Bonni and I have been out of town this past week working on a project for Shriners Hospitals for Children in Florida. I am glad to be back and feel motivated and inspired again.
This Sunday PCF will be leading worship. We are looking forward to bringing the message of hope to all who come join us at 8:45am, 800 North Main Street Edwardsville. There is a real reason why Sundays should be a time of great celebration! We will be introducing a new song or two. We are getting close to Easter, the greatest event in history. Come celebrate this season with us.
Let's lift up these people in prayer:
Camille Bourisaw is having surgery to remove cancer in her breast. Camille comes and visits us often when ever she comes to town. She lives in Chicago. Camille grew up here in Edwardsville, her dad Lou owned Rusty's Restaurant. Please lift her up to Gods healing grace.
Butch Peterson, continued healing for his broken shoulders. Also for Sandy while she helps nurse Butch back to health.
Mary and Leland Knapp, Mary and Leland have recently moved and Leland is experiencing Hip and back pain.
Floyd and Delores Fisher, continued healing and strength.
The staff at Beverly Farm, for Gods healing Grace and wisdom to help them find solutions to finding more qualified employees.
For our wonderful little church, God's guidance and wisdom to help Jackie and I and all the people of this church family be better stewards of Gods Grace.
BOXES & CANS SUNDAYOur Food Pantry emphasis for the next two weeks will be Boxes of crackers: Triscuits, Wheat Thins, Ritz, Club, graham crackers, Cheez-It, etc., and Canned meat: chicken, ham, Spam, Treet, sardines, salmon, roast beef, stew, chicken and dumplings, chili, Vienna sausages, corned beef, etc. The Pantry usually has a good supply of tuna. Thanks for your donations, which can be placed into the Glen-Ed Pantry boxes now located in the narthex.
You may now listen to Pastor Jackie’s sermons online. They will be recorded and then uploaded to our website: Our thanks to Teresa and Christal Akers-Helle for providing this service for us! Kent's sermons are also online at www.praisecommunityfellowship.comEXPERIENCE ‘FACING DARKNESS’ IN THEATERS MARCH 30 AND APRIL 10 ONLYThis award-winning documentary tells the incredible true story of how God used Samaritan’s Purse in the midst of the West Africa Ebola crisis … and how He worked miracles in the lives of Dr. Kent Brantly, Nancy Writebol, and the people of Liberia. You can see Facing Darkness in theaters on two nights – tomorrow, Thursday, March 30, 7 pm at Showplace 12 (purchase your tickets in advance!) and on Monday, April 10th, time to be determined. “I went into medicine because I believe that medicine is a way to love your neighbor as yourself,” Dr. Kent Brantly says. “Yet in a very real way, it was my faith, it was our attempt to follow Christ, that got me Ebola. And that changes my perspective on faith. Faith is not something that makes you safe.” Not only will you be inspired by how God worked through the Samaritan’s Purse team in Liberia, you will be supporting their ongoing work. Any proceeds Samaritan’s Purse receives from the film will go toward medical missions.SERMONS ONLINE
See you Sunday! Love pastor Kent and pastor Jackie