My ministry is not about being religious or routine, extravagant or even proper. What I want for everyone who comes to our church is for each and everyone of you to know the reality of Jesus and know that the Holy Spirit is waiting to unveil Himself to you so that you can become significant in the growth of Gods Kingdom.
What does that mean? Well there is a great bible passage that gets abused often that I want to share with you so I can shed some light on "becoming significant for God's Kingdom!"
John 14:10-18
10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. 12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
The sentence that we get hung up on is, "You will ask anything in my name and I will do it." Wow wouldn't that be great? But like all bible verses you must take them in context. The preceding verses are the qualifier to the last verse. Jesus said that God, the Father was in Him and the words He spoke and the works He did He did because He did nothing outside of the Fathers will. Jesus is telling His disciples to listen and follow His desires. Then we will do great, might, miraculous things, like we learned in the stories tonight. We can do powerful things for Gods Kingdom when we act on what God is prompting us to do.
The stories I shared tonight are common to those who have developed a relationship with Jesus and know the voice of the Holy Spirit and are acting on His prompting.
The book I read from at tonights service is called "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby.
If you found those stories inspirational I highly recommend this book as a lead in to deeper bible study. AND I want to mention to all of you that there is a group of us currently meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm and we are going thru the book. We have had two meetings and if you would like to join us all are welcome. You do not have to have the book to join the group.
There is also a group of us who meet right before the book study to pray. We meet at 6:00 PM.
The real question is, "How are you going to get from where ever you are right now to where ever God wants you to be?" Well that will only happen by submitting yourself completely to His direction. That usually happens by following one prompting at a time. Slowly moving closer to the Truth of Jesus.
God really really does have an amazing plan for your life!
Ok, back to bed to try and get some sleep. Love, Pastor Kent
PS if you ever have questions about anything I have talked about or just want to sit and talk with me please call me or email me and we will get together. my email is
and my cell is 618-334-3575.
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