Friday, March 14, 2014

What If….?????

What if church became something so totally different than anything you have ever thought church could be, that you couldn't wait to bring everyone you know to the "event?"
What if church became a place where your dreams could be developed?
What if church became an exciting conversation within a very welcoming social environment?
What if participating in church became as fun as going to the movies or a night out with your best friends?
What if church could become a place that you could become all that God wants you to become?
What if coming to church was as enjoyable as going to dinner with your best friends?

These are questions I am going to be answering and soon.  Change is coming.  Big change!  Why? because as Laurie Frey loves to say to me, "If you keep doing what you have always done your going to keep getting what you have always gotten!"  or something real close to that. Right Laurie?

PCF family, your pastor is bored and I think many of you are too.   Let's always be honest with one another. Let's also be willing to fix what needs to be fixed.  God has been moving me into some amazing, radical ideas for change. Every one of you who receive this blog, if you have ever been a part of the PCF family, God has a very important ministry waiting for you to develop and you are going to get the help and the opportunity to begin developing it.

I'm being brutally honest, church as it exists today is failing it's mission.  And that mission is to get people to know the living God.  To do that we must be excited and full of Gods love and compassion and acceptance ourselves, just like Jesus was. But we cannot reach people for Jesus the way we (the church) has been trying to do it for the last 1500 years. Yes the music has changed, the instruments have changed, but the overall method has not changed. Like I said in my last post, we are still trying to bring people in who are using Bluray DVDs and all we have is a VCR. 

In case you have not noticed, people have radically changed over the past 1500 years. The need for God is the same.  People need God, they just don't want God packaged in the way church has packaged Him.  And I agree totally. 

So, what do we do about it? Well I am devising a grand radical plan that I will begin unveiling this Sunday. I will need lots of help and will need lots of suggestions and feedback. This is going to be a different path but a path that I believe God has planned for us. 

I will tell you this. It involves Food and drink, conversations, events, and more conversations. 
Conversations mean questions, talk, listening, learning, eating, sharing, dreaming, experiencing, getting to know one anothers struggles and victories, and getting involved in problem solving. This is going to involve brain storming and thinking not only outside the box but making a whole new box!

A long time ago I posted the following on the blog: Stop Going to Church!  Become the Church!
I want everyone who gets involved with PCF to experience the living God and the primary way that happens is by allowing the Holy Spirit to love, care, help, and guide each of us as we fellowship with one another.  God works through anyone who is willing to allow God to work through them. Miracles happen that way.

There is huge change in the wind.  It is a refreshing wind. We are going to become something new and different and exciting. We are going to change the way people think about church. Did you get that?  We are going to change the way people think about church!  You have a part if you want in.  It is going to take work, money, effort, love, patience, and a desire to be part of something way bigger than you. A new church is coming! I promise. We are essentially going to be boarding a ship for an undiscovered land. Hang on for the ride of your life!     I can promise you this much, it ain't going to be boring!
Hope to see you Sunday!  Love, pastor Kent

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