Monday, February 16, 2015

The One Month Challenge!

One of my goals for PCF is to somehow start removing the "Bad Rap" about Christianity!  Maybe Bad Rap is too strong of a term but I read enough to know that many people are down on the religion called Christianity.  Here are a few common "knocks" I regularly hear or read about:
We are too judgmental!
Too self righteous!
We are unrealistic!
We don't practice what we preach!
Look at the scandals happening within the church!
Church is too political!
What makes Christianity the one right religion?
And on and on….Why do I think we as a church should take this on?
Because I want to fill the church with people who currently do not believe or go to church! And, the people who do not go to church and or do not believe, are usually the ones who fall into one of the reasons mentioned above.

We obviously have our work cut out for us.
So how do we begin implementing this change? Through the power of the Holy Spirit.
How do I receive the Holy Spirit? You ask through prayer and you make time to read the bible every day. Finally you ask for strength and wisdom to practice the Big Three:
1.) Love God with all hour heart.
2.) Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.
3.) Treat others the same way you expect to be treated.

If you will practice minute by minute the big three with the help of the Holy Spirit, you will see God change your life and the lives of others around you.  This in turn will show the world why Christianity really does offer humanity the best answers for a better world. It's called LOVE!

Announcements: There will be a mission board meeting Thursday February 26th at 6:00 PM at Immanuel Methodist Church. Everyone is invited to be part of this group.

PCF Youth!  Ok I know we have been trying to get a group of youth together for some time now so I think you will appreciate this news. We are going to incorporate with the Immanuel Methodist Youth Group.  They have an established Group that meets on the first Sunday of every month. I know they have some great activities and a mission trip in the works. I will be posting all the details for you next week so stay tuned!

Garden Club will not meet this week but will resume next week Wednesday February 25th at 6:30 at the church. For those of you interested in joining this group we will begin a book study on Mitch Albom's book, "Have A Little Faith" I hope you will consider joining this great group of people. Always fun, lively, and interesting.

Immanuel Methodist Church will have an Ash Wednesday service this Wednesday at 6:30 we are invited to attend.

Bob Ahrens is starting a photography club that meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00PM at Esic Baptist church. If you are interested and want more information on this group email Bob at

Please lift up Faye Heuchert and Mary Knapp in prayer for healing. Also pray for our church and for God's strength, guidance, and blessing as we move into this new year. Let's also pray for people of Immanuel Methodist who have so graciously opened their doors to us as well as our friends at Esic Baptist who gave us such a wonderful start.

Lot's of great things coming this year!
Love, pastor kent

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