Wednesday Mornings….Mens group meets at Breadco Edwardsville at 8:00am every Wednesday. All are invited. And yes that means girls too! So why do we call it a mens group? Because it started with men. Anyone can join us!
So what is it about? Anything and everything. Like I tell people, we try to solve a few problems and usually end up creating a few more new ones.
October 31st PCF will be hosting a food and music booth at Barb Joiners office at the Halloween Parade. We will be setting up a grill and serving Hotdogs and drinks to the public as well as having the band provide music a couple of hours before the parade begins. The Edwardsville Halloween Parade is one of the most well attended parades in Madison county. Thousands of people show up. This will be a great way to let people know who we are. I will have much more information as to what we need and what you can do to be part soon.
Confirmation Class It was brought to my attention at the PCF picnic that there may be a need for us to have a confirmation class for our young people. I think this could be a wonderful way to get more young families involved in our church. I will be happy to do a class but we have to get a handful of children/ and young families into our church. And here is my thought on this class. It will only meet for about 5 weeks. As you are all well aware, I am not into tradition for traditions sake. I am into introducing the living God to people. Whether it is done traditionally, or radically, or ridiculously, I really don't care as long as it accomplishes the objective. And at the end of our confirmation class it won't be an automatic thing that you are now a member of the church. At the end of the class it will be an individual decision as to whether you are ready to become part of Gods family or not. Because that is the reality of Gods way. He gives us an individual choice!
Other Groups At our last Wednesday mens meeting a suggestion was made that maybe we should start other groups to get more people involved. Some of the suggestions were a photography group, a fishing group, a golfing group, a wood working group, a bible study, etc….I'm all for it. Now here is the million dollar question. Who wants to start one and run with it? Just let me know and I will get the information on the blog. Now remember, these groups don't have to be made up from just people in our church. May I suggest that before volunteering to start a group that you pray about it and make sure you feel called to see it through. Remember this bible verse as you go to God:
Luke 14:28-30
28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish." Wise words for all church projects!
Fill your life with Gods word, with Love, with Forgiveness and Compassion, and you will be able to enjoy the Kingdom of God here and now as well as in the life to come! Don't Worry, Be Happy!
Love, pastor kent