Thursday, April 28, 2016

Sunday's Sermon answers the Big Question

What's the big question?  "What's my purpose?"

If you are a business owner, a student, an employee, anyone who is seeking the answer to the Big Question, this Sunday will be for you!

Yes you have to know the why!  It never ceases to amaze me how God gives me everyday metaphors to some of life's big questions.

Imagine waking up Monday morning and understanding your purpose! It changes your life experience. Never been to church but are curious....great, come on in and listen. There are two church families that will welcome you with open arms. Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist. Yes we are all together in one service.

It all happens starting at 8:45 am this Sunday at 800 North Main Street, Edwardsville.

Prayers Needed

Colin Rives, grandson of Judy and Bill Baubensteck. Colin is 13 years old and has osteosarcoma and is in treatment.

Jack Butler, Jack is home and is done with treatments. He will be recovering for the next 4 to 6 weeks at home.

Doug Behme, Doug is the burn victim from the Maryville construction accident. He is still hospitalized and has a long recovery ahead.

Alexis Tharp, Alexis is recovering from a broken wrist and is an unemployed single parent of Audrey  her 4 year old.

Stan Rutkowski, Stan is a double amputee and lives alone in pontoon beach. He is fighting a compression wound which prevents him from sitting except for very short periods.


PCF is taking up a collection of 'gently used' purses to be distributed to local shelters for women in need.  These purses will be filled with toiletry items (shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, brushes, combs, etc.).  If you travel and stay at a hotel, please consider donating the complimentary toiletry items to this cause.  It won't cost you a penny, but will definitely make someone in a shelter feel whole again.  The purses and toiletry items may be placed in the pink box in the Hospitality Room (where  coffee and donuts are served).  The pink box will be in the corner where the red and green Glen Ed Pantry boxes are kept.  Thank you for caring about others.  Sally McLachlan

Saturday mornings there is a need for volunteers for our Kids free lunch program led by Faye Heuchert. She is always looking for volunteers to help with this awesome ministry. Call Faye at 656-5885.

Mens bible study at the church at 9:00 am all are invited for coffee and discussion.

See you Sunday 8:45 am. Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie

Wednesday, April 27, 2016


I am going to be addressing this powerful question this Sunday! Consider bringing your High School and College students. This will be powerful for them and you!

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist congregations need to know Why!
You need to know Why!
Pastor Jackie and I both need to know Why!  Because when we know why, it changes what we do.

If you are student, an employee, a husband, a wife, a parent, a business owner, you should come to this Sunday's service so that you can find out Why!
Where:  800 North Main Street Edwardsville   When: 8:45 a

Prayers Needed

Colin Rives, grandson of Judy and Bill Baubensteck. Colin is 13 years old and has osteosarcoma and is in treatment.

Jack Butler, Jack is home and is done with treatments. He will be recovering for the next 4 to 6 weeks at home.

Doug Behme, Doug is the burn victim from the Maryville construction accident. He is still hospitalized and has a long recovery ahead.

Alexis Thorp, Alexis is recovering from a broken wrist and is an unemployed single parent of Audrey  her 4 year old.

Stan Rutkowski, Stan is a double amputee and lives alone in pontoon beach. He is fighting a compression wound which prevents him from sitting except for very short periods.


Saturday mornings there is a need for volunteers for our Kids free lunch program led by Faye Heuchert. She is always looking for volunteers to help with this awesome ministry. Call Faye at 656-5885.

Mens bible study at the church at 9:00am all are invited for coffee and discussion.

See you Sunday at 8:45 am. PCF will be leading worship!  Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Change Your Life By Eliminating This Question Forever!

No matter how much I want to share what I have learned about God, I will always fall short. I am a fallen person like everyone reading this blog. I want all readers of this blog to understand that no one has all the answers or "The Truth" except Jesus. The rest of us get glimpses of the truth by praying and reading the bible. Some will agree with some of the posts I write, and some will disagree.  I can only express what He has impressed upon me. My prayer is that the posts will touch the people they were meant to touch.

Satan does not want us to have peace with God!
Why? Because when we receive God's peace, it allows us to hear His direction for our life clearly. With that in mind, there is a question that I believe satan has planted into us that destroys relationships. I believe it is "the" leading reason for divorce, jealousy and strife in the church, anger and frustration, and not being able to stay connected to the power of the Holy Spirit.

If people could eliminate this one question from their vocabulary, I believe they would see amazing progress toward experiencing more love, compassion, and forgiveness, and the Peace of God!

The most destructive question I believe a human can ask themselves is, "What About Me?"

Imagine if Jesus would have asked that question and then allowed Himself to react to it?
"Why am I being treated like this when all I have ever done is try and love, heal, and teach people about God? If this is the way people are going to treat me, the heck with with them! They can just all perish in their sin!"

Listen, if you have made the choice to be a Christian, which means you have decided to be a follower of Jesus, then you have made the choice to live your life as a servant! A servant! A servant! We are to show the world what love is. And we begin this service and love in our closest circles which includes the people in the "body" in which God has placed us. By the body, I mean the Christian family in which God has placed you, your church.

Matthew 20:26-2826 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Mark 9:3535 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

Galatians 5:1313 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

Want to set yourself free? Lose the question, "What About Me?"  and release yourself from the poison and bondage the question stirs up within us! Learn to be a servant to one another with love!

Need to speak to a pastor?  Pastor kent can be reaches at 618-334-3575, pastor jackie at 618-656-4648. 

PCF will be leading worship this Sunday,  May 1st. There will be communion. 

Sincerely, and with much love, pastor kent

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What is the Truth?

"Never determine the truth of your situation by focusing on the circumstances. You cannot know the reality of any situation until you have heard from God!"  (From the book, "Experiencing God.")

It is best to go to God everyday for guidance. But, it is especially important that you seek Him when you are in circumstances which seem confusing, difficult, or scary.

A message from Sally McLachlan,

Praise Community Fellowship is taking up a collection of 'gently used' purses to be distributed to local shelters for women in need.  These purses will be filled with toiletry items (shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, brushes, combs, etc.).  If you travel and stay at a hotel, please consider donating the complimentary toiletry items to this cause.  It won't cost you a penny, but will definitely make someone in a shelter feel whole again.  The purses and toiletry items may be placed in the pink box in the Hospitality Room (where  coffee and donuts are served).  The pink box will be in the corner where the red and green Glen Ed Pantry boxes are kept.  Thank you for caring about others.  Sally
  IUMC and PCF, two churches on the move going in the same direction for Jesus! Come join us.

Have a God inspired idea? Have a question or comment about our two churches? We want to hear from you. Pastor kent can be reached at 618-334-3575, pastor jackie can be reached at 618-656-4648.

See you soon! Love pastor kent and pastor jackie.

Monday, April 18, 2016

I Don't Know You!

Someone comes to your door about 9:00 o clock in the evening and knocks. You look out the window and do not recognize the person. What goes through your mind? "Who is that?"  "What do they want?"  "Maybe I won't open the door!"

Same scenario, it's 9:00 o clock in the evening and someone knocks on your door! This time you look out and see it is your best friend!  Why do you feel so different?  

Good relationships are vital to us living a joyful, meaningful life. Having good relationships with a church family is vital to your Spiritual Growth. We are all vital parts of the Body of Christ!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12New Living Translation (NLT)

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.
A Message from Jordan Grammer, worship leader of the Immanuel worship team.
Good Morning, Gentlemen!

    If you don't know me, my name is Jordan Grammer. I serve in many areas of IUMC, but you probably best know me as the Praise Team Leader at our 8:45 service. I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you all know we have started a Men's Small Group that meets at 9:00 AM every Saturday. 
    In this Small Group, we desire to create fellowship with you and with our Heavenly Father. In our time together, we look at scripture and examine how we can apply it in our everyday lives, but a large portion of our time is spent getting to know each other as followers of Christ. This isn't a Bible Study or a Men's Club, but an opportunity for you to get to know who you really are, what God has in store for you, and how we as a group can support each other. 
    So, whatever you are doing on Saturday, wherever you come from, regardless if you attend a church or not, ask God if this is what He wants for your life. We hope that wherever you go in life, you continue to see God's love wherever you might be.

In Christ's Love,    Jordan Grammer

Prayers requested for:

Alexis and Audrey and Ralph Thorp . Alexis has broken wrist is a single mom, unemployed and will also be taking care of her father Ralph after he has surgery.

Jack Butler recovering from colon cancer surgery.

Mike Rodgers, husband of Lori Rodgers. Mike has severe back trauma and cannot work at this time.

Stan Rutkowski for healing and God's blessing and guidance. Stan is wheel chair bound, lives alone and is a double amputee.

Doug Behme, burn victim from construction accident.

Guidance for the future of our church! 

Need to talk with a pastor?  Pastor Kent can be reached at 618-334-3575. Pastor Jackie can be reached at 618-656-4648. 

Coming together!  Sincerely, pastor kent and pastor jackie!  See you soon!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

When You Are Ready!

When you are ready to participate in God's plan for your life realize there is only one requirement, and that is surrender to His will and Jesus' teachings!

You may say, "But that is impossible, I've tried and failed over and over!"  and you would be correct. However, if you wanted to get into better shape, loose weight, feel healthier there are things you could begin doing that would move you closer to your goal. You start by making little changes that you stick to! Do a self assessment. Your Spiritual life is no different. Start by making little changes and stick to them. You will see and feel the changes!

           Physical Health                                                     
1.) Do you need to change your diet? Cut out certain foods add others.  
2.) How often are you exercising?
3.) Do you have a support and encouragement group?

         Spiritual Health
1.) What are reading?
2.) What are watching?
3.) What are you listening to?
4.) How often do you talk with God?
5.) How often do you listen to God?

We can become amazing together! That is what a church family is for. Support and encouragement. Come be part of something bigger than yourself. Pastor Jackie and I have one goal in mind for our church family, to bring all of us closer to the center of God's will. We want God's will for this church, for you, and for your family. Christianity is not a denomination or a set of rituals, or even a set of rules! Christianity is a relationship with the living God who is alive and well and who still interacts, guides, leads, instructs, and disciplines all for the purpose of moving us and others into His Kingdom!

Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist church are two churches serving as one body! Join us! It is something special and new. Combined worship is at 8:45am Sunday Mornings at 800 North Main Street Edwardsville.

Floyd Fisher is inviting all men to a bible study on Saturday mornings at 9:00am at the church.  They are studying the book of James.

Free Lunches For Kids  Saturday mornings we are also meeting at the church to deliver lunches to children at two area locations. For information on volunteering for this ministry call Faye Heuchert at 618-444-5650.

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship with our praise team. Hope to see our whole extended family Sunday at 8:45 am!

Love, pastor Kent & pastor Jackie

Friday, April 8, 2016

I Don't Need God!

"There was a time in my life when the word of God annoyed me and even made me angry!"
Pastor Kent Schuette

Look, I get it! I've been there!  I know what it is like to be angry at God. I know what it is like to ignore God. But, if you have these feelings and are reading this, then God is talking to YOU right now! Don't miss the opportunity to have your life transformed into something beautiful! Because He is REAL and He loves YOU and has a plan for YOU!

I heard a good question from someone the other day. They asked, "What is going to happen if I allow God to come into my life?" "What should I expect?"

First, God works with us as individuals. What changes He makes in me, may not be the same changes He makes in you. But, the make over will always be to remold us into people who are submissive to His will and teachings. God knows what needs to change in your life to make you the most useful for His purposes. Below are some things I think you will notice as you allow God into your life to transform you.

When you decide to allow God into your heart, one of the changes you will notice is that different things become important to you! What you once thought to be essential now becomes non-essential. Things which you once thought to be unnecessary become the most necessary. You may notice new feelings of guilt when you do certain things. This is God's way of telling you that this behavior or habit or activity is probably not in His plan for you. Sometimes these things take time for you to fully understand and change. Remember, God does not force His way. The key to understanding Him is for you to remain diligent and expectant as you read the bible, pray, and stay in fellowship with other believers. Don't always assume that every little thing is from God. Satan the deceiver is also alive and well and will try and confuse and derail your decision to follow Jesus. Just know with confidence that God always wins. As long as you are willing to be submissive to His teachings and ways you will be fine. Only people who are ready to receive God will be drawn to Him and His teachings.

1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."

God takes us and transforms us into what He decides will best serve His kingdom. But you hold the key to this transformation. You must decide if you will unlock the door to your heart to the Holy Spirit of God. Only then will you experience this transformation.

Prayer is powerful! The following people are in need of prayer:

Doug Behme, burn victim.
Mike Rodgers, Lori Rodgers husband, severe disabling back pain.

Krista Kell, Hip and leg pain.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson Connor, healing for severe head trauma.
Linda Daniel, healing from severe asthma.
Guidance for the future of our two churches.

Worship time is 8:45 Sunday mornings. 800 North Main Street, Edwardsville, Il. 
Hope to see you at church soon! Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Prayers Needed Now!

The explosion that took place in Maryville today severely burned a young husband and father, Doug Behme. I am asking everyone to please pray for him and his family. We will be reaching out to the family to see if there are other needs. I'll keep you posted.

love, pastor kent

The Concert or The Game?

When a favorite band is coming to town there is a buzz.
Did you get your tickets yet?
Did you get good seats?
Let's get together before the concert. We will listen to the favorites and start the party.
Let's get to the concert early and get our seats!

Sound familiar. The same can be said for many sports fans. People get together and prepare for the concert or the game. Tailgaters, party before and after. Talk about the concert or game for hours or days after the event. There is energy and expectation!

It reminds me a lot of Sunday mornings at church......NOT!

Reasons why the church struggles!

1.) There is no expectation of seeing or hearing from the artist! "God"
2.) There is no spiritual preparation! I roll out of bed and try and get there on time.
3.) There is nothing to get excited about because nothing has ever happened that is exciting. "No expectation of meeting God or hearing from Him!"

Why? Because your corrupted hard drive is still over-riding the original program. You are still getting the message; "YOU DON'T NEED GOD!" "HE IS IRRELEVANT TO YOUR HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS!" "YOU KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE WHAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY!"

Please hear me, God is more real than you can imagine. I am experiencing Him more and more in my life and I ask, why did it take me so long to get here? The reason it took so long are the reasons I just listed above. I challenge you to "try" this.

Go to God. Tell Him you are struggling believing in Him. Tell Him you need help hearing from Him.
Be 100% honest with Him about everything. Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness and strength to become a new person. Then listen. Read the bible. Prepare for Sunday. If you want to experience the living God in a way that will change everything about who you are and what you believe, you have to make time for Him every day!  It is then that your life experience will take on a whole new meaning. It's a choice! It always has been a choice and always will be! You must choose if getting to know God and following Him are important enough to your life that you are willing to make changes that will include serious God time every day. Until that happens, you just won't understand what you are missing!

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

You Cannot Adjust Your Life To God if You Don't Know What He Is Saying!

Have you ever had someone needing help with something come to you and say, "What do I Do Now? or "How can I Fix This?"  Then, as you offer to help, they either don't listen to you or they interrupt you with other issues, or they say they can't do that because....

Frustrating isn't it?

God is speaking. He will speak to you. He will give you direction. He does love you. He knows the best plan for your life. will never hear Him if you don't stay focused on Him and seek time with Him.

Requirements to Hear God.
1.) You must have a sincere, deep desire to hear from Him.
2.) Ask for forgiveness from your sins and ask Him to reveal any hidden sins.
3.) You need time to read the bible daily, because He speaks through these stories.
4.) You need to contact Him through prayer, which is simply talking with Him daily.
5.) You must become God Conscious.
6.) When He speaks, you must do what He says to continue hearing from Him.
7.) When you fail to do what He says, and you will at times, confess this sin, and ask for forgiveness and then complete whatever it was He asked for you to change.

The above requirements are not a formula but things I have used to hear from God. There are probably more. Remember, what you want and what God wants for you are usually opposing paths. That's because of the sin virus satan has placed on your hard drive which runs 24/7 in the background with the message of, "You Don't Need God. He is Irrelevant To Your Happiness and Success!"  When you get that program shut down by accepting Jesus, who is the only one who can rid you of that sin virus,  you can learn to hear from God by aligning your life with His will. Then, His path also becomes your desire.

If we could only grasp the the life changing significance of living our life as God directs.

What is God saying to you? We need to share this more with one another.

Prayers requested:
Mike Rodgers, Lori Rodgers husband, severe disabling back pain.
Krista Kell, Hip and leg pain.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson Connor, healing for severe head trauma.
Linda Daniel, healing from severe asthma.
Guidance for our two churches.

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Friday, April 1, 2016

What's your source?

Music. What is it about music that can capture your attention, your heart, sometimes your soul?
The beat, the rhythm, the melody, the chorus, the words, the unity! That's it. There is a special unity in music! It is a metaphor as to what God's plan is for humanity. To find unity first in Him, then with one another!

Is life confusing?
Have you lost your direction?
Have you been disappointed with Religion?
Are you angry, afraid, jealous, frustrated, anxious, hopeless?
You need Jesus! The real living Jesus.

This Sunday, let the unity of music speak to your soul. Praise Community Fellowship Praise Team will be allowing God to speak through them as we come together for worship and message, and communion!

Two congregations coming together to find the beat! Immanuel Methodist and Praise Community Fellowship. Setting an example of what God's church can be! Come and be part of this movement. It's not US or THEM, it's WE!

Together we can become more. We are allowing the Holy Spirit to connect us to God's song! Come dance with us! Service time is 8:45 am. 800 North Main Edwardsville located in the Immanuel Methodist Church.

See you Sunday at 8:45 am! Love, pastor kent