Are you seeking God? Seeking Him in every circumstance in your life? Your health, your relationships, your dreams, plans, and goals, your finances, your business? God is a God of EVERYTHING!
We tend to seek Him more from a menu than in all areas of our lives. Well let's see, I'm not feeling well so I will seek Him about my health and I really need help with my relationship with…?
My money? No I'm good there I really don't need Him in that area.
How about my leisure time, my entertainment choices? Do I seek God in those area's of my life or are these areas "off limits" to Him? We tend to pick and choose where we need or want God's input.
Jesus is to be Lord of our lives.
- someone or something having power, authority, or influence; a master or ruler:
Bring Him into all circumstances and seek Him as if you were seeking your lost keys or phone. You won't find His fullness in just an hour a week at church. It will take personal effort and reading of Gods word. You must allow Him into every area of your life. That will only happen if you develop a trusting relationship with Him.
Is making God Lord over every area of your life possible? Yes
Is it easy? No!
As a pastor do I fail? Yes
How do I handle my failures? I repent and continue to seek Him for guidance. I know when I am drifting from His presence and it usually happens when I have not spent enough time in prayer and reading the bible. I have to recharge daily! For me it takes at least an hour and many times it takes several hours. But just like my cell phone, if I don't fully recharge, I am limited as to how long I can stay God focused.
So if I don't spend at least an hour a day in bible reading and prayer I'm screwed? No! If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you are Saved and Loved and Accepted! Never forget that. But without time invested "with" God you are giving up the Peace, Hope and Confidence that is available to you!
Hope to see you Sunday! 6:30PM The Crystal Garden. Come and be changed! Love, pastor kent
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