Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy, Wonderful, Blessed New Year!

From the Praise Community Fellowship Family, Happy New Year!   Have fun with your friends and family. Bring in the New Year with Peace, Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, and Joy. Say a prayer for someone you love tonight! God will be at the party too and He loves to be acknowledged.

See you next year! Love, pastor kent

Friday, December 26, 2014

Last Sermon of 2014

This Sunday's sermon will be, "What has God been Trying to Tell Me this Past Year?"

This Sunday can be a game changer for your life!

I look forward to seeing all of our regular family plus I invite all of you who have been receiving this blog. Come join us and make this last Sunday of 2014 the Sunday to come and be a part of the wonderful Praise Community Fellowship Family!

We are in for a great exciting year! Lets come together and worship our way into the New Year!

See you Sunday at 6:30PM at the Crystal Garden. Love, pastor kent

PS This will be our last evening service! January 4th we start our noon services!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas

Bonni and I want to wish everyone a very Joyful, Peaceful Christmas.

Love, Kent and Bonni Schuette

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

An Interesting Bible Passage for Christmas

1 Corinthians 12:3

Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit.
This passage is not about someone just saying the words, "Jesus is Lord!" It's about meaning and having full acceptance and believe that "Jesus is Lord!" 
Example: I can go to a busy mall somewhere and go up to complete strangers and tell them I used to be a self defense instructor for the Navy Seals. Some of the people will believe me, but that certainly does not make it true any way shape or form. As a matter of fact, if I went around and continued the ruse long enough I may even start to believe it to some degree myself. However, it would become very apparent very quickly just how untrue that statement was if I were to be attacked by a burglar while others watched on. I'm sure those who believed that I really was at one time a Navy Seal self defense instructor would quickly re-evaluate and question who I claimed to be after watching me be assaulted or robbed!
Jesus made it clear that if we really accepted Him  as our savior that we would live our life a certain way. That, and "people are always watching!" Here are some of the ways that we show our genuine belief that Jesus truly is our Lord:
John 13:35 "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (this is one of the BIG TWO commandments that Jesus teaches)
 John 8:31-3231 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (In other words, practice what I have taught you!)

Matthew 7:1-29 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

John 15:5I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. 

Our lives are testifying as to who or what our Lord is. If you are like me we all have a lot of work to do.

Plan on closing out 2014 this Sunday with your church family.
See you there! Love, pastor kent

Sunday, December 21, 2014


The Christmas Story told through scripture and music. I hope you can join us this evening for the Praise Community Fellowship Christmas service. The service starts at 6:30pm at the Crystal Garden located at 1230 University Drive Edwardsville.

The Christmas story as told by 100's of generations of Christians. Behind the story is a living God who has sent His Son and His Holy Spirit here to bring a touch of Gods Kingdom into you life.

Are you stressed by the Holidays? Feeling down? Feeling like you will be glad when it's over? The Holy Spirit has a better plan. Come and worship the newborn King! Come and be part of the table of grace we call communion. Come and be part of Gods family. Praise Community Fellowship welcomes all people with open arms of love!

See you tonight! Love, pastor kent

Friday, December 19, 2014

Question of the Year to write on your heart!

Simplify your Christian life while at the same time deepening your walk with God .
How? Ask yourself this simple question before acting on anything!

The Life Changing Question for all Christians:
"Is what I am about to think, say, or do, going to glorify God?"
If the answer is "No!", then don't do it!
If the answer is "I'm not sure!", then take time to pray about it and wait for the answer!
If the answer is "Yes!", then Amen get on with it and give it all you've got!

See you Sunday, the PCF Christmas service! 6:30PM Crystal Garden. 1230 University Drive, Edwardsville.

Love, pastor kent

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Church for Church Sake?

"What do you do there?" someone asked.

Now that to me is a sad question when asked by someone outside of a local church. We must take "the church" outside of the walls and into the world just as God did when He sent His son Jesus to us. God came into the world and became one of us in the fact that He walked with and among us. He interacted with us where we were. In our sins, in our disease, in our despair and in in our brokenness. He brought Hope and Healing "to" the people!

Let's follow the example of what God did for us on Christmas and get outside of the walls of our churches so people don't have to ask, "What do you do there?"

Praise Community Fellowship Christmas service this Sunday at 6:30 at the Crystal Garden, 1230 University Drive Edwardsville. The Christmas story, Music, Communion, and Love! Praise Community Fellowship, a grand experiment of Love!

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Too Caught Up and THEN!

I'm a pastor. It's my passion. Jesus is what I'm all about. I love talking about Him, thinking about His teachings and spend many hours reading and studying trying to get closer to Him and getting to  know Him on a deeper level. But I also live in the real world. There is laundry and business and people to call and see. There are groceries to be bought and planning to be done for all the visitors we will have this Christmas. Time slips by quickly and the next thing I know, I realize haven't really prayed in a couple of days.

So, even though I didn't really feel like it, I began praying and talking with God yesterday. I asked Him for His wisdom to help me with many things. Now here is the amazing thing about God. Here comes the…and THEN!  God moves and things happen, and after they happen I have to sit there and say, OK God, this can only be you, now what?

Here is the point. God is moving our church in the direction He wants it to go and has a great plan for us. That is all I can really say at his time. But trust me some very interesting things are developing.

I am going to remind you of something I said after our very first meeting in Jim and Sues basement on January 8th, 2012. Here is the later I sent out.

"Last night’s fellowship group aka "The Flash Mob church" was a gathering inspired by the Holy Spirit. People thru the ages have been brought together by Gods calling for many reasons. One story that comes to mind when I think about our new beginning are the Hebrew people who left Egypt and started a journey to the promised land.

I like that analogy for our group because that is exactly where we find ourselves at this moment in time. We have stepped out in faith into the unknown on a journey that promises to be exciting.  Yet, we are not sure exactly where it is we are going. One of the lessons to be learned from the Hebrews flight from Egypt on their journey to the promised land is: Listen closely to Gods prompting and direction. Pray for guidance, be patient, and watch and listen closely for the opportunities that God will show us. It was the straying from God's directions that kept the Hebrews from entering the promised land for 40 years. 

Let me share with you something I have learned over the years about praying and listening for God's direction and this is very important. " Do not have a pre conceived idea of what God wants this group to do or become!"

God's ways are not mans ways. God will, through all of us, bring into focus what our mission will be. It could be something that we have not even considered and may be something that we least expect. Whatever it is you can rest assured that it will bring huge blessings to many as long as we do our part by staying close to God’s word and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. We will talk about all his more as we move forward. In the mean time we will continue to gather to sing, worship, fellowship and listen for Gods direction. 

To everyone who attended Last night. Blessings to you, be uplifted and excited. Let love, compassion, forgiveness and healing fill all of your hearts and dominate your life. And most important, talk with God every day and ask Him for direction. He really does hear and answer, but we must keep an open mind and willing heart to know His direction.

Love, Kent"

Focus on this point, Do not have a pre conceived idea of what God wants this group to do or become!" 

It's Christmas! A time for miracles, a time for Love, a time for Reflection, a time for Forgiveness, and a time to reunite with those who we have loved, shared with, cared for, and worshipped with. This Sunday, bring those who you love. Come with the expectation of meeting the living Jesus! Something is happening even though you may not yet see it. There is a miracle baby on the way and I mean that metaphorically for PCF. Come and and be part of what God is about to unveil. Come to the manger of miracles and hope.

See you Sunday! Our Christmas service. A service of Hope, Communion, Song, Message, Love, Miracles!
Love, pastor kent

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tomorrow Evening

If you are receiving this blog you know that tomorrow evening at 5:00 we are going to have a Christmas dinner and then have a Christmas service. The service tomorrow will have Christmas songs and a message: Emmanuel, God With Us.

It's Christmas. Come join us. If you are reading this, you and all your friends are invited!
Good food, fellowship, music, message.

See you tomorrow at 5:00pm at the Crystal Garden 1230 University Drive, Edwardsville.

Love, pastor kent

Friday, December 12, 2014

What is it about Christmas?

What the spirit of Christmas can do. Click on the link below!
We are all Gods children!

Who do you need to come out of the trench and make amends with this Christmas?
Love, pastor kent

Jesus, What a Wonderful Child

Jesus defeated all of His enemies by suffering for them rather than making them suffer!  Now there is a revolutionary idea!

Matthew 5:43-48

43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Jesus' birthday. It is a perfect time for getting to know the son of God on a deeper level. Getting to know the one who can "set you free!"

Come join us this Sunday as we continue our journey to Bethlehem. We are getting closer to the stable.
There, in the midst of all the craziness of this world, we will find peace. Join us at 5:00 this Sunday for dinner, and then a wonderful Christmas service. The PCF singers have been working on some wonderful music and Brad Joiner and his elves are planning a wonderful meal. I hope you will load up your car with friends and join us.

See you this Sunday at 5:00pm at the Crystal Garden, 1230 University Drive, Edwardsville.

Love, pastor, kent

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I mentioned in my last blog that The Beverly Farm gifts could be brought to church Sunday, however they need to be taken to Donna Bowers or to Cathy Watson's house by tomorrow.

Thank you for all those who have generously given to this gift program.

Reminder for everyone to invite people to our Christmas dinner this Sunday at 5:00pm at the Crystal Garden. A service will follow the dinner.

What ever it is you may be facing at this time in your life here is hope:

Isaiah 41:10 
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Jeremiah 32:27

27 “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
    I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Prayer

That you receive the Peace of God this Christmas season.

The things of this world cannot give you Peace, Love or Joy. It is up to those who know Jesus to bring His Peace, Love and Joy to those who do not yet have it.  Christianity is not something that just happens but something we do! Something we must participate in to make it effective.

This coming Sunday: Bring someone to our Christmas dinner and service. Dinner starts at 5:00 in the Crystal room. Service will follow.

See you Sunday! Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Let's Change the World!

We know that our primary purpose in all things is to Glorify God! That is why our personal mission statement is so important to write into our hard drive. I…(insert name) promise to live my life as a demonstration of Jesus' love, forgiveness, compassion and healing with everyone I meet and in all circumstances with the help of God!

I was reading one of my journals from years back and found another personal mission statement that is similar.  "I promise to choose love and forgiveness in all circumstances from this moment on with everyone who enters my circle. Whether it be in person, in my memory or by other means. I promise to make the health, happiness, success, and wellbeing of every soul with whom I have contact as important as my own health, happiness, success, and wellbeing. And, I will do so with no expectations of reciprocation of any kind.

Jesus probably said it better: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!

Your brand new life of love and forgiveness can start "Right Now!"  Isn't that cool?
Love is eternal. God is love! God is eternal.
Look at your life and then think about this great statement from CS Lewis, "All that is not eternal is eternally useless!"

It's Christmas, let the miracles of love begin!
See you soon. Love, pastor kent

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday December 8th

Our primary purpose in life is to Glorify God. That means glorifying Him in everything we think, say and do. Obviously we fall short. However, if we can continually remind ourselves that as a Christian it is our purpose to Glorify God, it will certainly help us to stay focused on becoming more like Jesus in our day to day activities.

A simple question to ask yourself before making decisions or taking action is, "Is what I am about to say or do going to Glorify God? If not……

Reminder: Praise Community Fellowship is having a Christmas Fellowship Dinner before our service this coming Sunday on the 14th. We will eat at 5:00PM in the Crystal Room with the service to follow. Everyone is invited. If you enjoy this blog but do not attend our church, you are invited to come to this fellowship dinner and get to know the people of Praise Community Fellowship! Anyone who is interested in knowing more about Jesus is invited. Bring your friends and family. Bring a stranger. Our doors are open to everyone!

Brad Joiner is arranging and managing the dinner and is looking for volunteers to help set up and bring side dishes. You can reach Brad at

We will be going to a noon service starting January 4th.

If you have gifts for the Beverly Farm residents that you have not yet turned in, please bring them with you next Sunday.

It's Christmas! A good time to let go of anything that is hindering your walk with Jesus. Fill your life with Love, Forgiveness, Joy, Peace, Compassion, and healing. Are you in need? Call or email me.

See you soon. Love, pastor kent

Sunday, December 7, 2014


We will gather tonight lighting our second Advent candle as we continue our journey toward Bethlehem. Come join us tonight at 6:30 for Communion, Music, Fellowship, and God's word.

Please bring your Christmas gifts for the Beverly farm residents tonight if you have them. Donna Bowers will be collecting them.

We will be collecting food items for the Glen-Ed Pantry this evening.

Next Sunday we will have our Christmas Fellowship dinner.  We are going to try and fill the sanctuary with friends and family so make sure to invite someone to join us next Sunday at 5:00 in the Crystal room for this fellowship dinner. Service will follow thew dinner.

See you this evening! Love, pastor kent

Friday, December 5, 2014

This coming Sunday

"Knowing Your Purpose"  Come join us this Sunday at 6:30 pm at the Crystal Garden. We will be meeting in the cherub room, the first room off to your right when you enter the building.

Come join us as we continue our Advent journey toward Bethlehem.
Christmas music.

Praise Community Fellowship, "A place where unconditional love changes lives!"

We will be collecting food and paper products for the Glen-Ed Pantry this Sunday. Please bring your donations to the service for collection. This is an important time for the pantry and their needs will be great.

Sunday the 14th of December we will have a fellowship dinner at 5:00pm before our service in the Crystal Room. Come join us at this Holiday celebration and bring a friend. Brad Joiner is heading up the dinner and is looking for helpers and people to bring side dishes. If you would like to help Brad please email him. His email is

The Vote: Last Sunday we voted on whether to change our service time to noon from the current time of 6:30PM. The vote was decided by two votes to go to noon. Obviously it is a 50/50 split with half the congregation wanting an earlier service and the other half wanting to stay at the the same service time. We will be going to a noon service starting in January. I know this is bad news to some, and great news to others. But for those of you who are disappointed let me remind you that 1/2 the church family is elated. 1/2 of our congregation have been coming to the evening service because they love our church, not because they love the time.

Also, there is only one thing that is etched in stone regarding our church, and that is to reach people for Jesus, all other issues are negotiable and changeable. I recently read a great comment somewhere about a pastor who told his congregation, "We are not in the catering business!"  I love this quote. In other words we are in the "out-reach" business.  We are in the business of bringing the good news, the life changing news of Jesus to as many people as possible!  That is our goal, our purpose, our reason for existing, not to cater to individual likes, preferences, wants, and desires, unless those likes, preferences, wants, and desires are to learn more about Jesus and changing ones life to reflect the love of Jesus.

Will our service time stay at noon from now on?  Probably not. Again, the purpose of PCF is simple: To bring the life changing love of Jesus to as many people as possible!

PCF is a great church made up of some very great people. We are young! We are still learning! As a pastor I am still learning. We are just scratching the surface when it comes to our purpose.

Write this on your heart: The only way Praise Community Fellowship will fail it's calling, which is to bring the love of Jesus to those who have yet to know Him, is to give up and quit!  That is the only way we will fail our purpose! But as long as we stay focused, keep love at the forefront of everything we do, we cannot and will not fail.

It's Christmas time!  Let the love of Jesus shine brightly in everything that we do! Amen!

See you Sunday. Love. pastor kent

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Our Journey Continues this Sunday December 7th

We will continue our Advent journey to Bethlehem this Sunday the 7th of December. I am going to lead you through some very interesting scriptures that will help all of us make better decisions and choices as we get closer to the stable of Jesus' birth. There is a question that I would like all of you to think about before our next service this coming Sunday; "What is the purpose of YOUR life?

This is going to be a wonderful service of Christmas music, communion, and a message that will help you decide the answer to the question above.

On Sunday December the 14th we are going to have a special Holiday Dinner before the service. The dinner will begin at 5:00 in the Crystal room where we always have service. There is rumor of Ham, Fried Chicken, and side dishes that will consist of whatever volunteers decide to bring. This is going to be a wonderful afternoon of fellowship, music, and worship!  We will eat and then have service. I think this would be an awesome time to invite a family member or a friend or friends. I have an invitation out to the East St. Louis Unity Luthern School and some of our friends from Beverly Farm.  Who do you think you should invite?

It's Christmas. A time for all to have the opportunity to know the Love, Joy, Forgiveness, Compassion and Healing of the living God. If you are interested in helping with this dinner please send Brad Joiner an email and let him know you would like to help or cook. His email is:
See you this Sunday! "PCF a place where unconditional love changes lives!"
Love, pastor kent

Monday, December 1, 2014

What Knowing Jesus can Do for Your Life

Monday morning about 10:30 am. I walk down the street about five houses down and knock on the back door of a person who I know will answer the door with a big smile, a hug, and one of the warmest greetings you will ever experience. Is this unusual? Not when you are knocking on the door of Betty Godin. I went to see Betty this morning to offer my condolences because her sister just lost a long battle with cancer. While I'm there visiting she gets a phone call from another relative and finds out her nephew, only 54 years old just passed away.  This year Betty has lost her husband Gerry, her sister, and now a nephew.

Betty reads her bible every day! Betty prays for people every day! Betty loves God and knows Jesus personally! Betty will not miss church because it is a top priority! Betty is filled with the Joy of the Lord!

After the phone call Betty looked at me and told me the news about her nephew and said, "You know Kent, if it weren't for the valleys, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the view from the mountain top!"

My goal in life is to live like Betty. Full of Joy, Love, Grace, Compassion, Forgiveness and a relentless positive attitude because of her faith in Jesus!  I told her I was going to put this on the blog today. What a great way to start a Monday, with someone who knows Jesus! Someone who is filled with His Joy and Peace and the Holy Spirit! It's real people, just go visit Betty Godin if you don't believe me!

Have a great Monday.

Love, pastor kent