Thursday, February 23, 2017

First Time Ever!

Today, February 23rd, I did something that I have never done before in my 60 years on this earth. I mowed the lawn in February. Why? To get things prepared for spring. But it's not time for spring! I know, as far as the time of year and the calendar goes it is not time, but the grass, the flowers, and the trees aren't waiting.

Sometimes we need to do things that are necessary even if it is out of the normal. Sometimes we get caught in following the crowd or the schedule or the society, or the current ways even when we know in our hearts that it is probably not the right thing to do. 

Jesus taught us to love our enemy, to invite the poor to our banquets, to pray for those who persecute us, to take the lowest seat at the table, to put others first, to be ready in season and out of season. I don't know what the future holds as far as the weather is concerned so I am preparing as if. I don't know what tomorrow will bring in any way shape or form. But I will plan as if the day will present opportunities for me to love, share, and be a blessing to all who I cross paths with.
Be prepared. Stay in close contact with God! You never know when and where you may be needed.

Sally needs a few more volunteers for the donut and coffee ministry on the Sundays that PCF leads the service. If you can help this ministry please call Sally at 618-978-3490.

6:30 am sunrise service IUMC
8:45 am  PCF
10:15 am IUMC
11:15 easter egg hunt

Preaching and worship schedule:

February 26th      IUMC
March 1                Ash Wednesday – IUMC
March 5th             PCF        Communion
March 12th          IUMC
March 19th           PCF
March 26th           IUMC
April 2nd                PCF        Communion
April 9th                 IUMC
April 13th              Maundy Thursday – IUMC

Have prayer requests or need information?  Call 618-656-4648.
See you soon.  Love pastor kent and pastor jackie

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