Thursday, July 28, 2016

Don't Focus On The Burden!

I read that line in a book somewhere and it stuck with me. "Don't focus on the burden!"  I used to do landscaping work. Landscaping is hard work. I'd call it a of type of burden. I would look at someones yard that had a problem. Maybe it was overgrown with old unkept plants, weeds, uninviting and ugly. I would look at it sometimes for several days imagining what it could look like. When I had the "vision" of transformation, I would order the materials. Rock, boulders, dirt, plants, trees, mulch, pavers, etc...

When all the materials were delivered there would be literally "tons" of potential sitting there in piles. All those materials would have to be lifted and moved usually by my back, one wheel barrow at a time. Shovel full by shovel full. Hard laborious work. If I focused on the burden of moving all that material, it would have been very easy to become very discouraged, and just quit and go home to the air-conditioning. But I was not focused on the burden! I was focused on the vision! That is what kept me shoveling, and lifting, and sweating, and moving toward the finish line which was my vision of what the yard could be, a beautiful landscape.

We all have burdens. Stop focusing on them! Do what I did when I was called to redo someones yard. I first had to develop a vision of what could be! Ask your self, "Even though I have this burden, what could be on the other side? What are the possibilities?"

When you have the vision, order your materials. By materials I mean, what is it going to take to get beyond your problem? What is it going to take to change your life from drab, overgrown, maybe even ugly into a life of joy, completeness, gratefulness, and beauty? A new job, healthy lifestyle changes, schooling, counseling, an attitude change? Take the steps to line up what ever you need to get to your vision. It's not easy but you have a secret weapon if you choose to use it. You are a child of God! Go to Him and have a long conversation with him. Let Him help you find the vision. 

I'd say the number one reason people get stuck in their problems is because they cannot develop a clear vision outside of their problem. The problem becomes the all consuming focus! If that describes you, ask for help! I did and still do. Start dreaming again. The possibilities of a focused life are amazing! 

Habakkuk 2:3New King James Version (NKJV)

For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.

WOW, AMAZING and THANK YOU! The special offering for Beverly Farm's Camp Bell last week raised over $2,100 dollars!  and there are still checks coming in. Wonderful, what a blessing! 

This Sunday is a 5th Sunday so there will be only one service at 10:00am. This Sunday our vacation bible school kids will be presenting and pastor Jackie will have the sermon. The VBS program is a tremendous success this year. I think there 38 children attending. The volunteers are doing an amazing job. I know my grand daughter Dylan loves it! 

See you Sunday at 10:00am!  Don't forget. 10:00am this Sunday!  one pastor kent and pastor jackie.

Are you stuck and would like to talk with someone about getting unstuck? 
Call pastor kent @618-334-3575  or pastor jackie @ 618-656-4648.

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