Monday, July 31, 2017

Effective Prayer

Today's Thought:
"Do the people you care about the most get the best of who you are, or are they getting the ragged left overs?"

Effective Prayer
The Bible gives us plenty of lessons on effective prayer. The following are some of these lessons.

Isaiah 1:15-16 "When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening. Your hands are full of blood! Wash and make your selves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. (We can accomplish this today by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. He washes us clean due to His sacrifice for us!)

Isaiah 59:2 "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. ( We are called to confess our sins to Jesus and His sacrifice will bring us into the throne of grace so that God does hear our prayers!)

Mark 11:25-26 "And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." ( In the Lord's prayer we pray, "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us.")

Matthew 5:23-24 "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the alter and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the alter. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. ( God consistently makes it clear throughout the Bible that we are to love one another. There is power when we allow forgiveness and love to dominate our life!)

1 Peter 3:7 "Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers."( This was written in a different culture but the essence of this teaching is still important. If we want our prayers to be effective, we must have love and respect for our spouse!)

John 15:7 "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." ( This is a huge clue to effective prayer. We must abide or remain in all that Jesus has taught us and be applying His teachings to all areas of our life. You cannot abide in Jesus' words and teachings if you you do not know them.)

1 Timothy 2:8 "I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; (If we have anger in or lives we must resolve this anger with love and forgiveness so that when we lift our hands in prayer we have God's attention.)

Our prayer list:

Cathy Watson going through chemo therapy for breast cancer.
Gary Watson for strength and peace as he helps Cathy through the chemo treatments.
Emily Norris, Donna and Will Bowers Daughter, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Faye Heuchert will be having tests for pinched nerves in her back causing leg pain and weakness.
Stan Rutkowski continues to battle pressure wounds.
Mary Knapp seeking diagnosis for dizzy spells.
John Shear, pastor Jackie's husband for kidney healing.
Brad Fultz, Faye Heucherts nephew in ICU on life support.
Bonni Rutkowski for continued strength and healing.
Bonni Schuette continued strength and healing.

Need prayer or pastoral care? Call the church office 618-656-4648.
 Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

You Can't Change Your Past

The following 3:00 minute message from Billy Graham sums it all up! Watch the faces of the people in the audience!  This was recorded in Florida in 1986. Watch Billy Graham

Praise report:  Bonni Rutkowski was released today from Barnes Hospital. She thanks everyone for their prayers. Bonni went in last Friday for a brain aneurysm procedure and lost her vision after the procedure, but today she is coming home with full vision! Amen. 

Please continue to pray for the people on our prayer list because prayer changes things:

Cathy Watson going through chemo therapy for breast cancer.
Emily Norris, Donna and Will Bowers Daughter, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Faye Heuchert will be having tests for pinched nerves in her back causing leg pain and weakness.
Stan Rutkowski continues to battle pressure wounds.
Mary Knapp seeking diagnosis for dizzy spells.
John Shear, pastor Jackie's husband is in the hospital for complications of diabetes.
Brad Fultz, Faye Heucherts nephew in ICU.
Bonni Rutkowski for continued strength and healing.
Bonni Schuette continued strength and healing.
Kent Schuette for neck and shoulder pain and for good test results. 

Here is the worship schedule for the remainder of this month and August:
July 30th one combined service at 10:00am.
August 6th Brittney Gilleland will lead the worship service
August 13th IUMC with pastor Jackie
August 20th IUMC with pastor Jackie and the PCF praise and worship team
August 27th PCF with Kent and the PCF worship team 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

This Sunday and more....

This Sunday the worship scheduled has changed. I was scheduled to lead the worship but I had to change that due to business travel. Jackie will be leading the service this Sunday(thank you Jackie) and the PCF praise team will be providing the music.

Today I read a scripture from the New Testament that I think is so very important to grasp and understand especially when it comes to the future of the church. And by church I am talking about all denominations of believers. Our society is changing! And it has been since the garden of Eden. Change is necessary for growth and when it comes to some institutions like the church, change is usually not readily accepted. And that is a shame because change is necessary to grow and thrive.
When you and I were born we were fed milk but as our body grew we required more than just milk, we required a variety of foods. When we started school as a kindergartner we played and took naps and ate graham crackers and milk but as we grew, our schooling changed so that we too would grow in knowledge. Things in this world were not meant to stay the same, and I believe that includes how we worship and work with God.

Jesus taught about this very thing in:

Mark 2:21-22New International Version (NIV)

21 “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse. 22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

The New wine that Jesus was talking about was the New Covenant that His sacrifice was going to provide. He was using a metaphor of how the Jewish people were stuck in the Law and were not accepting of His teaching of Grace. Unfortunately, too many people have left the church for similar reasons today. I am not against tradition, but if people aren't interested in our method of delivering the Gospel, then maybe we need to re-examine the church experience.

In the early 90's, a new pastor decided to try something new at the traditional church where I used to attend. We developed a service around contemporary music which meant drums, electric guitars, keyboards and a new style of music. I was in on it from the very beginning. Even though there were many of us who were super excited, we quickly learned that there were also those who thought such a service was a disgrace. The new contemporary service was trying to put new wine into old wineskins. Eventually that service grew to be the most attended service the church ever offered. But, things change. Now we are entering a new era where contemporary music is not all that and a bag of chips. As a matter of fact, almost everyone is doing it in some shape or form and in my opinion, it's time too has also come and to an end. So what is next? I don't know but I can tell you this, it is going to require change because the young people today want the new wine. We cannot expect the old wineskins to hold the new wine. We must bring new wineskins which is a metaphor for change. Jesus is alive and well. His life changing power has not changed, but unless we find a way to get His life changing power into the ears, hearts and minds of the new wine skins, they too will dry out and become brittle becoming useless to Gods Kingdom. 

My suggestion is prayer. Pray with me for wisdom as we move forward. Let's explore and seek God's guidance so we can remain relevant and affective. We are called to be the light and the salt of the world.

Prayers for:
Cathy Watson going through chemo therapy for breast cancer.
Bonni Rutkowski will be having aneurism surgery this Friday at Barnes hospital.
Emily Norris, Donna and Will Bowers Daughter, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Faye Heuchert will be having tests for pinched nerves in her back causing leg pain and weakness.
Stan Rutkowski continues to battle pressure wounds.
Mary Knapp seeking diagnosis for dizzy spells.
John Shear, pastor Jackie's husband is in the hospital for complications of diabetes.
Brad Fultz, Faye Heucherts nephew in ICU.

Office Help Needed
Our secretary Anita will be on vacation the last week of July.  We are still in need of volunteers to come in to answer phones from 8 am until 12 pm Tuesday through Friday.  If you can help, please give her a call at 618-656-4648.  Thank you!

Vacation Bible School 
Vacation Bible School begins next week, July 24 – 28 from 6 – 8:30 pm, with an optional free meal being offered at 5:30 pm each day.  We are very excited to bring you Maker Fun VBS, where children age 3 through those just finishing 5th grade will learn that they were made by God for a purpose.  If you have not preregistered, feel free to show up and register at the door.  Bring your friends!  Everyone is welcome.

VBS Helpers Needed
Interested in helping but can’t commit to every night?  Here are a couple of ways you can help!

Consider volunteering one or more evenings to help prepare, serve and clean up dinner.  We’d need you from 4:30 until about 6:30 pm.

Create your own menu or ask us for suggestions and then purchase the ingredients and prepare meals, if possible.

Fill in when one of our regular volunteers can’t make it.  Right now, we know we have a particular need for subs on Monday.

We will serve cookies at a VBS Open House, Sunday, July 30, following the 10:00 am worship service.

Contact Kiffon Lewis at 618-210-9628 or Jill Winte at 314-422-6734 if you are able to fill any of these roles.

Wednesday Evening Contemplative Worship
Don’t forget that we have a new worship service on Wednesday evenings beginning at 8:00 pm.  Jordan Grammer will lead the worship this week.  The service is geared to people with busy schedules and hectic lives who are looking for a place of quiet reflection and who desire a closer connection with God.  Come listen for the still, quiet voice of God for 30 minutes tomorrow evening, and find peace for your soul.

Glen-Ed Pantry School Supplies for Gals and Guys
We have only one more week to make a big difference in the lives of students in our community.  School supplies are needed for distribution by the Pantry during the beginning of August.  This Sunday is the last day of our school supply push.  Items needed are backpacks, glue sticks and bottles, graph paper, combination locks, washable markers, 3-ring binders, highlighters, protractors, index cards, filler paper (wide/college rule), dry erase markers, rulers, colored pencils, erasers, mechanical pencils, pens, yellow #2 pencils, ear buds, supply boxes, folders and notebooks (wide/college rule)!

Beginning Sunday, July 30, our push for the Glen Ed pantry will be “All Things Bright and Beautiful!”  - donations of dish washing soap and washing detergent.

Bible Sunday
On Sunday, August 13, we will be giving children who are going into 3rd grade engraved Bibles.  If you have a child going into the 3rd grade, please phone the church office or reply to this e-mail.  We would like to have the child’s full name for the engraving.  Thank you!

Sunday, July 30 – ONE SERVICE
July 30 will be a fifth Sunday, so we will have just one blended worship service which will be held at 10:00 am.  Sunday School and Adult Education classes will begin at 9:00 am.  

With love, pastor kent

Monday, July 17, 2017

When We Pray

Although I cannot begin to understand the power of prayer, one thing I know for sure is that prayer changes things. Sometimes prayers change circumstances and other times prayer changes our understanding of circumstances. For someone who doesn't understand God or teachings of the Bible, prayer may seem foolish. "Why would anyone start talking to the air and expect anything to happen?"

Prayer is the method given to us to open a conversation with God. If you needed to talk with someone that lived in another town you would dial their number and call them. Prayer is like dialing God's number. It opens the line to communicate.

One of my favorite bible verses on prayer is:

Jeremiah 33:3Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

I have found this to be true. Prayer has helped me to understand things in this life and in the Bible that once were a great mystery to me. A healthy trusting relationship requires honest and regular communication. Prayer is necessary to open and maintain a relationship with God.

Prayer is only powerful when you use it. 
How many times have you heard someone say, "My thoughts and prayers are with you?" When I hear this I hope that is true, but too often I think we fall into the trap in saying, I'm praying for you and count that as actually praying for someone. Let me tell you that won't work any better than telling someone you are going to call them but never do. They are two completely different things. One has power, the other is strictly a social nicety. It has no effect, but it sounds acceptable. So the next time you say, "My thoughts and prayers are with you!" may I suggest you follow through and actually dial God up and plead your case to Him.  There is power in prayer "IF" you pray! 

Here is our current prayer list:

Cathy Watson going through chemo therapy for breast cancer.
Bonni Rutkowski will be having aneurism surgery this Friday at Barnes hospital.
Emily Norris, Donna and Will Bowers Daughter, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Faye Heuchert will be having tests for pinched nerves in her back causing leg pain and weakness.
Stan Rutkowski continues to battle pressure wounds.
Mary Knapp seeking diagnosis for dizzy spells.
John Shear, pastor Jackie's husband is in the hospital for complications of diabetes.

Attention all parents:
If you have children or grandchildren this is a great week of fun and biblical learning for the kids. 

Vacation Bible School
July 24—28, 2017 • 6—8:30 pm Optional Free Dinner Served at 5:30 pm
All Children Age 35th Grade
Enroll Online by July 1 to Receive the Correct Size T-Shirt

Supplies Needed for VBS
We are excited for our upcoming Maker Fun Factory VBS, where kids will become hands-on inventors, and learn how they are lovingly created by God! There are a few items we could use to help make VBS a success:

Yellow Pool Noodles
Sheets of poster board in yellow, red, blue or green
Gift cards (or monetary donations) to Michaels, Dollar Tree, Amazon or Wal Mart
12” X 12” or 8.5” X 11” cardstock in any colors or patterns
Solid color wrapping paper in black, red or yellow
Plates, napkins or small cups for dinner (we are planning for 75 people each night, including helpers)

All items can be placed in the Maker Fun Factory bin in the Hospitality Room. Thanks you so much for your donation!
We also need lots of volunteers! If you are able to helpas a team leader, or to help pre- pare and serve dinnercontact Jill (314) 422-6734 or Kiffon (618) 210-9628.

Love, pastor Kent and pastor Jackie 

Friday, July 14, 2017

The Gap!

What stands between you and your dream life?

When I was young I spent many hours dreaming about all the possibilities life had to offer and how how I was going to try and make some of those possibilities a reality. I dreamt of homes, businesses, adventures, travel, what my family would look like, money, writing hit songs, and on and on...
Now that I am almost 61, I can look back over my life and see the many mistakes as well as successes that I have had and see that there is one thing in all my failures that was a common denominator.  I call it the GAP.

The GAP is what ever is keeping you from realizing your dreams. It could be education, location, motivation, technology, money, laziness, fear, physical ability, you name it. There are a thousand things we could say are keeping us from realizing our dream life. Closing the Gap becomes the challenge. But, there are so many more considerations before you start charging ahead trying to close a GAP. Before you invest time, money, effort, blood, sweat and tears in bridging a GAP, make sure what you think is on the other side really exists and if getting there really will be a promised land!

In the old testament we see that the Israelites always seemed to have a GAP between where they were and the promised land. First it was the Egyptian Pharaoh, then it was lack of trust and obedience in God, finally it was the Jordan river. How would they get over that river to the promised land?

All of us face GAPs in life when it comes to getting what we are seeking. We cannot stop the river from flowing like Joshua did, but we do have a bridge available to us that can close the GAP on everything that is keeping us from our promised land. That bridge is Jesus.

Here is what I know from my 60+ years on this earth. There will always be GAPS in this life, but the closer you walk with Jesus, the better the odds of you crossing barriers that are keeping you from your promised land. And, even more important than that, walking close with Jesus each day can keep you from trying to bridge GAPs that you shouldn't be trying to cross to begin with.

If you are not where you want to be in life, examine yourself and the GAPs before you.
Do you need more education?
Are you a bridge burner?
Are you trying to Glorify God in everything you think, say, and do?
Are you living your life as a demonstration of Jesus' love, compassion, and forgiveness?
Do you have the other person's best interest in mind or your own?
*Have you consulted God about the GAP you want to bridge?*

Here is what I know, "The closer you walk with Jesus and follow His teachings, the more complete and satisfied life you will live!

Please continue prayers for:

Brad Fultz in the intensive care fighting multiple organ failure.
Cathy Watson has begun her chemo treatments.
Stan Rutkowski will need surgery soon for pressure wounds.
Mary Knapp is still undergoing tests for dizzy spells.
Jack Butler for continued healing.
Bonni continued healing for broken leg.

Sunday service at 8:45am.  This Sunday Immanuel United Methodist will be leading worship. 
800 North Main Street Edwardsville. Pastoral needs and prayer requests please call the office at 618-656-4648. 

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Prayer is Powerful!

Prayer Needs:

Joyce and Rich Koenig's son Scott is in the hospital for a tear in his intestines.
Faye Heuchert's nephew Brad Fultz is in the intensive care fighting multiple organ failure.
Cathy Watson has begun her chemo treatments.
Stan Rutkowski will need surgery soon for pressure wounds.
Mary Knapp is still undergoing tests for dizzy spells.
Lee Knapp for continued healing.
Jack Butler for continued healing.
Bonni for continued healing.

Please lift each of these people up to Gods healing hand.

Psalm 103:2-4 

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy,

James 5:15 

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven

Psalm 41:3 

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

Fear Not

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

One of the biggest downers in life is fear. When you have fear, you cannot blossom into all that God has for you. Do have any of these?

Fear of death
loss of health
growing old
loss of wealth
loss of relationships
not belonging
not belonging

John 10:10

The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Fear can be diminished and eliminated as your relationship with Jesus grows. We trust people who we become friends with. If a stranger comes to my door and asks me for my car keys, I would have a whole bunch questions before that would happen. On the other hand, if one of my friends or family comes and asks me, I would hand them right over, (in most cases)😇.

The difference in my actions is based on relationship. The better the relationship, the greater the trust and the greater the benefits.  I know people in this church family that I could call on day or night and ask a huge favor, and these people would would not hesitate. I had a member say this very thing to me this past week when I called for a favor. This is the response I got, "Kent, if I am in town and available, the answer is always yes!"   The answer is always yes, I'll be there, I will help, I will do, I will give, I will participate.  It is a trusting relationship. That person knows I won't take advantage of their kindness and generosity. God, is our loving father. But, too often we have a broken distant relationship with Him. We don't really trust Him or His promises found in the Bible simply because we have not spent the time to develop a trusting relationship. 

How can you develop a trusting relationship with God?  Read this story in the Bible, it holds the key. Turn around and begin walking toward Him and He will run out to meet you! 

If you need pastoral care or prayer requests please call the church office at 618-656-4648.

Fear not, says the Lord!  See you soon. Love pastor kent

Thursday, July 6, 2017

This Sunday at Glik Park and more

Our Sanctuary for this coming Sunday July 9th. We invite anyone who seeks love, peace and God's grace to join us!

Sanctuary:  A sacred place. In the Old Testament the first sanctuary was a sacred place where man and God communed together and it was called the Garden of Eden. Later in Biblical history God instructed man to construct a tabernacle called the tent of meeting, a Holy place where God dwelled so man could come to Him under special requirements of sacrifice and ritual. Eventually a sanctuary was built by King Solomon and was called the Holy Temple. Today, New Testament Christians have become the dwelling place of God because Jesus gave us His Spirit to live within us. 

We still have sanctuaries where we all gather, but the spirit of God no longer needs a special building to dwell in. Today he has his church which are the believers in His son Jesus. We are the Holy tabernacle of God. When we gather, wherever we gather, we bring the Holiness of God...or not, to our meetings and gatherings. 

This Sunday at 8:45am PCF will be leading worship at Glik Park located on East Lake Drive in Edwardsville. There are picnic tables available that will seat about 60 people but it may be a good idea to bring a lawn chair if it is easy for you to do so. This week I will be looking at some New Testament Scriptures on the purpose of todays church which will flow right into our guest speaker Katie Junge. Katie is the manager of the Shoe Carnival store here in Edwardsville and she is going to be sharing some heart warming stories about the kids who came in for their Easter Shoes that we sponsored this year for our lunch kids. We gave out 50, $100.00 shoe certificates to the kids that Faye Heuchert and her crew fed every weekend during the school year. Katie said she just had to come and share some of the stories with those who made this wonderful gift possible. That would be all of you! 

Glik Park is a wonderful place to be with God. I love when we have our gatherings there. We are going to have special prayer time for our family members in need and a couple of songs from Matt and Anna and a special outdoor communion. I am looking forward to seeing and visiting with everyone. 

Ever since God created this Earth and man, He has wanted to live with us. To be an intimate part of our daily lives. Ever since we were cast out of the Garden of Eden where we walked daily with God, God has been trying to maintain a relationship with us. In the Old Testament we read in Exodus that God longed to dwell among us. 

Exodus 29:44-46
 “So I will consecrate the tent of meeting and the altar and will consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve me as priests. 45 Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. 46 They will know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord their God.

In the New testament God so longed to dwell with us that He became one of us and lived among us as a man. He was called Jesus. The Bible says that God does not change, that he is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His longing to dwell among us continues. 

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The peace you long for will greatly increase when you begin walking daily with God. 

I was sad to learn that Dr. Phil McKinney passed away last night after a battle with cancer. Please pray for Jane and their family.

Prayer needs or pastoral needs please call the church office at 618-656-4648. 
Love, pastor kent