Monday, August 11, 2014

It's Monday, Now What?

First things first, "Dear God, please grant me the wisdom, the strength, the love, and the energy to complete what ever it is you give me to accomplish or deal with today!" Amen

I have to make a public apology because I had full intention of praying for  Butch Peterson last night at the service and it didn't happen. I am so sorry!  Let me tell you what Sandi sent me about his progress: "Butch is doing a lot better, the rehab has him raising is arm over his head and lifting his leg up to cross his legs and walking with a walker. Speech is much better, thank you of all your prayers" Sandi Peterson

Please continue to pray for Butches full recovery.

For those of you that listen to the sermons online we know that the last sermon was not recorded correctly. This problem has been corrected so you should be able to listen in again.

Begin to live your spiritual life expectantly. When you pray, expect an answer! When you ask for the Holy Spirit expect Him to fill you! Expect great things for our church and start worshipping right now wherever you are. As you have seen on the news this morning, we live in a world that desperately needs to know Jesus and have a real relationship with Him. "IF" the people involved in the rioting and looting last night were people who knew Jesus there would have been no news story this morning.

See you soon! love, pastor kent

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