Saturday, May 30, 2015


Just a reminder that service tomorrow will be at 12:00 noon. Come and support your PCF family.

Psalm 118:24This is the day the Lord has made;  We will rejoice and be glad in it.

No matter where you go, what you do, what you think, God is there! He see's He hears, He knows, He loves you because you are His child. 

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Friday, May 29, 2015


The visitation for Randy's dad is at the Dewey United Methodist Church in Granite City from 1 til 2 pm with a service immediately following. The church is located at 2138 Dewey Ave. Granite City Il.

I incorrectly said the UCC church in my last message.

Pastor kent

Live Like Jesus

Funeral services for Randy Belling's dad will be at Dewey United Church of Christ, Granite City on Sunday May 31st from 1 to 2 pm.

The bible is thick and contains unlimited wisdom! There are also many things in the bible that people disagree on. My suggestion is this, Keep it simple! Live like Jesus! Pray for guidance, love, forgive, show compassion, help people!

John 14:6-7Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Randy's dad has gone on to be with the Lord!

Love one another!  pastor kent

We are all Fragile…A Summer Prayer!

Prayer Request: Randy Belling's father is in the Hospital at Christian NE in St. Louis. He is in very poor health. Please lift up Randy's family and dad in prayer. "Father God creator of all things, please bring your peace on Randy's father and give the family peace and strength. Surround Randy's dad with the love of Jesus removing all fear and giving him your Joy as he transitions from this life to you! In Jesus name, Amen.

It's summer! There are so many wonderful and beautiful things to experience this time of year and yet we must always remind ourselves that each and every one of us have a limited time on this earth. I was listening to a preacher on the radio yesterday talking about the end times, the coming of Jesus. He was talking about what must take place before Jesus returns. The bottom line is this, Jesus could return for you or me at any moment! Therefore we must always be ready. Live a life of gratitude, love, peace, joy to the best of your ability! I am going to see Stan in a few minutes. I look at Stan and see what he has endured and what he must continue to endure and also see his love for God and his hope and I am quickly reminded of just how blessed I am.

We forget! We take for granted! We get caught up in the things of this world! We all do!

"God, forgive me for my self inflicted separation from you. Forgive my ungratefulness. Forgive me of all my selfishness and self centered focus. teach me to see you and hear you in all things. Help me to keep you as the central focus of my life. Thank you for all my blessings which are many! All good things are from you and I am grateful! Thank you! Amen.

Celebrate your life with love, forgiveness, kindness, compassion, sharing, caring, and a close walk with God!

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Snookie, Bonni's mom is home, thank you for your prayers.

Stan is out of the hospital and at Edwardsville care center on St. Mary Drive and 143. Please continue to lift Stan in prayer for healing.

This coming Sunday will be our last 12:00 noon service! BUT…..BUT…….BUT….NOT our last service!  We will have service every Sunday all summer at 9:00 AM!   We are going to share the 9:00 AM service time with Immanuel Methodist! It's a perfect solution to the summer schedule when many people are traveling and busy. One big happy family this summer. Pastor Jackie and I will be sharing the role as pastor on Sundays.

All is good! The PCF music team will also be sharing the music responsibility with the Immanuel Methodist music team. Don't Worry….Be Happy!

I'll see you soon!
Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

In Case You are Wondering!

News: Stan will be transferred to Edwardsville Nursing and Rehab located on the corner of St. Mary Drive and Route 143 in Edwardsville. He will be there for about 6 weeks. Please stop by for a visit and keep Stan in your prayers

Last night we had to take "Snookie" Bonni's mom to the hospital in Granite City. She is in the ICU with undetermined heart issue. Please lift her in prayer. I will keep you posted.

PCF will meet this next Sunday for our last 12:00 noon service. 
Starting in June we will be meeting at 9:00AM every Sunday for shared worship with Immanuel Methodist congregation. Bonni and I are are going to be sharing responsibilities for Sunday worship with Pastor Jackie and with the Immanuel Methodist Praise Team. Bonni and I are going to use this Summer schedule to "recharge" our spiritual batteries. I am very dedicated to this church and it's future! So, if there are any rumors contrary to that I am dispelling them now. But, that being said, I really do need to recharge my spiritual batteries! This new time and combined schedule gives me a much needed respite and I can assure you I will use this time wisely. It was very nice coming to worship this past Sunday to be "in" the congregation.

Bonni and I will be attending a pastoral conference in Chicago in a few weeks as well as taking time to travel a bit. We both are looking forward to a re-energized future and have some plans that we will be sharing a little later this Summer. We are a great little church that has and will continue to introduce people to Jesus.

The SAKS program will be starting and if you would like to be part of this wonderful program of feeding kids lunches please contact Faye Heuchert at 618-444-5650.

See you soon. If you need a visit or have any questions call me at 618-334-3575.
Love, pastor kent

Friday, May 22, 2015

Time Change This Sunday!

This Sunday's service will be at 9:00AM! Please get the word out! 

I decided to change the time because of all the activities families have planned for this holiday weekend.  Please make note of this. This Sunday, May 24th, we will merge our service with Immanuel's service at 9:00AM!

I hope to see you Sunday at 9:00AM! Pastor Jackie will be leading worship and she is wonderful! 

When you go to the beach!
When you go to hear your favorite concert band!
When you are laying by the pool! 
When you are enjoying the fresh produce!
When you are having a glass of wine with friends!
When you are having a weekend Bar-B-Q!
When you are on the lake boating and fishing!
When you go camping!


James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.

Tune into God this Summer!

Announcements: Stan Rutkowski had surgery yesterday. Please continue to lift him up in prayer.

Keep the Spirit Alive!
Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why We Were Created?

King David basically asked that same question about 3,000 years ago.

Psalm 8:3-4  When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,  what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?
We were created to love, because we were created in God's own image. Have you noticed that it is, for most people, much more pleasurable to experience life with someone you love? It is more fun to share a meal, beauty, a fine glass of wine, a concert, an event, a sunrise or sunset with someone you really care about. It enhances the experience! Why? Because we were created to be in a relationship with one another and with our creator. We were created to share and to love. God created us for His enjoyment. He wanted to share His creation with us so that we could reflect His glory back to Him with gratitude and Joy!

When we come together to worship it is better to worship with people who care for one another. We gather to share the experience of worship which is showing our gratitude for the life God has given each of us. Come share with us this Sunday at 12:00 noon 800 North Main.  We will change our time of worship to 9:00AM starting Sunday, June 7th. 

Prayers requested: I visited with Stan Rutkowski today at St. Louis University Hospital. Stan has been battling a health condition for over a year now. He is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning! Please take the time to lift Stan in Prayer. He has been through a terrible time and is looking forward to getting well so he can join us in worship again soon. 

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

Friday, May 15, 2015

Very Important News!

1.) There will be NO church service this Sunday instead, there is going to be an outdoor church parking lot picnic. There will be food, cotton candy, games, music, and car show. Brad Joiner is cooking along with other volunteers. Everyone is invited to participate. Those interested in helping with the event can dress casually, come to the 9:00 Contemporary Service at Immanuel Methodist and then help set up and or man a table or booth at the event. 

2.) PCF service schedule is changing for the summer. Starting in June, Pastor Jackie and I have decided to share the 9:00AM service time. PCF will meet and lead worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and Immanuel will lead worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays! This way there will be church every Sunday at 9:00AM. Pastor Jackie and I hope the 2 congregations will get to know one another better and that we can do some wonderful things with this arrangement. This will be the first time since we have started PCF that we are going to have regular morning worship times! We thank Immanuel Methodist Leadership for this opportunity!

3.) Ryan Stunkel gives the keynote talk for the Alton Kiwanis at Lewis and Clark Community College.  
The breakfast will be held at the Lewis and Clark Community Commons on Tuesday May 19th and will begin at 7:30a.m. with the presentation of the colors by VFW Post 1308. The ceremony will end at 9:30a.m.  For more information you can call club secretary John McDaniels at 466-3819 or Jerry Gibson at 466-0158.

4.) Sunday, May 24th, I will be addressing some of our changes that we are initiating. Please come to find out about the possibilities that lay before us! Good things are happening!

Jeremiah 29:11-1311 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Thursday, May 14, 2015


When I was young, a long time ago, my friend Danny and I would play Monopoly in the summer. We would swim until we were exhausted and then we would go up to our basement and start these ongoing Monopoly games. Ongoing because there were times when we would play the same game for days. Building our properties with houses and hotels. We would play until someone would go bankrupt and then start all over. But we did something one summer that eventually ruined our appetite for the game. We changed the rules. Instead of doling out the amount of money that the games rules stated, we would start the game with twice as much money or sometimes three times as much. Although this was very exciting at first, we found out that the game was no longer as fun and challenging and as I recall that was the last time Danny and I ever played the game again. True story!

Christianity is not a game. We change, society changes, our lives change in many ways, but the bible says this about Jesus:

Hebrews 13:8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

There are going to be some changes to our service soon. But the reason for our service, Jesus, will remain the same. A real person who came to earth to make changes in our relationship with God. He will be the focus and the reason for our worship!

REMINDER!  NO CHURCH this Sunday due to Immanuel Methodist parking lot party! There will be food, games, music, car show. All are welcome to attend.

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Sad news for one of our members Mark Allen who's mother just passed away Monday from a stroke. Mark and Jill have been with us for several years. Mark recently was at our church taking photos to update our webpage. Mark and Jill are Kerry and Jenny Baugher's brother and sister-in-law, Jenny and Jill are sisters. Please lift up Mark and his family in prayer for comfort and peace.

The visitation will be at the Kutis funeral home in Lemay Ferry tomorrow from 4:00-8:00 and the funeral will be Thursday at noon.

Sincerely, pastor kent

Monday, May 11, 2015

Yesterday's Sermon

Yesterday I used John 2:1-10 as my text. Jesus turns water into wine. A highlight in that text is when Marry says to the the servants, "What ever He says to you, do it!"

I commented that Jesus takes our ordinary, our lack and our emptiness, and by obedience, can turn them into a celebration, a party, a blessing! Do what Jesus taught and watch your life turn from the ordinary into the extraordinary! Here is what the bible says:

John 14:23 
Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Next Sunday there is NO SERVICE! Immanuel Methodist is having their annual summer picnic. We will resume the following week on the 24th. Please help get the word out to those who may not be on the blog! Thank you. We are all invited to attend their festivities.

Immanuel Methodist wants to know if any one has a set of "washers" or "lawn darts" they could borrow for their parking lot party? If so please contact Rhonda Grammar at 618-444-4871. Thank you.

Stay tuned into the Blog for announcements about this summers schedule! See you in a couple of weeks!  Board meeting this Thursday at 6:30 in the church basement, all are welcome to attend!

Love, pastor kent

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's day Service

Tomorrow we will gather and take a look at a famous Mother and her relationship with her children. I hope you will bring your mother and join us at 12:00 noon.

Mothers day:
"If evolution really works, how come mothers still have only two hands?"  Milton Berle

"The Phrase "working mother" is redundant!"  Jane Sellman

Church is a time to focus on God and all He has done in your life. It is also a time to reconnect with the Holy Spirit. Come be filled. See you tomorrow!

Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Are you Happy?

An interesting simple survey was recently completed. Interesting because the original survey was conducted in 1938 in Britain. The question: "What is Happiness?"

The 226 respondents were then asked to rank what 10 factors made them happy in order of importance.
The top 3:
1.) Security made the top spot!
2.) Knowledge made the number 2 spot!
3.) Religion made the number three spot!

Now 76 years later in 2015 the same question was asked and 489 people responded. The new top 3: Leisure, Good humor, and Security. The report did not list the order but it did say that religion has fallen to, you guessed it….number 10, last on the list!

The study is definitely not a real scientific study. For one thing, it depends on how people define religion. I would probably list "religion" at the bottom of the list too.

But one thing for sure, church, however you define that, is definitely not a priority for many today. Again I can see why. But let me give you a thought. God is a relational God. He wants to be in a full blown, intimate relationship with us. We have the Holy Spirit within us. He made all of us to be in a relationship with one another. A loving, caring, sharing, helping, forgiving, come to the rescue relationship with one another. Can that happen outside the church? Absolutely, but the church offers something that no other gathering does, God as the focus. It is once a week we come together with God as our focus! Sure we can go to our friends house and go on vacations, and meet people for dinner, and for meetings but church is the place where we come and meet and focus on God and our broken relationship with Him!

The reason for Church is to connect with God with other like minded people who agree that there is something "NOT Right" about us and the world and our relationship with God. It is at church where we struggle and sing, and question, and pray, and seek, and HOPE, that God will meet us at our brokenness! It's all we have.

Hope to see you this Sunday, Mothers day, at church! 12:00 noon 800 North Main Edwardsville, Immanuel Methodist Church.

Love, Pastor Kent

Friday, May 1, 2015

This Sunday

We will have some very special guests joining us this Sunday. Krista Kell will be bringing a van of the Beverly Farm residents to join us in our service. We will be celebrating with communion, song and message.

For those of you who are new to our church, I have a son Ben who lives at Beverly farm in Godfrey Illinois. Through the years we have adopted the residents of Beverly Farm as part of our Praise Fellowship Family. Two of our Praise team singers, Krista Kell and Lori Rodgers are employed there. Beverly Farm is located on Humbert Road in Godfrey Illinois and is the home to approximately 380 residents. Beverly farm is a small community located on approximately 240 acres where people with mental and physical handicaps live ad enjoy life. You can find out more about Beverly Farm Here.

This Sunday's sermon topic, What's The Big Deal?

Reminder: On the first Sunday of each month we collect non perishable food items and personal care items for Glen-Ed Pantry.  Thank you.

See you Sunday, 12:00 noon 800 North Main, Edwardsville in the Immanuel Methodist Church!

Love, pastor kent