Monday, November 30, 2015

This Christmas...."Imagine what could be!"

God's Kingdom runs on love and Love is the fuel that generates miracles and Joy.  As Christians, we are called to demonstrate Jesus' love to others. God sent us Jesus because He loves us.

That being said, your behavior is not what makes you a Christian, your belief in Jesus does! When you decide that Jesus is who He said He is, you have crossed the "starting line" not the finish line. The object is to move across the starting line and then continue toward the finish line the rest of your life which to me means refining my ability to love as Jesus loved!  Show compassion as Jesus showed compassion! Forgive others as Jesus forgave others!

This Christmas, join Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel Methodist as we come together to refine our love of others and to plant the seeds of love into our community! It starts with me, and you. Imagine what could be!

Joy Projects
  • The Shoeman project. We are collecting old shoes for the showman. This organization sells the shoes and drills wells for water in 3rd world countries.
  • Beverly Farm Christmas Gifts  We have put up the christmas tree in the sanctuary that has Christmas wish lists for Beverly Farm residents that have no family. Last year we sponsored 50 residents and we are trying to meet that goal again. 
  • Feed the Kids on Weekends Faye Heuchert and Brad Joiner are getting ready to get this project rolling. We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to pack lunches and volunteers that would be willing to take the lunches to distribution centers.  You can contact Faye or Brad or pastor Kent. 
Special prayer requests:

Logan Stunkel 6 week old of Jamie and Ryan Stunkel has pneumonia at children's hospital.
Phil Mckinney, healing from cancer.
Stan Rutkowski, healing and also would appreciate visitors.
Connor McAleenan, thanking God for the healing and continued progress!
Brad Heuchert, continued healing of his foot and ankle. 
Mike Rodgers, Back pain.
Krista Kell, Back and leg pain
Jolynn Gregor healing of her brain cancer.

Church is a place where we come to learn how to love others in as many ways as possible which allows us to experience God's Peace and Joy!

See you Sunday at 9:00AM We are meeting at 800 north Main Street Edwardsville, Immanuel Methodist Church! 

See you there. Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Service Time Change this Sunday! Important Holiday Announcements

Last night the PCF board met. First let me say that we have an outstanding board. We work well together and we have some very talented people volunteering their time and talents.

Last night we gave the Weekend Lunch Program for Kids the green light. This will be a wonderful ministry. I have been sharing it on the Joy Project list.
Here is what we will be doing. We will be packing lunches for the same kids we served this summer with the SAKS project but the lunches are for the weekends. Faye Heuchert has volunteered to head this project up. We will be looking for help packing the lunches and distributing the lunches. This is a big commitment for our church but it will touch the lives of many local children. Financially it will cost us about $15,000 per year. We have 1/2 of that covered already. If you would like to help sponsor this program please let me or one of the board members know. Thank you!

THIS SUNDAY  There is only one service and it will be at 10:00am with a potluck dinner following in the fellowship hall.  All are invited please bring your favorite dish to share.This will be a combined service of traditional and contemporary worship. Come and get to know someone new!

Joy Projects

  • The Shoeman project. We are collecting old shoes for the showman. This organization sells the shoes and drills wells for water in 3rd world countries.
  • Beverly Farm Christmas Gifts  We have put up the christmas tree in the sanctuary that has Christmas wish lists for Beverly Farm residents that have no family. Last year we sponsored 50 residents and we are trying to meet that goal again. 
  • Christmas Gifts for Children of Parents who are Incarcerated.  There is also a tree in the sanctuary with names of children who we are sponsoring christmas gifts.
We are a church on the move! We are all about sharing the love and message of Jesus! 

John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. 35 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"Whoever!" ....One of the Most Overlooked Words in the Bible!

Have you ever heard anyone say, "I could never go to church, the roof would cave in!" or worse...I just don'e feel welcome there!" Although many times such words are in jest, too often there is much truth as to this perception. That is so unfortunate that anyone would feel as if they are not worthy or good enough or welcome to come into a place of worship.

Church should never be a place of screening or sifting of those who may wish to come to the table of grace. Church should be the most welcoming place in town!

John 3:16-17New International Version (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
I love those words, "WHOEVER!" I don't see any qualifications in John 3:16-17. Whoever eliminates no one! Includes everyone! 
There is only good news when it comes to Jesus. Don't let a bad experience with a church keep you from the joy and love that Jesus has to offer. Church is a place where sinners gather! Sinners who have been saved by grace! And when they realize that they have been set free.....Look Out, because Joy is going to flow freely in that gathering! Time to break out the choir! Amen!

Amazing Grace...How sweet the sound! That saved a wretch like me!

Special prayer requests:

Alene Schuette, Healing from open heart surgery.
Dennis Detoye and Family as he is in Hospice care.
Phil Mckinney, healing from cancer.
Stan Rutkowski, healing and also would appreciate visitors.
Connor McAleenan, thanking God for the healing and continued progress!
Brad Heuchert, continued healing of his foot and ankle. 
Mike Rodgers, Back pain.
Krista Kell, Back and leg pain
Jolynn Gregor healing of her brain cancer.

Church is a place where we come to learn how to love others in as many ways as possible which allows us to experience God's Peace and Joy!

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Let's Remember!

For those of you who have been with PCF since we started our church, I have a special favor to ask of you. As some of you know our brothers and sisters at Esic Baptist Church are going through quite a rough time. Dennis Detoye is now in hospice and Phil Mckinney and Jolynn Gregor are battling cancer. Jordan Dollar their pastor has his hands full and is also experiencing some minor health issues.

If you could join me in lifting up Esic Baptist in your daily prayers. Esic helped us get established and offered their full support as we began our journey.  We formed many good friendships along the way just as we are now doing with the folks at Immanuel Methodist.

We at PCF have been not only been blessed, but are in such a unique position because we are bonding and making friendships and fellowship with different congregations who all love and serve Jesus!

I have reached out to pastor Jordan Dollar to see what we can do to bless them. If you have any thoughts please contact me!

Let there be Joy in loving people in as many ways as possible! Let's BE the church!

Love, pastor kent

Thursday, November 12, 2015

When Sorrow and Mourning Turn to Singing and Dancing!

This Sunday!     Let There Be Joy!   

I hope you will be able to join us this Sunday to share in God's Kingdom of Joy!

It's coming...coming...coming in the morning time....JOY!
When you grasp the reality of God's love for you and Jesus' Grace, Joy will bloom in your life!

  • Spring Flowers! This Saturday at 9:00am we are planting spring flower bulbs at the church. Here is how you can help. Go to Home Depot, Loews, Sams, and buy some of your favorite daffodils,  tulip or hyacinth bulbs and bring them by the church Saturday morning. We will plant them for you. 
  • Weekend Lunch Program We are getting ready to start a weekend lunch program for the kids we served with the SAKS program this summer. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping put the lunches together on Thursday evenings, and we will need volunteers to help deliver the lunches on Saturday Mornings. If you are interested in helping with this new Joy Project Ministry please contact pastor Kent or Faye Heuchert. We are still in the planning stages with this project and need to find out who would be willing to help support this project. Besides the volunteer help we would be looking for financial sponsors.
Special prayer requests:

Alene Schuette, Healing from open heart surgery.
Dennis Detoye and family in need of a miracle!
Phil Mckinney, healing from cancer.
Stan Rutkowski, healing and also would appreciate visitors.
Connor McAleenan, thanking God for the healing and continued progress!
Brad Heuchert, continued healing of his foot and ankle. 
Mike Rodgers, Back pain.
Krista Kell, Back and leg pain.

Church is a place where we come to learn how to love others in as many ways as possible which allows us to experience God's Peace and Joy!

Hope to see you this Saturday and Sunday!  Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How You Will Know!

There is one sure fire way to know if a church is getting God's true message deep into their hearts. It's called Joy! Is there Joy in the peoples lives, their speech, their eyes, their smiles, and their activities?

You can't earn Joy, it is the byproduct of understanding and living in God's Grace. It is the fruit of Grace. Joy comes when you let go of all the legalistic and pharisee ways of thinking and living, and step into the warmth and Joy of God's Grace!

Ephesians 2:8-12For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Praise Community Fellowship and Emmanuel Methodist have come together to live in God's Grace and the Joy that comes with it.


1.) Spring Flowers. The amazing flower bulb project is on go. This Saturday, November the 14th at 9:00AM you are invited to participate in the planting of the Prayer Garden with hundreds of Daffodils and Tulips. Sally Mclauchlan, Ken Winchester, and Floyd Fisher are spear heading this project. If you want to participate in this Joy project, show up with a shovel, trowel, flower bulbs, potting soil, wheel barrow and let's plant a flower garden so amazing that people will want to stop and take pictures! Why? Flowers bring Joy! I am hoping for at least 1000 bulbs and don't worry I know how to plant a lot of bulbs very efficiently!

2.) Mom and Baby need help! We have a young mother with a 5 week old baby boy who needs help. Walmart gift cards, gas cards and or cash donations will all be a huge help. Contact Pastor Kent or Pastor Jackie if you would like to help with this cause.

3.) We are getting ready to launch a Weekend Lunch Program for the kids we served with the SAKS program this summer. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping put the lunches together on Thursday evenings, and we will need volunteers to help deliver the lunches on Saturday Mornings. If you are interested in helping with this new Joy Project Ministry please contact pastor Kent or Faye Heuchert. We are still in the planning stages with this project and need to find out who would be willing to help support this project. Besides the volunteer help we would be looking for financial sponsors.

Special prayer requests:

Dennis Detoye and family in need of a miracle!
Phil Mckinney, healing from cancer
Stan Rutkowski, healing and also would appreciate visitors.
Connor McAleenan, thanking God for the healing and continued progress!
Brad Heuchert, continued healing of his foot and ankle. 
Mike Rodgers, Back pain
Krista Kell, Back and leg pain

Church is a place where we come to learn how to love others in as many ways as possible!

See you soon! Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

Friday, November 6, 2015

Project "Joy!"

Who could use more Joy in their life? I have an idea for our church that I am going to call the JOY PROJECT! It has everything to do with allowing God's love to flow through us so that we may bring a taste of God's Kingdom to people around us.

Here is what I have on the menu as of today, more to come.You may choose to participate in any capacity that God leads you but remember this, the more you get involved, the more Joy you will receive along with the Joy you will be giving. That's just the way God's Kingdom works.

I will be updating the projects regularly. If you have a suggestion for a JOY PROJECT let me know and we will discuss it.


1.) Spring Flowers. The amazing flower bulb project is on go. Saturday, November the 14th at 9:00AM you are invited to participate in the planting of the Prayer Garden with hundreds of Daffodils and Tulips. Sally Mclauchlan, Ken Winchester, and Floyd Fisher are spear heading this project. If you want to participate in this Joy project, show up with a shovel, trowel, flower bulbs, potting soil, wheel barrow and let's plant a flower garden so amazing that people will want to stop and take pictures! Why? Flowers bring Joy! I am hoping for at least 1000 bulbs and don't worry I know how to plant a lot of bulbs very efficiently!

2.) Mom and Baby need help! We have a young mother with a 5 week old baby boy who needs help. Walmart gift cards, gas cards and or cash donations will all be a huge help. Jenny Baugher will be collecting these items Sunday. 

More to come. Stay tuned. 

Special prayer requests:

Dennis Detoye and family in need of a miracle!
Phil Mckinney, healing from cancer
Stan Rutkowski, healing and also would appreciate visitors.
Connor McAleenan, thanking God for the healing and continued progress!
Brad Heuchert, continued healing of his foot and ankle. 
Mike Rodgers, Back pain
Krista Kell, Back and leg pain

Church is a place where we come to learn how to love others in as many ways as possible!

See you soon! Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


This past Sunday we read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. I used the book of Matthew 14:13-21. There were four main points to that story that I find very instructive.

1.) We all have the opportunity to bring God's Kingdom to people in this world.

2.) You know it has to be God when a situation looks impossible, yet you hear God prompting you to get involved or participate in the solution.

3.) No matter how overwhelming the situation looks, bring whatever little time, talent, or asset you think you have to God so He can bless it.

4.) Finally "Do" whatever  He leads you to do with faith, and then watch how He can bless the situation.

Read the Story! There is a reason these stories are in the bible. They instruct us how to participate in "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven!"  What's stopping you from participating in the Kingdom?  Too little time? Not enough expertise?  Not enough whatever? I only have enough for me?

How would this story have turned out if the disciples would have said, "Jesus, there is no way we can feed 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish!" We need to eat what we have so that we have the strength to work with you tomorrow. If we give what little we have away, we will all loose! We will collapse of hunger and the meager 12 or 15 people we will feed won't put a dent in the situation anyway! What would be the point?

Human reasoning. It sounds perfectly logical. What does the bible say?
Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Praise Community Fellowship, Come participate with us and Immanuel Methodist as we work to "Bring God's Kingdom to earth as it is in heaven!" 

See you soon! Love pastor kent