Garden Club Tonight 6:30 Edwardsville care Center Corner of St. Mary Drive and Route 143 Edwardsville.
PCF Easter Service Plans Saturday Evening April 19th at 6:30. I'll keep you posted on any additional info or changes.
What's my ministry? I have been asked this question by several people. I'm encouraged when people ask this question because it means they are thinking about it and are wanting to find it. If you are not sure what your ministry is, don't fret, don't worry, don't become discouraged. There are a couple of things I would suggest you do if your truly want to find your ministry.
1.) Prayer is the first thing! Pray and ask God to show you what your ministry is. Ask Him to help you discover it and then empower you to begin. If you are still struggling, call me and lets talk about it. Sometimes others can help you discover what your calling is.
2.) What has God been placing before you? Sometimes the answer is right in front of us but we don't think about a circumstance as a ministry. This is exactly what happened to the priest and the Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan we talked about last Sunday. Ask God to "Open Your Spiritual Eyes" so that you can recognize what He is prompting you to do. And realize, as I mentioned in my sermon last Sunday, your mission will probably come packaged as a "disruption" rather than a nicely gift wrapped, "Won't this be a fun and rewarding thing to get involved with?" type ministry. When God lays it on your heart to GET INVOLVED HERE NOW, don't miss the blessing that will be part of the possible disruption.
Why do so many miss their ministry? I am convinced it is cultural. We have become so comfortable and set in our routines particularly here in America, that anything outside of our comfort zone gets vetoed real quick. It is very hard for God to work through us as He would like because we have set filters and parameters on what we are willing to do for Him. God is looking for a surrendered will and a surrendered heart.
There is a new home being built right across the street from my house. I watched the backhoe operator dig the basement. The backhoe is a tremendously powerful machine cable of moving tons of dirt and material in a very short period of time. The operator knew exactly how to use that machine to get the basement dug with precision. The backhoe had no mind of its own but was instrumental in the job getting accomplished. We are all backhoes that need God as the operator. When He becomes our operator an immense amount of good happens for His Kingdom.
God has a plan or your life! Let Him have free reign over your controls!
Have a great day! See you soon. Love, pastor Kent
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