Just to let you know we have two members of Praise Community Fellowship heading to Zambia in Africa in about a month. Laurie Frey and Dr. Jeannie Trimmer have both signed up to go on the mission trip to Zambia with African Vision of Hope.
Laurie Frey and a handful of volunteers that Laurie coordinated has put together a truck load of school supplies for the mission school. Laurie will be helping distribute and visit the schools in Zambia.
Dr. Jeannie is a pediatric doctor and will be seeing children in Zambia helping them with health issues. Here is what we can do to help her out. Dr. Jeannie is requesting that we go through our medicine cabinets and see if there are any unused antibiotics including antibiotic creams. If you have some of these medical items that you could donate, please email me and I will arrange a pick up time.
We also want to lift this mission team up in prayer asking God to watch over all the volunteers and make the trip rewarding and successful. Praise Community Fellowship is so very lucky to have such dedicated, giving people such as Dr. Jeannie and Laurie who are willing to serve God in such a magnificent way.
Going on this "other side of the world journey" is a sacrifice they each have decided to make at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I say sacrifice because each of them is paying their own way for this mission trip. For more information go to www.africanvisionofhope.org
Lets support them in their ministry.
PCF...reaching out and touching the world for Jesus!
Love, Pastor Kent
Personal email bon-kens@hotmail.com
Cell 618-334-3575
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