Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How You Will Know!

There is one sure fire way to know if a church is getting God's true message deep into their hearts. It's called Joy! Is there Joy in the peoples lives, their speech, their eyes, their smiles, and their activities?

You can't earn Joy, it is the byproduct of understanding and living in God's Grace. It is the fruit of Grace. Joy comes when you let go of all the legalistic and pharisee ways of thinking and living, and step into the warmth and Joy of God's Grace!

Ephesians 2:8-12For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Praise Community Fellowship and Emmanuel Methodist have come together to live in God's Grace and the Joy that comes with it.


1.) Spring Flowers. The amazing flower bulb project is on go. This Saturday, November the 14th at 9:00AM you are invited to participate in the planting of the Prayer Garden with hundreds of Daffodils and Tulips. Sally Mclauchlan, Ken Winchester, and Floyd Fisher are spear heading this project. If you want to participate in this Joy project, show up with a shovel, trowel, flower bulbs, potting soil, wheel barrow and let's plant a flower garden so amazing that people will want to stop and take pictures! Why? Flowers bring Joy! I am hoping for at least 1000 bulbs and don't worry I know how to plant a lot of bulbs very efficiently!

2.) Mom and Baby need help! We have a young mother with a 5 week old baby boy who needs help. Walmart gift cards, gas cards and or cash donations will all be a huge help. Contact Pastor Kent or Pastor Jackie if you would like to help with this cause.

3.) We are getting ready to launch a Weekend Lunch Program for the kids we served with the SAKS program this summer. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping put the lunches together on Thursday evenings, and we will need volunteers to help deliver the lunches on Saturday Mornings. If you are interested in helping with this new Joy Project Ministry please contact pastor Kent or Faye Heuchert. We are still in the planning stages with this project and need to find out who would be willing to help support this project. Besides the volunteer help we would be looking for financial sponsors.

Special prayer requests:

Dennis Detoye and family in need of a miracle!
Phil Mckinney, healing from cancer
Stan Rutkowski, healing and also would appreciate visitors.
Connor McAleenan, thanking God for the healing and continued progress!
Brad Heuchert, continued healing of his foot and ankle. 
Mike Rodgers, Back pain
Krista Kell, Back and leg pain

Church is a place where we come to learn how to love others in as many ways as possible!

See you soon! Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

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