Friday, January 3, 2014

The New Year at PCF

Whats on the Menu for this year?

The board is active, praying, thinking, dreaming, excited because we are open and willing to go where God leads us, do what He asks of us, and reach out to those who He wants us to reach out to.

The people of Praise Community Fellowship , with the help of God, seek to live their lives as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing toward one another, the community, and all those who God places in our path.  This is who we are. We want to be living examples of Jesus to the world.  That is a big commitment since we are all broken and fall way short of who Jesus wants us to be. But that is the reason we call the Gospel the "Good News!"  
Everyone can come to Jesus and have a brand new start. A clean slate. A new beginning. 

We are just getting started! There is a new sense of energy I am feeling in the congregation that I attribute to the workings of the Holy Spirit. Lets remain unique.  Lets stay focused on our mission, see above.  Let's stretch ourselves to becoming more like what Jesus taught. Lets remain "DEBT FREE"

I know we need to expand and we will. But lets do it Gods way. Gods way is the only way to find what we are looking for whether it be for our church or for our own peace and joy.

Gods way is to give, joyfully give whatever God lays on your heart to give. It may be time, talent, money. Here is what I know,  God has need of something that each of us currently possesses.   God wants us to give of what we have so that we can be part of His plan which always leads to a blessing. He asks us to share what we have not because He isn't capable of providing it, but because that is how He chooses to work in this world; through us, His creation. It's going to be a great year for Praise Community Fellowship praise be to God.

We have already done some amazing things with our giving and like I said, "We are just getting started."  One of the many reasons I am so thrilled and honored to be called pastor of this church is because I think the people of our church get it in that "It's not about us!"  It's about becoming love to the hurting world.  Love takes on many forms. A meal, providing warm clothes, shelter, encouragement, forgiveness, compassion, well you know… our mission statement.  Are you excited yet?

Happy Blessed New Year to everyone.
I will see you all soon.  Love, pastor Kent

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