Monday, May 9, 2016

Ask and It Shall Be Given

John 15:7
"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you."

These powerful words from the bible can be life changing, but they also could be faith destroying if taken out of context.

Have you ever heard anyone say the following, "I have prayed and prayed but nothing ever happened!" or
"I am praying but my circumstances seem to be getting worse instead of better!"

How can one believe the above verse in the bible when the results of our prayers seem to fall on deaf ears? There are always requirements for God to come in and inhabit our life. What I have learned is that one need only observe nature to see how this world clearly demonstrates to us how God's Kingdom operates.  Jesus taught many parables using the natural process of things.

As many of you know, I am a flower nut. I love flowers. If I want a blast of beautiful blooms to come up in the spring I have to do certain things to make that happen. It's called planting. But not just any type of planting, I must do a specific kind of planting. I must plant what I wish to have sometime in the future and I must plant the bulbs of the particular flower I want at a specific depth in a certain type of soil. And, I must plant the bulbs at a specific time. If all these things are not followed, then there is a very strong probability that I won't get flowers in the spring.

Man even requires a process for many things. If you want to become a dentist for example, there are requirements that must be met with rigorous standards before you can become a practicing dentist.

So, the above wonderful promise from God also contains a requirement. We must ABIDE which means to remain, to continue, or to stay. "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, (then) *my addition* you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you."

There is amazing life changing power in God's teaching. There is amazing life changing power in knowing God. There is amazing life changing power in prayer. Yet so few ever experience this life changing power! Why? The same reason many people don't have a beautiful tulip garden in the spring. There are requirements to experiencing the fullness of God's Kingdom in your life. They are all mentioned in the bible!

What could your life be like with the power of God exploding within you and your circumstances There is a way to find out!!!!!

Prayers Needed

The Family of Jim Keller, Jim passed away peacefully at his home Saturday afternoon. 

Colin Rives, grandson of Judy and Bill Daubensteck. Colin is 13 years old and has osteosarcoma and is in treatment.

Jack Butler, Jack is home and is done with treatments. He will be recovering for the next 4 to 6 weeks at home.

Alexis Tharp, Alexis is recovering from a broken wrist and is an unemployed single parent of Audrey  her 4 year old.

Stan Rutkowski, Stan is a double amputee and lives alone in pontoon beach. He is fighting a compression wound which prevents him from sitting except for very short periods.

Have an idea, a concern, a need? Call pastor kent or pastor Jackie.
Pastor kent 618-334-3575    Pastor Jackie 618-656-4648

See you soon! Love, pastor kent

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