Monday, December 17, 2012

I accepted Jesus, now what?

Last night we had a wonderful service. At least a half a dozen people made the decision to accept Jesus as their personal savior. But now what?   Accepting the Lord is the beginning of a new life. Your sins are forgiven and you are now a member of Gods family of believers.

Accepting Jesus as your personal savior is a very personal experience. Everyones experience is unique. Some become very emotional and are convicted of their past sins feeling great remorse and a new inner courage and strength to become a better person. Others may not experience any particular feeling or emotion and wonder if anything took place. Still others find they have a great appetite for Gods word and have a great desire to start reading the bible.

The main thing you as a new believer should understand is this, you are a new person because you made a conscious decision to believe that Jesus is the Christ. That He can and did forgive you of your sins, past, present and future. That you now are promised eternal life.

You are now a what Jesus calls a reborn or born again person, a spiritually new person like a new born infant. But in this case you are a spiritual newborn person.  But, just like a newborn baby, you need special care and feeding to grow properly and stay spiritually healthy.

If you made the decision for Jesus last night, I would suggest you get in contact with me and let me set you up with a spiritual mentor who can help guide you on your spiritual journey. Just like joining the gym to get into shape, you are now signed up and have a membership card to Christianity. You are now a Christian. However, just like joining the gym does not help you get into physical shape, making the decision for Jesus does not automatically make you in spiritual shape.

To get into physical shape you must go to the gym and use the equipment, the weights, the treadmill, the machines. It takes a commitment, it takes time, it takes an effort on your part if you want to be rewarded with results.

Developing your spiritual life is no different. It takes a commitment to learn, study, pray, worship, and get the full benefits of living a Christian life. It does not happen automatically just because you "signed up!"

You have taken a huge, very important step,  the most important thing. You have made the decision to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Congratulations and a warm welcome to a brand new life.  I hope I will be hearing from you soon!   Love, Kent

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