Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday August 16th

Greetings Praise Community Fellowship Family

My fingers are sore from playing the new guitar, but it is a real good soreness!  Thank you. I am still in complete awe and so blessed to have received such a fine instrument. It plays beautifully and it is truly a work of art.

Eden Band had rehearsal last night in the sanctuary to prepare for the service coming up on the 26th of August at 6:30, we dug out some of our old tunes from long ago and it is going to be a very special service. There are a couple songs that haven't been played in probably over 12 years maybe longer, wow we are getting old!

The sermon topic on the 26th will be, "Step Back, Take a Look at Your Life!"   I guess that gives some of you a clue as to one of the songs that will be played.  Our little church is really feeling like home to me, I hope all of you are feeling the same. Praise Community Fellowship is continuing to meet with the Esic Baptist congregation to look at our potential future together.

Personally, I see a lot of opportunities developing for us to share in Sunday morning Sunday school, Sunday morning worship, and of course continuing with our Sunday evening services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays. We will be updating everyone about all these other opportunities as they unfold but in the mean time we are invited to participate in The Esic Baptist services on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am. and they are inviting us with complete love and open arms.

Since pastor Barry Harris has retired as the pastor of Esic Baptist, I have volunteered to be a fill in pastor as needed at their services. I will keep you posted as I learn more about that opportunity.

What I hope everyone who is associated with Praise Community Fellowship understands is, God has put us here in this place, in this time, in these circumstances for a reason. The ultimate reason is always to further His mission on this earth.  We have one responsibility at this junction and that is to continue to pray for God to lead us as to what His will is for this church. In the mean time we will continue to meet, love one another, forgive one another, sing, worship, serve, and be grateful for all that He has already done for us in such a short period of time.

I do hope you mark your calendars and plan to join us on the 26th because I promise it is going to be a very special Sunday. I hope to see all of you then.

PS Music will always be a large part of who we are. God has a plan for you!  Sincerely, and with love,  Kent Schuette  618-334-3575

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