Sometimes all one needs, is to know someone cares. Be that "Someone!"
One Worship Service this Sunday, October 30th at 10:00am. This is the 5th Sunday and on all 5th Sundays we have only one blended service. Pastor Jackie will be leading this service. Sunday School and Adult education classes will be meeting at 9:00am.
Operation Christmas Child. This coming Sunday is the last Sunday to pick up a shoebox! The shoeboxes are to be filled with items listed on instructions found in the box. The boxes are due back November 6th. They will be sent to a child in need for Christmas.
Pictorial Directory We are scheduling appointments for a new church directory which will have both church families included. You can schedule your appointment by going to and clicking on the Lifetouch icon. Everyone who has their picture taken will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait, and a copy of the new directory. Photography dates are: November 8. 9, 13 and 14. so please make your appt. ASAP. We want to get you in the directory!
Halloween Free Hotdog Giveaway We will once again be sponsoring hotdog giveaway at the halloween parade this October 31st. We meet at Barb Joiners Law office located on High Street. There is very limited parking there so if you plan on attending I would suggest you find parking somewhere in the vicinity and walking to the location. Lawn chairs would be a good idea.
We will begin right before the parade starts.
Free Thanksgiving Dinner November 20th. We are getting close to our first outreach as a combined church family. If you want to help on Sunday the 20th there will be plenty to do. If you have not signed up for a specific time slot or job, just show up. We will assign you to something. As a reminder we will be needing deserts. We hope to start feeding at 12:00 noon and be finished by 3:00. With enough help, we hope we can be cleaned up and have everyone home by 5:00.
Prayers Requested:
Alexis Tharp's mother June is at Barnes in ICU in need of peace and healing.
Bill and Judy Daubensteck's grandson Colin, prayers for healing. Colin is 13 and has cancer.
Mary and Lee Knapp's grandson Connor, healing for severe head trauma and complications.
Stan Rutkowski, God's peace, love and healing.
God's continued guidance and direction for our combined church family.
God's blessing on all the churches in Edwardsville.
See you soon! Love, pastor Kent
Need to speak with a pastor? Pastor kent 618-334-3575. Pastor jackie 618-656-4648.