Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday Morning Thoughts after a Wonderful Sunday Evening

I know I told you to bring a notebook and pen last night for notes and some of you asked after words why we didn't get to that.  Good question.  It's because i do not use notes or stick to a format when I preach because i want the Holy Spirit to guide the service. So, like last night, I did not get to everything I had planned on speaking about. So let me get back to some of the points I had planned on getting to last night so maybe your creative juices will start flowing and the notebooks can still be put to use.

Why church?  The way I see church, it is not a place or time to cram more and more historical biblical facts and knowledge down everyones throat every week like some college class, but to entice and develop a hunger for Gods word in those who show up for the worship service. It is also a place where the Holy Spirit working through the members of the congregation help create a desire for a relationship with the living God where all spiritual knowledge and peace and hope can be developed.
The goal is to bring people into a place of spiritual awareness so that they can become conscious and aware of the amazing infinite glory that can be enjoyed in everyday life! So that our life becomes filled with His "Kingdom Light" of pleasure and power which completely eradicates all fear, anger, frustration, disappointment, jealousy, and any other "anchor" which keeps us chained to the physical world and all it's aches and pains and cravings problems.

I guess the easiest way to put it would be to say it is the awakening and realization of the Holy Spirit within one self. And when this amazing awakening happens, your life will be filled with a love of souls, all souls! You will be filled with a desire to help unlock the chains of burdens which shackel so many people. It is coming to the realization that all life has a destiny! And that there really are are only two possible destiny's:

  • One with God and 
  • One without God,      and it really is our choice!

So here we are two and one half years into "Praise Community Fellowship."  As some of you know we have lost some along this two and a half year journey and we have gained others. That is just life. One thing I can assure you though, our door will "Always" be open and welcoming to everyone who is seeking God.

Now, because of Gods grace and guidance we find ourselves on the doorstep of a tremendous opportunity. To step into a promised land of five acres currently known as the Well property. The people of the Well are praying as each of us should be with the prayer that God will do what He wills so that He may have the Glory and many will be served.The Well may become our permanent home! The place where we will build what God wants. That is what the notebooks were for.  See, every person in our congregation, let me emphasize, every person including the children, God can use for His purpose. So here is your assignment.

First, continue to pray that if it be God's will, we will soon be moving to the Well.
And, if we move to the Well, what is God speaking to you as to what your ministry will be?
How does God want to use you?  My answer to all of you is this. We want to become all that God wants us to become!  Now at this time I have no idea what all that means but open your spirit to His guidance and begin dreaming.  Let Him plant the seeds of our future in your heart.

But please don't fall into this trap! Thinking that we are going to be like all other churches. My gut is, I doubt very much if we will be like other churches. Remember, as you begin dreaming, that people are bailing from traditional churches. Now that does not mean that all traditions are bad but something is not working in most churches. The other huge thing to remember as you start to pray and ask God to help you plan this new church is this, "IT IS NOT PRIMARILY ABOUT YOU!"

Now let me try and explain that. Of course our church cares about you however here is the important point, we are to be thinking about the people who we do not yet know. How will we design and plan a church that will bring them in? That is the question! Because we are seeking to fulfill what Jesus said, to bring the gospel to all the world. We are seeking this who need to hear and understand the gospel for the first time!

Bottom line, pray to God, wait on God, trust God, then follow through with what ever it it is He is showing you!  Ok that's it for now but man is there a while lot more to talk about!

See you soon. Love, pastor kent

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