Saturday, February 20, 2016

The #1 reason You Aren't Hearing from God

That is why we find it so hard to hear from God.
That is why we loose our way.
That is why we aren't walking in His Kingdom more frequently and enjoying the Peace and Joy that exists there.

Come this Sunday at 9:00am, 800 North Main Edwardsville and join us in a time of worship and praise as we learn how to "Make Our Lives Amazing With God's Direction!"

Pastor Kent and the PCF worship team will be leading worship this Sunday. My prayer for every service is that God will send His Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of everyone who attends! Don't be distracted by something that keeps you from attending!

Prayer request Updates:
Chuck Weiss is coming home today with a new pacemaker!
Leslie Archer, in intensive care but is starting to respond!
Emily Bastholm has had eye surgery and is doing better!
Tom Schuette, my nephew healing for partial amputation of his finger.
Linda Cassens, Healing for lung problems
Jeff Wiles, healing for gall bladder issues
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Beverly Farm: in need of employees and funding
Krista Kell: healing for her leg and back
The children of Zambia, in need of food due to severe drought and the African Vision of Hope mission tea

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist, Two congregations coming together as one to worship God and bring the love of Jesus to the community.

This is your invitation! Join us and see what God will do in your life!
Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

This Sunday!

Your Kingdom Come and Your Will Be Done In My Life, Here and Now!

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship. I will be finishing the series, "Making Your Life Amazing With God's Direction!" I will be talking about allowing the Kingdom of God into your Life and the effects it will have on you and the people around you!

We will meet at 800 North Main in Edwardsville at 9:00am. Come and experience what is like to be part of this Unique Christian family! We are 2 separate congregations, Praise Community Fellowship a multi-denominational church, and Immanuel United Methodist, a Methodist congregation all meeting together in One Service! INSANE...I know but wonderful! 

Never been to church before?  Perfect you will fit right in!
Been to church and hated it?   I understand, come with an open mind and leave anytime you want!
Not sure if there is a God?       Wonderful, many people wonder that throughout their life!
I don't have a suit or dress?     Neither did Jesus or His disciples, come as you are!
Sunday is my sleep-in Day!    I don't have a good response to that one yet, except listen to the sermons on line at until you can get your lazy self up some Sunday and join the fun!

We are doing stuff for the Kingdom! Come and be part. 

We believe in the power of prayer. Please Pray for:
Leslie Archer, in intensive care in a coma in need of healing
Linda Cassens, Healing for lung problems
Jeff Wiles, healing for gall bladder issues
Chuck Weiss, healing.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Emily Bastholm, healing for eye condition.
Beverly Farm: in need of employees and funding
Krista Kell: healing for her leg and back
The children of Zambia, in need of food due to severe drought and the African Vision of Hope mission team

Dear God let your Kingdom Come and let it come into my heart today so that I may share that Kingdom with others! Amen

See you Sunday! Free Coffee...PS we need servers for this Sunday! Free Donuts! Great music, Great fellowship! Love, pastor Kent

Monday, February 15, 2016

WANTED....Someone willing to follow instructions!

God is looking for a few good people. All candidates should be willing to listen carefully to instructions and be willing to follow through on all assignments. Not all assignments will be easy! However all assignments will be rewarding and bring healing to your heart.

You can make a difference! It's all-out bringing a glimpse of God's Kingdom into this world and there are so many ways to do it. The world is longing for God's love and bringing that love into reality is up to you and me!

How about this: Hayden Godfrey, a senior in high school, saved his money from working at McDonalds and another restaurant for a whole year so he could buy a carnation for every girl in high school. That's 400 flowers!  He said it was so worth it seeing that no girl was left out on valentines day. How many ways of bringing love into this world can you think of?

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist are reaching into the community with the Free Lunchbox Program for Kids. Every Saturday we pack and deliver lunches to kids in our area that are at risk for hunger. This is a wonderful ministry!  We will be buying gloves and hats this week to add to their lunch bags because this past Saturday, as cold as it was, most of the kids were showing up without hats and gloves. We asked, and most of them said they didn't have any!  Want to help? Call Faye Heuchert at 618-444-5650 or Pastor Kent at 618-334-3575. God will smile and so will the kids! Anyone is welcome to get involved.

We have people who need prayer:
Linda Cassens, Healing for lung problems
Jeff Wiles, healing for gall bladder issues
Chuck Weiss, healing.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Emily Bastholm, healing for eye condition.
Beverly Farm: in need of employees and funding
Krista Kell: healing for her leg and back

Work needed: Young single mom out of work looking for painting jobs. Has teaching degree but needs work now. Do you have any rooms needing painting or know of anyone who does?  Call pastor Kent. 618-334-3575

Is God putting a "Love Out Loud" idea in your heart? Something that will bring a blessing to someone who needs a blessing? Don't miss the opportunity to make a difference!

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Friday, February 12, 2016

Special Prayer Request

Leslie Archer, wife of Dave Archer, a regular RTP singer, supporter and friend, is in need of healing prayer. Leslie was take to St. Louis University hospital and is in intensive care with bleeding in the brain. I do not have any other information at this time but prayers are needed.

Sincerely, pastor Kent

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Because We Promised!

Every Saturday at 8:00am about 65 lunches need to be packed for delivery to kids who will go hungry of we don't do it! We load the lunches into two cars which head out to 2 locations in the Edwardsville Glen Carbon area. By 10:00am all lunches have been handed out to kids in need.  We meet at Immanuel Methodist in the lower level located at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville.

Do you want to experience being the love of Jesus? Sign up for a Saturday morning. You don't have to be a member of our church or any church. We are looking for volunteers who just want to love people like Jesus called us to do. Make it a family adventure or bring a couple of friends.

We call it the Saturday Free Lunchbox Program for Kids.

What if it's cold or rainy or snowy?  The kids get hungry anyway!  We will be delivering in good weather, bad weather, cold weather, hot weather, snowy weather, we are going to be there because we told them we would be!

Here is how you can help:
We are always looking for monetary donations to help fund the lunches we buy every week.
You can sign up for a Saturday to help pack and distribute.
If you have a 4 wheel drive vehicle and we get snow, we could use you!

Who to contact:
Pastor Kent Schuette 618-334-3575
Faye Heuchert           618-444-5650

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist learning to "Love Out Loud!"

Tonight there is an Ash Wednesday Service at 6:30pm.
See you there. Love, pastor kent

Monday, February 8, 2016

The church is Your Team!

What are you focused on?

A grandfather pulled up to his grandson's little league game and saw that the score was already 16 to 0 in favor of the opposing team.  He went up to his grand son and said, "Timmy, what happened? You are losing by 16 points!"

Timmy looked up at his grandpa with complete confidence and in a very matter-of-fact voice said, "Well Yea, it's just because we haven't even been up to bat yet!"

Now that is optimism and focusing on the future from an attitude of, "Just wait until we get our chance!"

Does it appear you are loosing 16 to 0 in the top of the 1st but it feels like the bottom of the 9th?
Go to God. Tell Him you are ready to go to the plate and realize that your church is part of your team!
We are in this together!

Sermons are now on line at

Hope to see you soon!  Love, pastor kent

Friday, February 5, 2016

Sermons are now Back on the Website!

I want to let everyone know that we are again recording the sermons and you can listen to them online by going to and clicking on sermon replay. This is perfect timing since I have begun a sermon series. So if you missed that first sermon you can get caught up. This Sunday we will continue with,  "Making Your Life Amazing With God's Direction!" 

I want to thank Mark Reeder and Ken Winchester for their efforts and ability to make this happen!

Next Wednesday, February 10th we will be participating in Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 pm in the sanctuary.

Chuck Weiss, healing.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Emily Bastholm, healing for eye condition.
Cynthia Bastholm, at Alton Memorial in need of healing.
Beverly Farm: in need of employees and funding
Krista Kell: healing for her leg and back

This Sunday will be a Great Sunday: PCF Praise Team will lead worship, and we will be sharing communion! Come be part of the family! Come and be loved! All are welcome. Free Coffee and doughnuts...thanks Mom and Sandy

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist, Two taste treats in one! You have to experience it to understand it!

See you Sunday 9:00am  800 North Main Street Edwardsville!
Love, pastor kent

Thursday, February 4, 2016

This Sunday

I will continue my Series, "Making Your Life Amazing With God's Direction!" 

Romans 8:31What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

A huge part of living an amazing life with God is being able to get through Discouragement! All of us get discouraged from time to time but if we allow ourselves to get stuck in discouragement it greatly affects the quality of our life and the lives of those around us. God has given us powerful tools to beat discouragement and to come out victorious. 

I hope you will join us this Sunday at 9:00am as the Praise Community Fellowship Worship team leads the worship this Sunday with a brand new addition. We will be welcoming Rick Coy as part of our group. 

Reminder: This will be a Communion Sunday. All are welcome at the table of Grace!

Asking Prayers for:
Chuck Weiss, healing.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Emily Bastholm, healing for eye condition.
Cynthia Bastholm, at Alton Memorial in need of healing.

So gather your friends and family and we will see you Sunday at 9:00am at 800 North Main Edwardsville, Immanuel United Methodist Church. 

Two churches coming together to share in God's love. Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship, come join the family!

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Try a God Experiment!

      How would your your life change if you knew God was active in your life?

If you have an issue, a problem, a worry, try releasing control and then tune in to God with prayer and watch as God orchestrates unexpected results! Be open to letting the Holy Spirit work in your life.

The key is surrender and obedience. Remember the story of Turning Water into Wine? The three lessons taught in that story:
1.) Invite Jesus into your life.
2.) Go to Him with your problems!
3.) Do whatever Jesus says!  Listen for that still voice deep within and follow it's prompting.

It may not make sense, it may seem counterintuitive, but if it is based on love and prayer you are hearing from God's spirit. All of us need a change for the better in some area of our life. A job, a better marriage, hope, peace, we all have areas in our lives that need God's touch. Choose an area that is always there nagging you. It is that dark cloud in your life. It just won't let you go. Use the three steps. From now on whenever that cloud appears, no matter how intense or how often, as soon as it blocks your sunshine, go to God in prayer and then do whatever He says to do.

Say, "God, this dark cloud in my life is back again. I'm giving it to you because I cannot deal with it anymore. I am going to trust you to lead me with your wisdom and peace on this matter. Help me. In Jesus name. Thank you for hearing me and leading me out from under this cloud!"

No more worrying and fretting just praying and believing!
How often should you do this? Every time that cloud appears. I don't care if you get done praying this prayer and the cloud comes back, immediately go back to God in prayer.  Remember there is a spiritual entity that wants to destroy your faith and trust in God!

John 10:10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Jesus said He wants us to have life and have it abundantly. 
But do your part! You will have an active roll in whatever God has for you. He may want you to "move" out from under the cloud rather than moving the cloud from over you! God works through us!

One of my favorite stories about this very matter is about a college student who was in deep financial straights. This student, Beth, went to the on campus counselor seeking help. Beth went on and on to the counselor about all her unexpected bills and how her current job did not pay enough to make ends meet. This was a Christian campus so the counselor suggested that they pray for God's wisdom and intervention into this situation. No sooner than they finished the prayer and there was a knock at the counselors door. Another student entered the room and told Beth that the tech department had just listed a job that would pay a stipend and full tuition reimbursement.  Beth looked at the other student and said, "Thanks!" and then looked back at the counselor and without missing a beat said, " So, do you think God really hears these prayers and do you think He can really help me?"  The counselor said, "If I would have had a 2 x 4 I would have cracked her up the side of the head with it!  Beth represents all of us!  We miss Gods answers too often because we are too caught up in our clouds and our own solutions and agnenda's! 

When you discover God is real and that He will get involved in your life...well just wait and see! It's a game changer!

Please continue to lift the following people in prayer:

The Coy family.
Chuck Weiss, healing.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Emily Bastholm, healing.

This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will lead worship at 9:00am. I will continue my series on "Making Your Life Amazing With God's Direction!" 

Just a note, the blended service this past Sunday was awesome. There was choir music, contemporary music, and a wonderful message on forgiveness by pastor Jackie. 
Hope to see you Sunday! 800 North Main Edwardsville, 9:00 am.  Come join the power of two churches meeting together as one congregation! Come see what God wants to do through your life!

See you soon! Love, pastor kent