all of your hearts and dominate your life. And most important, talk with God every day and ask Him for direction. He really does hear and answer, but we must keep an open mind and willing heart to know His direction.
Do you remember the excitement, the commitment, the blessing we all received? Well get ready for Chapter 2 of Praise Community Fellowship. On June 1st we will be moving to our new location, The Crystal Garden located at 1230 University Drive Edwardsville, less than 1/4 mile from where we are now. This is a fabulously unique facility to have our worship services and to reach out to the unchurched. See what I underlined in my first email to all of you in the letter above? God is in control of this journey! Write that on your hearts. This journey is about fulfilling what God wants this unique, crazy bunch of people to fulfill. And guess what? God has a plan for your life. Now is the time I need people to step up. We are being given another very unique opportunity to lift up God and His son Jesus to people who do not yet know Him. Do you know what all of us are? Salesmen and women for Jesus and all that He offers.
We are going to need creative energy and effort, and prayers, as we continue to do Gods work. So let me re-use a line or two from the letter I sent out after our very first meeting:
Be uplifted and excited. Let love, compassion, forgiveness and healing fill all of your hearts and dominate your life. And most important, talk with God every day and ask Him for direction. He really does hear and answer, but we must keep an open mind and willing heart to know His direction.
Love, pastor Kent
Monday, May 12, 2014
Mondays Thoughts
Praise Community Fellowship is a name, it is not a place. It is a name that a group of people voted on a couple of years ago. It is a name that is and will be associated with what this group of people represent to the community. Community being people that we (Praise Community Fellowship) impact through our ministry.
Praise Community Fellowship is evolving. We are learning and continue to seek what God wants us to become. I have two bible verses I want all of you to write on your hearts.
More keys to the Kingdom. If you learn to adopt these two verses to your life. Your life is going to change. You will begin to experience blessings of Peace and Joy that only God can provide.
Praise Community Fellowship, a grand experiment in love.
We are looking for people who want a new path for their life. A path that Jesus laid out as a better way to live. There is a change in the wind. I will be telling you more soon.
God has a plan for your life!
Love, pastor Kent
Praise Community Fellowship is evolving. We are learning and continue to seek what God wants us to become. I have two bible verses I want all of you to write on your hearts.
Philippians 2:3-4
3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
In other words all decisions we make, we being the church, must be made not for ourselves but for the benefit of others. Look at this verse carefully, meditate on it because it contains keys to the Kingdom. We are servants! When you decide to become an active Christian, you are expected to be a servant! Christ illustrated this fact over and over with His life. He said, " For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
The other verse I want us to write on our hearts is:
Luke 6:27-31
Love for Enemies
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. 31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Praise Community Fellowship, a grand experiment in love.
We are looking for people who want a new path for their life. A path that Jesus laid out as a better way to live. There is a change in the wind. I will be telling you more soon.
God has a plan for your life!
Love, pastor Kent
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Just a reminder that PCF is going to serve Breakfast at the Ronald McDonald House on May 18. If anyone would like to participate, please meet in the church before the service evening. See Donna Bower.
Special mothers day service tonight, hope to see you there.
Love, pastor Kent
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Feeling Blessed?
On this Beautiful Saturday morning I say with the Psalmist, "This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!"
And, because most of you receiving this can go outside and enjoy this beautiful day before Mother's day, please take time today and lift the following people in prayer:
1.) Jolynn Gregor a member of the Raise the Praise choir and a member of Esic Baptist church who has just found out she has a mass in her brain.
2.) Gerry Godin who is homebound and on oxygen, he just turned 83.
3.) Stan Rutkowski who is still at Edwardsville Care Center waiting for healing, he really wants to come home.
4.) Allen Cassens who is battling cancer and several other issues in Florida, who would also like to come home.
5.) Rick Johnson who drove all the way from Pankerville Louisiana to sing with the African Vision of Hope Raise the Praise Choir a month ago. He has a a serious surgery and needs healing.
6.) Faye Heuchert who has a foot needing healing.
And pray for mothers all over the world that they may all come to know Jesus and become a powerful force in His plan to bring justice and peace and love into this hurting world.
Prayer is powerful. But satan does not want us to pray. So, when you get this and decide to let someone else do the praying for these people, just know that that is exactly what satan hopes we all do. Less prayer, less power. More prayer, more power. You choose.
Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
God has a plan for our life and that plan includes us praying!
Mothers day service tomorrow 6:30PM. Hope to see you there! Love, pastor Kent
And, because most of you receiving this can go outside and enjoy this beautiful day before Mother's day, please take time today and lift the following people in prayer:
1.) Jolynn Gregor a member of the Raise the Praise choir and a member of Esic Baptist church who has just found out she has a mass in her brain.
2.) Gerry Godin who is homebound and on oxygen, he just turned 83.
3.) Stan Rutkowski who is still at Edwardsville Care Center waiting for healing, he really wants to come home.
4.) Allen Cassens who is battling cancer and several other issues in Florida, who would also like to come home.
5.) Rick Johnson who drove all the way from Pankerville Louisiana to sing with the African Vision of Hope Raise the Praise Choir a month ago. He has a a serious surgery and needs healing.
6.) Faye Heuchert who has a foot needing healing.
And pray for mothers all over the world that they may all come to know Jesus and become a powerful force in His plan to bring justice and peace and love into this hurting world.
Prayer is powerful. But satan does not want us to pray. So, when you get this and decide to let someone else do the praying for these people, just know that that is exactly what satan hopes we all do. Less prayer, less power. More prayer, more power. You choose.
James 5:14-16 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another,that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
God has a plan for our life and that plan includes us praying!
Mothers day service tomorrow 6:30PM. Hope to see you there! Love, pastor Kent
Friday, May 9, 2014
Mother's Day
This Sunday is Mother's Day. We will be looking at a very special woman in the bible. This story is for all mothers AND for everyone who has ever had a mother. Know anyone like that?
Come join us in our journey. Praise Community Fellowship continues to seek God and all that He has for us. It's an unpredictable journey but since God is in control, it's going to turn out wonderful.
Mom's I hope to see you this Sunday for a special message.
God has a plan for mom's too!
Love, pastor Kent
Come join us in our journey. Praise Community Fellowship continues to seek God and all that He has for us. It's an unpredictable journey but since God is in control, it's going to turn out wonderful.
Mom's I hope to see you this Sunday for a special message.
God has a plan for mom's too!
Love, pastor Kent
Ronald McDonald House
The Mission board has a project coming up. PCF is going to serve Breakfast at the Ronald McDonald House on May 18. If anyone would like to participate, please meet in the church before this Sunday evening services for more information.
1 Peter 5:7
7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Isaiah 26:3
3 You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
Philippians 4:6
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
See you Sunday. Love, pastor Kent
See you Sunday. Love, pastor Kent
Thursday, May 8, 2014
It's Thursday, "Got Problems?"
No matter what problems you are facing in life, always start here:
Get right with God. Get to know Him, love Him, trust Him.
Philippians 4:6
John 15:4-5
4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;apart from me you can do nothing.
See you Sunday. Love, pastor Kent
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
A thought for Wednesday
Why do so many teachers in our public school system continue to fight for fewer students in the classroom while many preachers continue to want more and more people in their classroom (the church)?
Very Interesting, I think the teachers may be on to something!
Tonight Garden Club at 6:30….yes we are moving it back to 6:30. The Garden Club is an open forum discussion group. You never know where God will lead the topics. Tonight we will meet at Glik Park under the big pavilion. Bring your bible. Hope you can make it!
So much to learn and talk about. I hope to see you soon. Love, pastor Kent
Very Interesting, I think the teachers may be on to something!
Tonight Garden Club at 6:30….yes we are moving it back to 6:30. The Garden Club is an open forum discussion group. You never know where God will lead the topics. Tonight we will meet at Glik Park under the big pavilion. Bring your bible. Hope you can make it!
So much to learn and talk about. I hope to see you soon. Love, pastor Kent
Monday, May 5, 2014
Note from Sheryl
So sorry PCF Friends - When I sent this out last time, I FORGOT to include date and time for the book mark work day........ which would be very helpful to all of you!!! 

PCF Book Mark Project Work Day - THURSDAY MAY 8, 2014 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm:
ALL AGES ARE WELCOME and encouraged to participate in the bookmark project. If you still have new or used cards to donate, please bring them Thursday. All other supplies will be provided.
Thanks, Sheryl Burian - 618-806-4623
Weeks Assignment
Pray to God every day this week and ask Him to help you focus on hearing His voice. That is the small voice of the Holy Spirit that speaks to us within to give us Gods wisdom and guidance about our life. Listen for the voice, yes, but then obey by responding. There is always blessing in obedience!
God has so much blessing for us backlogged and stacked up in heaven that is going unclaimed. Why? Because there are so few listening to His voice and then being obedient. There is always blessing in obedience!
Claim your blessings starting today. Listen to the still small voice and then, as Jennifer said last night in her sermon, "Do Something!"
Sign up for Gods plan today! How? Listen to Him.
See you soon. Love, pastor Kent
God has so much blessing for us backlogged and stacked up in heaven that is going unclaimed. Why? Because there are so few listening to His voice and then being obedient. There is always blessing in obedience!
Claim your blessings starting today. Listen to the still small voice and then, as Jennifer said last night in her sermon, "Do Something!"
Sign up for Gods plan today! How? Listen to Him.
See you soon. Love, pastor Kent
Saturday, May 3, 2014
We all have a Ministry
Sheryl Burian is planning a project to make bookmarks for residents of local nursing homes. She has also volunteered to start a youth group. Below is a message from Sheryl.
PCF Book Mark Project Work Day:
ALL AGES ARE WELCOME and encouraged to participate in the bookmark project. All who participate on the work day are asked to bring a pair of scissors. All other supplies will be provided.
Attention PCF Youth 7th - 12th:
If you are interested in participating in PCF Youth Group, please contact me as soon as you can!
Sheryl Burian
I hope you will join us this Sunday at 6:30 for communion and worship.
See you soon. Love, pastor Kent

Friday, May 2, 2014
Us and Them
It seems to me there are only two kinds of people in the world. Gods children and Gods children who don't realize they are Gods children.
I wonder what my responsibility is as one of God's children?
Communion this Sunday. I hope you will join us. It's good to meet with your brothers and sisters and develop a plan to help re-establish the relationship. You have a ministry waiting for you.
Love, pastor Kent.
I wonder what my responsibility is as one of God's children?
Communion this Sunday. I hope you will join us. It's good to meet with your brothers and sisters and develop a plan to help re-establish the relationship. You have a ministry waiting for you.
Love, pastor Kent.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Try it, it works!
Prayer: Dear God let your love and wisdom flow through me today in every circumstance I face. Let me be Jesus to someone. And please allow the Holy Spirit to remind me of this prayer if I forget! Thank you. Amen
God has a ministry waiting for each of us to fulfill! Let the adventure begin today.
See you Sunday. Love, Pastor Kent
God has a ministry waiting for each of us to fulfill! Let the adventure begin today.
See you Sunday. Love, Pastor Kent
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