Thursday, July 10, 2014

Something to think about

Do you ever get annoyed or tired of all the people seeking money for some cause?  It seems like every week you are digging in your pocket or writing another check to some organization. You know that there is a need but come on, you only have so much to give.

I guess it really depends on which side of the fence you are on. It depends on your perspective. Did you know that you are a recipient of a missionary? That a man came from immense wealth and a place of beauty into your poverty and got dirty, abused, and killed, to save you?  We are all on the receiving side of a great missionary named Jesus.

2 Corinthians 8:9

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.

Our debt is huge. Hunger, sufferings of all kinds all over the world including here is our responsibility as Christians. You can make a difference.  Compare the price of what Jesus paid for you. 

This Sunday we will be talking about marriage!  Everyone knows something about marriage. Do you know anyone who needs to hear the gospel?  This will be a great Sunday to bring that special friend. You know we are living in a very unique time for many reasons. But the one I am thinking about is, we are now living in a time where there are many young people up to the age of about 30 who have never heard the bible stories. They have never been to Sunday school. They do not know the stories of Abraham, Moses, Jonah, Joseph, King Davidnone of the stories. So when we reach out to the unchurched it is a very unique proposition. You and I are called to bring the gospel message to all the earth. We can start in our own back yard. People are seeking something.  We all are. That something is a relationship with God. That is where peace and fulfillment are found. But there is more to it than that. 
Come join us with a friend this Sunday at 6:30PM at the Crystal garden located at 1230 University Drive Edwardsville and find out what it takes to get "tuned in" to God. 

See you there! Love, pastor Kent

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