I was recently able to spend some time with a friend that I have known for years but have never gotten to know beyond brief conversations and interactions. I observed someone who lives life as an endless series of possibilities. And the biggest of the possibilities is just keeping a positive attitude. Being happy at the grocery store, doing chores, no matter what, be happy and enthusiastic!
The other person I have gotten to know much better has had a life changing health event that forced them to re-evaluate everything in their life. Their thoughts, their attitude, what's really important and what things really are not important! I have had some amazing conversations over the past month on how this persons life has been redefined because of the health setback.
Both of these people's lives awakened me to two important conclusions:
1.) There are so many things that we need to be thankful for.
2.) There are so many possibilities for everyone to live a life with more Love, Peace, and Joy!
And, the common denominator of having more Love, Peace and Joy is knowing Jesus, knowing what He truly did for each of us. He set us free! The problem many of us Christians have, is that we do not yet understand this freedom. Jesus' sacrifice has set us free from condemnation and from death. If we can learn to walk in this freedom, we should be able to enter everyday with Gratitude, Joy, and be overflowing with His love to share with others. Ask this question frequently throughout your day, "How can I reveal this freedom and Love, Peace and Joy to all those who cross my path today?
In Acts 2:46 when the people of the very first church realized what Jesus meant to them by setting them free from sin and death, here is how they responded.
Acts 2:46-47New International Version (NIV)
46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
They enjoyed the favor of all people with glad and sincere hearts. There was an awakening! A new reality bubbling over with POSSIBILITIES!
This Sunday we are going to start looking at the possibilities that all of us have for living a life with more Love, Peace, and Joy. There are possibilities for you to start changing your life for the better, right now, in this very moment.
What are you living with in your life that you know has to change?
Hope to see you this Sunday. Come and have the seeds of possibility planted into your life!
Love, pastor kent
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