Thursday, March 31, 2016

This Sunday!

                      Whose Groove Are You Listening to?

This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship will be leading worship at 8:45AM! 

We are going to be listening how God's music is calling us to participate in a grand plan!
It's about listening to the right song! 

This Sunday is Communion Sunday. Come to the table of grace with our family.

TIME CHANGE THIS SUNDAY  Here are the new worship times effective immediately.

Joint Contemporary Worship with Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist  8:45 am.
Sunday School   9:45 am.
Traditional Immanuel Methodist Worship Service  10:45 am.

Floyd Fisher is having a mens bible study this Saturday at 8:00 am at the church. They will be looking at the 2nd chapter of the book of James. All guys are invited.

We are looking for solutions to the following:  If you have a solution or a suggestion contact me or pastor jackie.

1.) The lot behind the prayer Garden needs to be mowed. We are looking for volunteers for this Summer. Currently there is only a push mower available. Open for suggestions.

2.) The Sundays that PCF leads worship is in need of coffee and donut provider volunteers. That's twice per month.

3.) Every Saturday morning Faye Heuchert is seeking volunteers who would like to help deliver free lunches to two locations in the Edwardsville area. We are currently feeding 100 children every week. Call Faye if you can help on a Saturday. It is a good family activity!   618-656-5885

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

Monday, March 28, 2016

Certified "Anti-Sin Virus" Software Available

How successful was Satan's deception of Adam ad Eve? Satan essentially corrupted the hard drive of Adam and Eve. He installed a malware program that was genius!  The malware running in the background is this, "You don't need God! He is irrelevant to your happiness and success!" This corrupted program has been passed on through all people since the fall.

How genius is that?  Notice that even satan does not deny God, even he knew that wouldn't work. No, his corrupted program is much better. Just make God irrelevant to people!

So how can we fix this Malware?

Satan is smart but God is smarter. God knew that this malware was going to be a huge problem for His relationship with His creation. God knew that he would have to have a software fix that He could get inside each of us to restore our hard drives to His original design. The only way He could accomplish that was to get another person into the world whose hard drive was not corrupted. He accomplished that 2000 years ago with Jesus. Anyone accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior can have their corrupted hard drives restored. Jesus is the only anti-sin virus software that can overwrite the malware program Satan installed in humanity back in the Garden of Eden.

But Satan is still fighting. Even after you get your software fixed, Satan will continue to try and slip other Malware into your operating System. That is why it is so important to stay "updated" and go to church, read the bible, pray, and be in fellowship with other Christians.

How is your current operating system? Need your Hard drive Restored? Call JESUS, the only certified anti-sin virus software proven to restore corrupted human hard drives!  Call Today!

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Next Sunday our worship time changes to 8:45am. Please help get the word out!

Prayers requested:
Linda Daniel, healing from severe asthma.
Stan Rutkowski, healing and blessing.
Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson Connor, for successful operation for severe head trauma.

See You Soon! Love, pastor kent

Friday, March 25, 2016

Pick a Church, Go! And Listen Carefully!

Ham, deviled eggs, easter eggs, family, friends, meals, conversations, chocolate bunnies, easter baskets....Church????   I know it's a tough decision. There is so much to do.

Whatever church you decide to attend this Sunday, my prayer is that God's Holy Spirit will speak to YOU. That you will have an experience with the living God! When you enter a church with an expectant heart, God may use a song, the message, a moment of silence, a prayer, someone at the service, a smile, a handshake or a hug to open your heart to hearing the Holy Spirit and what He has for YOU! The pastor and the choir are only vessels for God to speak through. Come seeking God's voice within the service of worship.

Immanuel United Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship. Two different Christian groups of people who are breaking the rules! Meeting together in joint worship, learning to love and worship together as one Christian family and learning to listen for God's voice together! We are discovering new ways to love. There is so much more......

Easter Sunday Worship this Sunday at 10:00am. Come join the family. 800 North Main Street Edwardsville, Il.

Love, pastor kent schuette and pastor jackie havis-shear

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Live With Expectation!

Live with expectation of hearing from God!
A prayer for today:

"Speak to me God in all things, so that I can adjust my life to be closer to you and your plan for me!"

There is something better for all of us, but we must choose to follow Jesus. For He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

See you Easter Sunday, 10:00am 800 North Main Street Edwardsville.
Love, pastor Kent

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

"Churches Just Don't Do That!"


But now one year later….

What happens when two different Churches come together under one roof? A whole new worship experience begins. That is what has been taking place at the Immanuel United Methodist Church located at 800 North Main Street in Edwardsville since June of 2015.

A little over a year ago Praise Community Fellowship a non denominational church was looking for a place to worship. The people at Immanuel United Methodist opened their doors. After meeting separately for a few months, the congregations of Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship decided to try something radical, something crazy, something that churches just don’t do. They decided to begin meeting together in one service as one Christian family represented by two congregations and two pastors.

God is our leader! Pastor Jackie and pastor Kent are both committed to expanding God’s Kingdom in individual lives as well as the community. This new experience has been a blessing. You get two different churches with different gifts and strengths learning to love and work together so that God is Glorified!

Come find out why this is such a great idea this Easter! We will have a 10:00am service on Easter Sunday.  Come check out our extended family. We would love to share God’s blessings with you and your family! There will be an Easter Egg Hunt for all the children following the 10:00am service.

Love, pastor Jackie and pastor Kent

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Tomorrow Sunday Brunch

Pastor Jackie wants to invite everyone to a Sunday Brunch tomorrow beginning right after the 9:00am Palm Sunday Service.  The Brunch will be served thru the end of the second service.

See you tomorrow! Love, pastor kent

Friday, March 18, 2016


                 Something about this just doesn't seem right does it?

Romans 12:4-5For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Mother Theresa said, "I can do things that you cannot, You can do things that I cannot, Together we can do great things!"

Immanuel Methodist Congregation and Praise Community Fellowship, a non-denominational Congregation, have Come Together to become Better!  Diversity, Skills, Idea's, Love, Acceptance, all focused on becoming more like Jesus. We are learning to Love Out Loud. This coming Sunday Immanuel Methodist will be leading worship.

Come join Sunday. 9:00am located at 800 North Main Edwardsville.

Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

God and the Guitar!

To get from where you are right now to where God can use you will require adjustments to your life. Every person in the bible that God used to expand His Kingdom had to make changes to their life to experience the fullness of God's Peace and direction.

This past Sunday my sermon was titled, "You can't follow God and Stay where you are at the same time!"  

A LONG time ago I used to give guitar lessons.   I had many students all interested in learning how to play the guitar. All of them started with great enthusiasm. They had an image of themselves playing all of their favorite songs. What I witnessed from some of these guitar students is the same thing most of us go through with Christianity. The guitar students all started the same, they had desire, a dream, they wanted to make music playing the guitar. But then the lessons started. To learn how to play guitar requires discipline and changes to your life priorities and choices. If you want to learn how to play the guitar, some things will have to be given up to have the time to devote to practice. To get to where they wanted to be, they couldn't stay where they were.

Changes have to be made in ones life to be in a close, caring, loving relationship. Those of you who have been in relationships know this very well. A person must make changes in their life to be able to "serve" the person who we choose to be in a relationship with.

God made us to have free will. We can choose to be in a relationship with Him or not! But if we choose Him, we cannot keep everything in our life the same. It just won't work.

As Christians we have a huge responsibility, to help expand God's Kingdom here on this earth. And that responsibility has nothing to do with our social or economic status. It has everything to do with our choices and our commitment to hear God's direction for our life and then to get involved with Him as He directs. To jump into Christianity as a participating Christian will require your life to change. Not as I or anyone else think it should change but as God directs. Only He can direct the changes necessary for you to be in the center of His will.

I believe it is a real good idea to get with other Christians who are also seeking God's direction so that you can talk, pray with one another,  and discuss the the changes you feel God is asking you to make. Church is the perfect place for that. We are to come together and lift one another up in our journey to become centered in God's will.

Last Sunday I think I can sum up the sermon with this, "God can use Anyone to Accomplish Anything, if they are willing to submit and surrender their will, desires, plans, and goals to His will, desires, plans, and goals.  This is exactly what Jesus did.

From now till Easter take the time to meditate, pray, and seek God's guidance for your life. And then ask yourself if you are ready and willing to make the changes necessary so that God can accomplish great things through your life for His Kingdom.

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Friday, March 11, 2016

This Sunday!

Move your clocks forward an hour Saturday night! Then, come join us at 9:00am at 800 North Main Street, Immanuel Methodist Church in Edwardsville. This is where two congregations are meeting as one church. The Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship.

This Sunday, Why you Can't Follow God and Stay where You Are at the Same Time!

PCF singers and band will be leading worship and I am praying that the Holy Spirit will fill all the hearts present.

The 1,000 flower bulbs we planted last fall along the sidewalk and landscape are popping and getting ready for an amazing display. The promise is on the way. Soon, the beauty of blooms will burst forth. You too can bloom with the Holy Spirit leading your life. Come join us Sunday and learn more how to live an abundant life God's way!

Reminder: Chuck Weiss' memorial service will be held at the Irwin Chapel Funeral Home located on Maryville Road in Granite City at 11:00am Saturday morning.

Love, pastor kent

Thursday, March 10, 2016


As a pastor I struggle with church because:
I am not sure that the current model is helping people to become more like Jesus. If and when someone decides to become a Christian by accepting Jesus as the Son of God, they are accepting the responsibility of joining God in His mission of world redemption. And with that responsibility we are also accepting the role as being a servant to others. A servant whose primary role is always to expand God's Kingdom here in this world to those who do not yet know God. And the only way we can effectively expand God's Kingdom in this world, is when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit. It is not something we can do on our own. We are to be Holy Spirit filled people.

Now to some, even hearing such a thing as,  "We must become Holy Spirit Filled people!" will make them cringe and walk away. Why? Because too many people have developed a false image of what being Holy Spirit filled means. I cringe when I hear politicians "God Blessing this, and God Bless that state or this county."  I cringe when I watch some TV church services and see people acting like a bunch of drunk loonies because they are supposedly "filled with the Holy Spirit!"
There is no one wiser than God.
There is no one filled with more wisdom than God.
God is not going to change people into mindless idiots to represent Him to expand His Kingdom on this earth. He is smarter than that.

The bible is full of incredible stories of people who have surrendered their life to God and the results of that surrender. The greatest of these stories is the life of Jesus. If you want to know what a Spirit filled life looks like, study the life of Jesus! God did not make Him wealthy from a worldly definition. God did not give Him a lucrative place of employment. God did not make life easy for Him. He did not even give Him a long life. It was a very difficult life filled with obstacles and hardships. Yet, Jesus now has the highest place of Glory for all eternity. Look at the passage from Philippians below:

Philippians 2:5-8In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross

So, this next Sunday I am going to look at an old testament story and at Jesus' life and ask all of you if you want to recommit your life to being a Christian. Not a Christian that is defined by someone who belongs to a church, but someone who belongs to Jesus and wants to walk in His footsteps. Here is what I know as I struggle to walk that path myself, nothing in this world can bring greater Peace, Joy, and Fulfillment than walking close with God filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Come learn about what some of God's greatest stories are saying to you and I today, in this life that we are living here in Edwardsville Il.  "God is Real!"  "Jesus is Real!" "The Holy Spirit is real!"

I'll see you Sunday, 9:00am and don't forget to move your clock forward an hour. The PCF singers and band will be leading worship. Make this next Sunday a life game changer for you and your family. I'll see you there! Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

This is Like Christianity

These are my 2016 Tulips pushing up for the first time. They were bulbs last fall when I planted them. All I had was a picture of what color and variety they were supposed to be. I have to trust that what I was planting last fall is going to be a beautiful tulip someday because when I plant the bulbs I couldn't  tell what they were going to be. As a matter of fact, there is no guarantee that they were going to bloom at all. I could plant them too deep, not deep enough.  A squirrel could dig them out and eat them. The winter could have been extremely harsh and they could have died. There are many possible deterrents that could prevent the blooms from coming into their fullness.

I decided a long time ago to bring God into my heart. I asked Him to come into me and take over my life over 40 years ago. Since then I have dug Him up. Moved Him around. Let Him lie dormant in the garage of my soul. I have put him in bad soil, haven't fertilized or weeded, neglected to water, and allowed a number of things try and uproot and destroy His presence in my life. It is an ongoing battle just like trying to have a beautiful garden. It takes work and diligence to see and enjoy the fruit.

This is the season of Easter. A time of resurrection. A time when "Blooming" is expected. I am again preparing God's bulb in my life. I am tending to it. I need it to bloom. I am tired of just looking at the picture on the box of what the bloom is supposed to look like. I want to experience the real thing.
Here are some of the instructions I am following to allow God to bloom in my life. I hope you will find them as helpful as I do.

John 14:23-24 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

Jesus promises if I "obey" His teaching that He will come and Make His home in me!

John 12:26 Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

Proverbs 11:25Whoever brings blessing will be enriched and one who waters will himself be watered.

Mark 9:35 And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”

We are to serve one another in love!  That is what God honors. If I want the fullness of God in my life, I must become a servant to all. I must become last and my neighbor must become first. It starts at home with your spouse and then moves out into your circle. We are to serve with love! If you serve out of obligation or with contempt in your heart you will not receive the blessing. Ask God to give you a servants heart. Jesus was a servant unto death. He is our example of how we live to experience the fullness of God and it is through serving one another in love!

NOTICE:  Chuck Weiss Funeral arrangements:
This Friday the 11th of March there will be a visitation at the Irwin Chapel Funeral Home located on Maryville Road in Granite City. The visitation will be at 4:00 to 8:00. There will be a memorial service at 11:00am Saturday at the Irwin Chapel. You can read more at the Irwin Chapel website.

Next Blog I will talk about my ongoing struggle with "Church!"

See you soon. Love, pastor kent

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sad News

Last night Chuck Wiess went to be with God. Chuck had just been moved to Meridian Village the day before his death. I will have more information about Chucks memorial service later this week.  I don't know if there is baseball in heaven but if there is I'm sure Chuck is already warming up a looking for a spot on the team! Chuck loved baseball and was quite a player in his day.

Please lift Barb and Chucks family in prayer.

Love, pastor Kent

Friday, March 4, 2016


Maybe if we could make Jesus the role model of all the children in this country and others, things would get better? You have to read about Him and His life to get it!

See you soon. Love, pastor Kent

Thursday, March 3, 2016

It's Been a Little While!

Yes I'm still Kickin. Bonni and I had a work trip to Florida last week and then I got hit with the flu.
No matter how well we plan our schedules and lives when it comes down to it, it's going to be you and God so my suggestion is, stay close to Him because you will be meeting Him one of these days.

I am asking for prayer for

Jeff Wiles who is going to have surgery tomorrow morning at Anderson Hospital to remove his gall bladder.

Chuck Weiss who  will be moving from the hospital to Meridian Village tomorrow.

Stan Rutkowski for healing.

I hope you can find some love and peace each and every day!

See you soon! Love, pastor kent