Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Inside each and every one of us.............

There is a BETTER YOU that resides inside the current you. And that is true for each and everyone of us. 

I believe that better person can be nurtured to grow and bloom just like a flower bulb. The way to this life of blooming requires changes. We are all living in a lesser version of ourself. The lesser version is incapable of blooming the way God intended us to bloom. 

Now here is the rub. When you read the word blooming, I would imagine most of you already have a definition of what that means. You have already jumped to conclusions or visions, which more than likely are the wrong conclusions and visions of what blooming will mean in your life. I know because when I started down this journey many years ago, I thought I knew what blooming would be in my life. I was very wrong. 

Awakening the better you is a journey and a workout! There is no way for you to bring forth your better self unless you are willing to challenge some of your beliefs! In other words, until you are ready to change some of the things which you currently believe to be true, you will struggle will life.

Truth fascinates me because absolute truth is powerful. We live in a time where the amount of information on any subject is miles deep, but truth is scarce and truth is where the power is. There is never a reason to fear truth and here is why. The source of all truth is God the creator of everything.

John 8:31-32New International Version (NIV)

31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

We are still collecting purses and personal care items for a woman shelter. Soaps, shampoo from motels, tooth brushes, tooth paste, etc.. there is a collection bin at the church. 
When New people show up at our service!  I believe that when a new person or family shows up at our service, God has brought them to us for a reason! It is up to all of us to make sure they feel welcome and comfortable. God has a plan with new people and we must not hinder that plan by ignoring this gift! And when someone new shows up at a church, it is a gift!
Pastor Jackie and I will be doing a special Greeters training on June 21st at 7:00pm at the church.
We believe that greeting is a ministry! We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in this ministry. This is a very important ministry because when God sends new people to us, it is critical that we connect with them in a very special way. That is what this training will be about. Pray about this and please join us on the 21st if you would be interested in this ministry. Please call Anita in the church office to get your name on the training list. 618-656-4648.

Have an idea, a concern, a need? Call pastor kent or pastor Jackie.    Pastor kent 618-334-3575    Pastor Jackie 618-656-4648
See you Sunday, 8:45am. Love, pastor kent

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