Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This week!

Praise Community Fellowship and friends, this Wednesday we will be meeting at the "Edwardsville Showplace Theater" to see the movie, "God is Not Dead."  We will be attending the 6:45 showtime. This is a function of the Garden Club and all are invited. Bring your family and friends. I hope you can make it I have heard this movie is really good.

EASTER WORSHIP will be this SATURDAY at 6:30. We will come together to receive communion, and celebrate Jesus' breaking the bonds of death for all who choose to follow Him.

Take Away from Sunday's Service:   Jesus filtered His humanity through God, we filter God through our humanity!

Jesus was able to put aside His own comfort, desires, and preferences by completely focusing on Gods mission for His life.  We have the same opportunity, however we allow our own comfort, desires, and preferences to drown out the still small voice of God. When you grasp this it is very profound.

What's our message?   God has a plan for your life!
What's our mission?    To open as many conversations about the love of Jesus with as many people as possible.
Why do we want to open conversations about Jesus?  So people can discover God's plan for their life.
What's our method of opening these conversations?      To live our life as a demonstration of Jesus' Hope, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Healing to everyone we meet. Because when people discover God's plan for their life, life changes. You are going to be changed when you start walking with God on the path He desires for you. There is comfort and adventure in that relationship.

Prayer: God forgive me for making you second in my life.  Forgive me for tuning your voice out. Help me to hear your voice through my busyness. Help me to hear your voice through the noise of my day. Help me to act on what ever it is you are directing me to do. Give me the  courage to say yes to whatever you place in my path.  In Jesus name Amen!

Hey, God has a plan for YOUR life!
See you Saturday, 6:30.   Love, pastor Kent

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