Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Higher Level of Knowledge

Q. Why should I read and study the bible and listen to sermons?  
A. For a higher level of knowledge of Gods Kingdom.

Q. So what is a higher level of knowledge and why is it so important?
A. Because when you have a higher level of knowledge your life can become greatly enhanced which in turn can enhance others lives.

Let me give you an illustration.  I work on a MacBook Pro laptop computer.  That is what I am using right now to write this blog.  This particular computer has an amazing amount of features and capabilities. Unfortunately, I only know the very basics. How to turn it on and off, word processing, search the internet. I am not touching the capability of this computer.  Why?  Because I have not invested the time and effort to learn how to properly use this tool. With a higher level of knowledge my capabilities on this computer would expand at least a hundred fold.  Why in the world don't I take the time and effort and probably expense to learn it?  Because like most people I settle for a lower level of knowledge because it is easier.  I haven't reached the the tipping point where the pain of not learning is more painful than the pain of learning it.

This is true with almost everything that can be life enhancing. Achieving a higher level of knowledge of your spouse, their likes and dislikes, their dreams, their inner thoughts, their fears, etc. would allow you to be a better loving and caring spouse.

A higher level of knowledge of your job can make you more valuable to the company.  The beautiful thing about achieving a higher level of knowledge in any given field is, it can not only bless you but others.  This is certainly true with our spiritual growth. Achieving a higher level of knowledge of God and His ways will allow you to get much more satisfaction out of this life.  It will allow you to live more in the Kingdom in this life. A higher knowledge of God would allow you to be a greater blessing in this life and also receive a greater reward in the life to come.

Another thing about attaining a higher level of knowledge is, there really is no ceiling. There is always more to learn. It is also very important to understand that this fallen world offers the choice of using a higher level of knowledge for good or for evil.

It is my desire as a pastor to help people achieve a higher level of knowledge of Jesus and His teachings so they develop a personal relationship with Him and continue their quest to learn more and more about the Christian walk. I too am learning and growing and seeking a higher level of knowledge of God and all that He desires. Seeking a higher level of knowledge of God is how to greatly enhance your Christian experience.

Always seeking and learning, love, Pastor Kent

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