Tuesday, August 13, 2013


There seems to be a huge misunderstanding among many Christians. I found myself in this category for many years and this is a wake up call to all churches.

Why have so  many dropped out of church? The reasons are many but a common one I hear is, "Church just doesn't do it for me!" And you know what, I get that. But here is what everyone who says that needs to understand. "Church" the institution, will never do it for you. It wasn't meant to do it for you. It was meant to bring people together to meet the living Jesus. To develop a personal relationship with the living Jesus.
Too many people are missing the blessings that God has for them because their entire spiritual experience and relationship is with a particular church instead of with the person Jesus. The institution of the church, which is made up of traditions, doctrines, formats, times, places, fallen humans and sometimes misguided teaching will not be able to change the world until it's primary focus becomes helping people to  develop a personal relationship with The Lord of the universe, Jesus. Then, and only then will all the programs, meetings, fellowship and worship services change peoples lives in an undeniable way.

Church cannot give you eternal life, only Jesus can.
Church cannot mend your broken heart, only Jesus can.
Church cannot bring you peace, only Jesus can.
Church cannot fix your marriage, only Jesus can.
Church cannot heal you, only Jesus can.

We meet together to meet Jesus.  We sing together to worship Jesus. We have sermons to understand Jesus. Church should be a place where Jesus is easy to meet and get to know.

I want Praise Community Fellowship to be such a place. Each and everyone of you who comes to PCF has a mission that comes with being part of this church and that is to make sure that no matter who walks through our doors on a Sunday evening that we are doing everything in our ability to help people meet Jesus our Lord.  Amen!

Love, Pastor Kent who at this moment is still only 56 years old! Hallelujah

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