A birth prediction made hundreds of years before the birth takes place and it all comes true? A baby born of a virgin? The baby grows into a person who claims to be God? This person does miraculous things like giving sight to the blind. He walks on top of water. He raises the dead, and He comes back from the dead himself?
And we live our lives today and wonder, "How could this be? Can it be? Is it somehow possible? Oh if it could only be true!"
Find out for yourself this coming Sunday and Christmas eve. Let God open your eyes and fill your heart with His love and Hope and Peace. Find a church that God will lead you to if you don't already have one. And ask God with all the sincerity you can muster to make Himself real to you this Christmas. He will. Just open your heart to the same possibility you had when you were a child waiting for Santa. It IS real! I know! Many people know and none of us are any more special than anyone else who comes to God with an open heart and childlike faith. Believe!
Matthew 11:25-26 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. 26 Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.
REMINDER: Praise Community Fellowship Unplugged Christmas Eve Service at 6:30pm December 24th!
Special prayer requests:
Terry Coy has been diagnosed with cancer please lift Terry and Rick and their family in prayer.
Tom Wetzel continued healing from his fall.
Phil Mckinney, healing from cancer.
Stan Rutkowski, healing.
Connor McAleenan, thanking God for the healing and continued progress!
Jolynn Gregor healing of her brain cancer.
Alexis Thorp God's guidance.
Church is a place where we come to learn how to love others in as many ways as possible which allows us to experience God's Peace and Joy!
See you Sunday at 9:00AM We are meeting at 800 north Main Street Edwardsville, Immanuel Methodist Church!
See you there. Love, pastor kent
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