Friday, July 4, 2014

Can you worship with a Goat?

I think the real question is, "Do we really even know what worship is anymore?"

The more I study the bible, the more I pray, the more I talk with God, the more I realize that EVERYTHING is from God, Everything!  And we are put here on this earth for one purpose, to glorify God!

And, I have come to the conclusion that Glorifying God does NOT mean living my life as some unhappy monk that has no pleasure, no fun, no happiness, no joy, no adventure.  That is what the devil wants us all to believe. That if we put God first in our life, then all the beauty and enjoyment that life has for us must be locked up in a closet and the key thrown away so that we have no access to it.

Man is that wrong. We glorify God by enjoying the gifts and pleasures He has given us and by giving Him thanks and kudos for all of this great creation.  Praise God for my wife, for my morning coffee, for my home, my car, my friends and family. Praise God for Steve Wescott and his goat Leeroy, and for the mission he is raising money for. Praise God for this weather, the food I have to eat, the air-conditioning, the music I enjoy. Praise God for my eyes, my ears, my ability to taste and laugh.

Friends when we gather to worship it is about acknowledging God in a huge way for all that we have because of Him! But let us not make worship just one hour once per week, let our lives become worship and we do that by acknowledging God in everything!

So can we worship with a goat? oh yes, we can worship and laugh and celebrate and love, and sing and be filled with joy because God gave us this moment, this life, and all the people who enter this life.

The 4th of July!  Yes celebrate. But celebrate God because it is all because of Him.

This Sunday Praise Community Fellowship meets at Joe Glik Park, Edwardsville, Il. at 7:30AM  Come meet Steve Wescott and Leeroy Brown. They have walked over 2,000 miles and are on their way to New York City. Come worship with a goat!  God is Good. Amen!

We will be collecting a special offering for  Needles2Square,  to help build an orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya. click here for more information

God has a plan for your life!  Love, pastor Kent

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