Monday, September 8, 2014

Letters From God

Last night I introduced a way that God can speak to you. Journaling. I recommended that you find a bible reading program that would allow you to read the bible in one year. Just google "One year bible reading program." Get yourself a notebook to start your journaling, find a time that works for you, and read the given passages for that day. Tell God you are ready for a personal relationship with Him and that you want to learn to know His voice.

Now, when you are finished reading, open your mind to God. Ask Him to give you wisdom for your life. He knows everything you are going through. He knows because He is control of everything.

Here is what is so interesting about journaling. What comes to your mind may or may not have anything to do with what you just read. But go with it.  God wants to communicate with you through the Holy Spirit. What ever you feel coming to mind, begin writing. Like I said last night, sometimes I only get one sentence. Sometimes I get a paragraph, and then there are times when I will write several pages of notes. And there are times when I don't write anything. Writing is the key because it allows you to focus on what is being given. When you just allow the thoughts into your mind without writing them, it is just too easy to become distracted. PLus it is always fascinating to go back over your journal and see how God has been leading you.

I hope you will give this method a try because I believe that it will change your entire reality of God and Christianity. Reading the bible and journaling will draw you into a personal relationship with the living God. I want each and everyone of you to experience the Joy and Peace, and guidance that God has to give.

If you have any questions, call me or email me. Let the relationship begin!

Love, pastor kent

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