Wednesday, March 15, 2017

This Coming Sunday!

PCF will be leading the worship this Sunday 8:45am 

Some have you learned last Sunday Butch Peterson fell and broke his left arm near the shoulder. I spoke with him again today and he said that he is doing OK. He said he is sitting inside and watching the birds fly by! He does not have a cast on his arm yet just a sling because the break is high near his shoulder joint. He will be going to the doctor tomorrow and will find out more then.  He did say he plans on being in church this Sunday. 

There is work being done in the hospitality room at church. PCF has donated to help make some necessary repairs to some plaster and loose ceiling tiles. 

All children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited to join us this Friday, March 17th, 5:30-8:30 pm for Kid’s Night Out.  The children enjoy a meal, games, crafts, various activities, a movie and popcorn.  Adult helpers are needed and greatly appreciated.  Please RSVP if possible by return e-mail or call the church office at 618-656-4648.

The second week of our paper goods emphasis resulted in the delivery of an additional 112 pounds of donations to the Pantry.  This included 185 rolls of toilet paper, 35 rolls of paper towels, and 12 boxes of Kleenex.  Thank you for your generosity!  Our emphasis this week will be personal care items:  toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream, razors, men’s deodorant, 2-in-1 shampoos and conditioner, soaps, etc.  Donations may be placed in the Pantry Donation boxes in the front part of the Hospitality Room.

Our 55+ Fellowship group will meet this Sunday, March 19th beginning at 6 pm, in the Journey’s Inn Room.  Baked ham will be provided, so you are asked to bring a vegetable or salad and dessert.  If you have any Spring Tips for the yard, garden or the home please bring them to share them with the group.  We hope you will come and share an evening of good food, fellowship and a few laughs, no matter your age.  Donations to the Glen-Ed Food Pantry are welcomed.  Questions?  Call Sharon at 633-2659.

Butch Peterson quick healing and recovery.
Beverly Farm Employees Gods peace and wisdom for all existing employees and a solution to find 100 more qualified employees. 
Help for all the Children suffering from wars.

Hope to see you this Sunday at 8:45am. I will have something for you to think about. 
Pastor Kent Schuette
Pastor Jackie Havis-Shear

Two churches worshipping together as one family.  800 North Main Street Edwardsville.

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