I have Ben at Home today. I can't do much when he is home. His needs are many and I must always be on alert because although he is now 33, he is still like a small child. But as I sit here on the screened in porch with him, he reminds me of what I was talking about this past Sunday. The scripture I used is:
Matthew 11:28-30. "Come to me all you that are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Jesus was speaking of the heavy burdens that the current religious system was putting on people. He was letting the religious leaders of the day know that their laws and their demands for perfection would not produce the righteousness required for everlasting life. The laws and the rituals were a heavy burden that people weren't capable of accomplishing and it left them hopeless and joyless.
Jesus was trying to teach the people that all that is needed is for us to be yoked to Him, that He would bear the burden of perfection of which we are incapable. Only Jesus' sacrifice can accomplish our righteousness. Being yoked to Jesus is the only way people can enjoy salvation which produces the fruit of peace and rest for our souls.
It reminds me of the time when I let my son Ben, "help" me mow the lawn. I put his hands on the mower and I put my hands on top of his and stood right behind him, together we walked very slowly and mowed, only for a couple of minutes because that was all Ben was capable of doing. He could not help me push the mower to complete the job, he probably had no concept of what it was we were doing, yet we participated in mowing the lawn together. He took part in the frailest way, but he was right there with me, and together that day, he helped me mow the lawn.
Ben was and still is incapable of mowing the lawn. But, if he is yoked to me, he can still participate even if in the slightest way. You and I are no different. That is why Jesus wants us to be yoked to him because we are not capable of helping ourselves with our own salvation. It is only being yoked with Jesus that we can participate, though in a very inadequate way. It is the relationship and the trust and the love of walking with the only one who can help you accomplish something that makes all the difference. God's peace to all of you. Pastor Kent
About our prayer list.
I want to share with you how I pray for the people on our prayer list. First of all, I pray for more than those who are on the list. The list is always people that I know have serious immediate need. I do not do well with schedules. So what I do is pray for the list and others when ever any of them come to mind which is frequent. It may be at a stop sign while I'm driving, in the shower, during lunch, during a walk, during a coffee break, in the evening and almost always in the middle of the night when I wake up to get a drink which is usually at least twice. I have no set prayer for anyone but I do find myself using the words, Lord I lift up ......... please bless them, heal them, surround them with your healing angels and fill their hearts with your healing peace. But this varies too. I pray when my heart is ready to pray. I have mentioned that I do not believe in what I call routine thoughtless prayers. I believe God hears only sincere hearts. The following people need you to participate with God in His healing touch. This happens when we pray!
Mike Rodgers, Lori's husband for healing of back surgery.
Gaye Kell, Krista's mom healing for kidney surgery.
Allen Kunz MRI and tests for pain in legs and back.
Barb Weiss continued healing from back surgery.
Linda Cassens diagnosed with bladder cancer.
Cynthia Bastholm heart failure and other complications.
Cathy Watson going through chemo therapy for breast cancer.
Emily Norris, Donna and Will Bowers Daughter, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Stan Rutkowski continues to battle pressure wounds.
John Shear, pastor Jackie's husband for strength and healing from diabetes.
Brad Fultz, Faye Heucherts nephew for healing.
Bonni Rutkowski for continued strength and healing.
Bonni Rutkowski for continued strength and healing.
See you soon. Love, pastor kent