Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Stop Worrying, Second Guessing, and Keep Praying!

The most exciting thing about God that is confirmed over and over throughout the bible is, When He steps into a situation, the things He can and will do defy human logic. In other words He does what seems impossible! Just read the story of Gideon Judges 7:2-18.
Read Verse Here

When we wait on, and then follow Gods logic defying ways, is when we will see God work His great power in our lives and in our church.

Can God really do the miraculous, YES!  But you and I have a major role in allowing Him to do so. We must surrender our will, our wants, and our desires to His!  For us humans that ain't easy!

Last night Bonni and I stayed up till midnight watching the news coverage from Ferguson Mo.  While I was watching I got caught up in the coverage, which is so easy to do in this life. We get caught up in the things of the world INSTEAD of PRAYING!  About 11:00 it dawned on me to begin praying instead of just watching.
Watching  = No power
Praying = Power

So, can God really lead our humble little congregation Praise Community Fellowship to do amazing things for His Kingdom? Absolutely. But we must stay in prayer, and allow God to lead EVERYTHING we do! That will be my mantra as long as I remain pastor. God is the leader and the planner, and the developer, and has total authority over everything PCF does! Even when it may not make logical human sense! We worship a God who does the impossible! That is just how He works. But He only does that for those who are willing to follow and obey!

Isaiah 55:8-9 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Let me end with a story I borrowed from Henry and Richard Blackaby from their book, "Hearing God's Voice"
" A friend was serving as a student director on a large university campus. He tells an amusing story about the day a concerned student came to see him in his office. She was deeply troubled about her financial situation. She explained, "I am in desperate need of a part time job if I am to stay in school. I have prayed and asked God to help me, but every place I have applied is not hiring." She asked, "Do you really believe God can help me find a job?"
Just then a fellow student passed by the open doorway and saw her meeting with the director. The friend apologized for interrupting , and said, "I've been looking for you! After your meeting we need to talk. My boss asked me today if I knew anyone who needed a part time job. I told him about you, and he wants to talk to you right away!" The anxious student thanked her friend, then turned back to the student director and continued where she had left off, "So do you think God can help me find a job?" It's a good thing there were no two-by-fours within reach! Unbelief can render a person stone deaf to God's voice."

Believe, trust, pray, expect.   God has amazingly great things for those who trust, listen, and obey!
See you soon. Love, pastor kent

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