Thursday, October 9, 2014

Too Much!

The bible is a huge book and therefore overwhelms many would be readers. So is Gone with the Wind, Moby Dick, and War and Peace…..

Here is the thing about the bible. It contains infinite Spiritual wisdom and because of that it can seem overwhelming. However, God also knows you and your capabilities, your habits and your patience level. The object of reading the bible is NOT to read it straight thru and try and grasp everything that you are reading. The bible is not designed like any other book because it was written for you personally. God will speak to you on your level of understanding when you commit to getting to know Him by starting a daily bible reading discipline.

Disciplining yourself to daily bible reading shows God you are committed to getting to know Him. He will honor that. So after you read everyday for a week and you have absolutely no clue what it is you've read, it's ok because God knows that! Just listen to your inner voice and watch your life circumstances as you continue the discipline.

If you go to the gym and begin lifting weights, more than likely you will see no results after the first week. But, if you continue with the discipline, you will progressively change your strength and body shape. Reading the bible is the same in many ways. If you go to the gym and lift too much at one time, you are going to get so sore you will probably not go back to the gym. However if you select a proven systematic routine based on your fitness level, you can progressively increase your strength and stamina. Start by reading a couple of paragraphs. Don't worry if you don't understand or feel different, just stick with the program! Your spiritual life will develop as sure as your biceps will strengthen with weight training.


Choir practice tonight and every Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00PM at the Crystal Garden, all are invited to be part of the choir.

Chuck Weiss is at Meridian Village for rehab.

I will be offering a 5 week confirmation class for any of our youth who would like to participate. Let me know if you have interest. I am hoping to have at least 4 to start the class. This will be our first confirmation class. I will determine the times after I hear back from who is interested.

Wednesdays a group of guys meet at Edwardsville breadco at 8:00 AM all are invited to join us at this informal meeting.

We will be having a meeting soon, (time and date to be determined), about our booth at Barb Joiners office for this years Halloween parade. We will need volunteers to be ambassadors for Praise Community Fellowship. We will decide what we will be handing out, cooking, and music!

See you Sunday!  love, pastor kent

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