Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday's Thoughts

Yesterday I confessed that my stance on "God is in control of everything" has been modified. My theology is changing and I think that is a very healthy thing. I think the healthiest way to approach God and the bible is to understand that they both have infinite wisdom.  And as that wisdom is unveiled to us, our understanding of the world and our world view must change if we are to grow and be able to participate in God's plans.

To have "decided" on what "The Truth" is, that you know the truth about God and the bible, is a very limiting way to live. It puts God into a very small box! It is basically saying, "You have everything figured out so there is no sense exploring any other ideas!"

One only needs to look at history and see how many times man has changed his views on things as new information has become known. I like to call things that I think I know "my current reality!"  And I have found that the more I read, study and pray that my reality is subject to change.

Now getting back to my previous reality that "God is in control of everything!" I have had to change that view because of my new understanding of our role in the world. God has given all of us free moral choice. He put us in this world to have dominion and to participate with him in the dominion. We are free to choose, good or evil, love or hate, compassion or selfishness. That is the way God made us and the way he set up the world. Although God could control everything, it now appears to me that he chooses not to. Instead we are given the choice of going to Him in prayer and the bible for guidance or not. I believe it is definitely Gods desire for all people to come to him and to believe in Him and His ways. But, we can choose not to realizing of course that with all decisions there will be consequences.

The reason this theory makes much more sense to me is because of the evil and tragedy we all witness and experience in this world. When I see the cruelty and tragedies unfold, it made no sense to me that God was in complete control of such things. It left a huge unanswerable why, if He controls everything, would He allow this? But when I look at these things from the standpoint of people having free moral choice, I can see God also weeping with pain over some of the choices that His creation is making.

God chooses not to interfere with our choices in most cases because if He did, He would be changing us from free moral agents, that have to deal with the consequences of our own choices, to a remote control society that he is operating like a puppet master from somewhere in heaven. He created us to love and worship him. And He gives us the choice to do so. Because then, when we choose to go to Him with or needs, our prayers, our worship and our love, He is exalted.

To understand this I only have to look at my grand daughter Dylan. If her parents made her come to my house out of obligation because she did not want to come visit me, the visit just wouldn't be the same. I want her to "want" to come and spend time with me and grandma Bonni. That is what makes love so special! When we choose to love someone!  When we choose God, and go to Him with our life, we are asking Him to be our partner in our journey. Then, even when things go very wrong in our life, we can still rejoice in our hope and know:

Romans 8:28" And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

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