Tuesday, September 13, 2016

What Is Your Agenda?

Agenda defined, "An unstated underlying motive." If you take time to think about this question you may be surprised at what comes to mind. I did a sermon on what I discovered about myself when I served on the church council of a large church the second time. My agenda for serving on the council at that time was to get a new sound system for the church. That was my "primary" agenda. That is until God had a little talk with me. The Holy Spirit helped me to realize that the $50,000 I was seeking could feed a lot of hungry people and buy a lot of clothing for the poor.  I dropped my agenda! It felt good! 

I have found that to have an agenda can be a wonderful thing or a not-so-good thing. It all depends on whether my agenda is selfish or God inspired. My God inspired agendas feel good. They feel right.

If you can uncover agenda's in your life that are selfish, scrub them from your hard drive! Selfish unstated, underlying motives (agenda's) cause inner and outer conflict. Businesses have been ruined over selfish agenda's. Churches have been torn apart because of selfish agenda's. Selfish agenda's can ruin relationships, and create an unpleasant overall life experience. Most of us have known and experienced people who have allowed selfish agenda's to create havoc in their life as well as in the lives of people around them. 

So what is your agenda? Does it line up with Jesus' teachings to love others as much as you love yourself, even if the others do not fit your qualifications? 

Here is an assignment. Go to God and ask Him to give you your life's agenda's. Let Him be in charge of what your agendas are. You can't go wrong pursuing what God has placed in your heart to accomplish. Let your unstated, underlying motive be directed by God Himself! Now that will be something worth accomplishing! Hint, if love isn't at the core of the agenda, you need to go back to the drawing board.

Pastor Kent and Pastor Jackie share pastoral duties at 800 North Main St. Edwardsville. Worship time is Sunday morning at 8:45am. We are informal. We believe in Love. We are welcoming. We are learning together. We are two separate churches worshipping as one spiritual family. Praise Community Fellowship and Immanuel United Methodist, learning to love the way God desires. 

Hope to see you soon! Love, pastor kent and pastor jackie

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