Friday, December 5, 2014

This coming Sunday

"Knowing Your Purpose"  Come join us this Sunday at 6:30 pm at the Crystal Garden. We will be meeting in the cherub room, the first room off to your right when you enter the building.

Come join us as we continue our Advent journey toward Bethlehem.
Christmas music.

Praise Community Fellowship, "A place where unconditional love changes lives!"

We will be collecting food and paper products for the Glen-Ed Pantry this Sunday. Please bring your donations to the service for collection. This is an important time for the pantry and their needs will be great.

Sunday the 14th of December we will have a fellowship dinner at 5:00pm before our service in the Crystal Room. Come join us at this Holiday celebration and bring a friend. Brad Joiner is heading up the dinner and is looking for helpers and people to bring side dishes. If you would like to help Brad please email him. His email is

The Vote: Last Sunday we voted on whether to change our service time to noon from the current time of 6:30PM. The vote was decided by two votes to go to noon. Obviously it is a 50/50 split with half the congregation wanting an earlier service and the other half wanting to stay at the the same service time. We will be going to a noon service starting in January. I know this is bad news to some, and great news to others. But for those of you who are disappointed let me remind you that 1/2 the church family is elated. 1/2 of our congregation have been coming to the evening service because they love our church, not because they love the time.

Also, there is only one thing that is etched in stone regarding our church, and that is to reach people for Jesus, all other issues are negotiable and changeable. I recently read a great comment somewhere about a pastor who told his congregation, "We are not in the catering business!"  I love this quote. In other words we are in the "out-reach" business.  We are in the business of bringing the good news, the life changing news of Jesus to as many people as possible!  That is our goal, our purpose, our reason for existing, not to cater to individual likes, preferences, wants, and desires, unless those likes, preferences, wants, and desires are to learn more about Jesus and changing ones life to reflect the love of Jesus.

Will our service time stay at noon from now on?  Probably not. Again, the purpose of PCF is simple: To bring the life changing love of Jesus to as many people as possible!

PCF is a great church made up of some very great people. We are young! We are still learning! As a pastor I am still learning. We are just scratching the surface when it comes to our purpose.

Write this on your heart: The only way Praise Community Fellowship will fail it's calling, which is to bring the love of Jesus to those who have yet to know Him, is to give up and quit!  That is the only way we will fail our purpose! But as long as we stay focused, keep love at the forefront of everything we do, we cannot and will not fail.

It's Christmas time!  Let the love of Jesus shine brightly in everything that we do! Amen!

See you Sunday. Love. pastor kent

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