Answer: I can only answer that from my life experience and what I have observed as I continue to seek God and walk with Him on a daily basis. I think the primary obstacle for most of us is that our lives are primarily focused on our agendas rather than on God's agenda. It takes quite a paradigm shift to make Gods agenda more important than yours. But that shift can be made.
Question: So what would I have to do to begin this "agenda" shift, switching my agenda to Gods agenda?
Answer: I think there are many ways this could take place but here are some of what I think are foundational requirements. If you can get these fundamentals down you will see a radical shift in your relationship with God. So here are what I would call the foundational requirements.
A.) Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior by confessing your sins and then crying out to Him that you need Him and accept Him and need help in believing in Him.
B.) Get an easy to read version of the bible like the New International Version or the New Living Translation, there are several good choices, and begin a daily devotion reading program from your bible. God will speak to you through His word which is written in the bible. It still amazes me of how few Christians actually read their bible. Let me give an illustration of just how important this part of your Christian walk really is. Imagine someone wanting to become a member of a professional sports team. I'll use football as my example. The person shows up for practice and at the end of the very first practice the coach hands out a "Play Book" This book contains this particular teams methods and strategy for playing the game. If you are going to become a active member of this team you are going to have to know the play book. Coming to practice without knowing the plays is going to leave you on the bench.
I still say journaling is an excellent way to "hear" Gods voice. Read and then write. What is the playbook saying to you? The Holy Spirit will interpret Gods word to you for your particular circumstance. God will speak to you about your life from His word. But you have to make a daily commitment to reading it.
Question: Do I have to read the bible daily?
Answer: Only if you want to enjoy all that God has for you!
C.) And the other fundamental requirement would be prayer. Go to God daily with anything you would like guidance on but also with this, "God show me how to become part of your plan. Give me the wisdom, the strength, the patience, and the energy to become a major player in your agenda!"
Hope to see you soon! Love, pastor kent
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