Friday, April 28, 2017

Request for Help

Shauna Lynn Boad has finally bought the huge old brick Home located at Logan Place behind the Leclaire Room.

Shauna has been praying about developing this Ministry for quite some time and it is finally taking shape. Here is what the ministry will be about. 

This ministry is a free-of-charge, Christian based day program which serves young women, age 13-35 whose lives are in crisis or at-risk. The program is voluntary and includes biblically based support, nutrition and fitness education, and life-skills training. The ministry reaches out to young women through the unconditional love of Jesus Christ and educational resources.  

The ministry will be open to young women who struggle with low self-esteem and/or self-confidence. Two out of every three people suffer with this, so everyone has been touched by this somehow. Also, thirty-eight percent of all women will be sexually abused by the time they are 18 years old. 

You can find out more by going to her facebook page, Amazing Grace at Logan Place.  

Shauna is looking for volunteers who would like to help get this ministry up and running. There is plenty to do including getting the old home renovated. Tomorrow, weather permitting, she is looking for volunteers to help dismantle an old garage that is on the premise. If you would like to help out or have more questions call Shauna at 618-971-5029. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

One Thing

I have found that it is very easy in this life to get over committed! You can get over committed in all kinds of things; Your kids activities, charities, sports, hobbies, church activities, yard work, you name it. There are times when being over committed seems as if it is a necessity of life. It will happen from time to time. But I want to talk to you about being "Chronically Over Committed!" and the result of being over committed.  You are chronically overcommitted when you are finding less and less joy in the activities that at one time were fun and enjoyable. When you are rushing from this thing to that thing while grabbing a coffee with no time in between to recharge or even appreciate what ever it is you were just involved in. I think most of us can relate to that. But how do we scale back when there is "so" much to do? 

When you look at the life of Jesus, you notice that He too had times when He was stressed and tired.
In the verse below you can see that Jesus many times worked long hours and was in constant demand. 

Matthew 14:13-16
Who Jesus heard the news about John, he left there in a boat and went to a lonely place by himself. The people heard about it, and so they left their towns and followed him by land. Jesus got into a boat, and when he saw the large crowd, his heart was filled with pity for them, and healed their sick. That evening his disciples came to him and said, It is already very late, and this is a lonely place.

When Jesus began His ministry, He lived with One Main Purpose, to do the will of His Father! That was His One Thing. What ever that meant, and where ever that took Him, Jesus never faltered from that One Main Thing. As a Christian we can learn from that. Our primary purpose is to Glorify God in all our activities and relationships. I think we can reduce the complexity of our lives by reminding ourselves daily of this One Main Thing. We must also learn from Jesus tat we should pray and seek God's wisdom before we commit and get involved in things. When we remember to Glorify God in all of our daily activities and relationships, we have the best possibility of living life more abundantly. 

Jesus said:

John 10:1010 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Who has stolen your joy? 
Who is killing your zest for life? 
Who is trying to undermine your happiness and fulfillment?  
The answer is in the above verse.

Who wants you to have a life that is blessed and full? 
The answer is in the above verse. 

No matter what obligations we may have on our plate remember, our primary purpose is to Glorify God. If what you have on your plate does not allow that to happen, scape it off your plate ASAP. 


This Sunday, April 30, is a 5th Sunday, which means that we will hold just one worship service that will begin at 10:00 am.  Jordan Grammer will be leading this service. This gives you the opportunity to visit with friends that attend the “other” service each Sunday.  Christian Education and Sunday School classes will be held at 9:00 am.

This Sunday will be the last of our Condiments and Spice Sundays for the Glen-Ed Food Pantry.  Donations of condiments such as catsup, mustard, BBQ sauce, mayo, etc., are needed, as well as common spices such as salt, pepper, cinnamon, garlic salt, Italian seasoning, chili powder, etc.  While any and all donations are appreciated, our focus for this Sunday will be condiments and spices.

Church Schedule for May
  • May 7th.  PCF leads service at 8:45am.  pastor kent. communion
  • May 14th. IUMC leads service at 8:45am pastor Jackie
  • May 21st. IUMC leads service at 8:45am  pastor Jackie
  • May 28th. IUMC leads service at 8:45am  pastor Jackie
See you soon. Love, pastor kent and pastor Jackie

Need to add a prayer request or need other information? Call the church office at 618-656-4648.

Friday, April 21, 2017

This Sunday

The older I get, the more I realize there is so much more to learn about "everything! "I want to know more about God, the Bible, how to make bread, paint better pictures, how to become a better Grandpa, Dad, Husband, Neighbor, Pastor, Friend. I want to know more about how to communicate better, and how to help more people who are suffering. The list could go on and on.

What do you want to learn before you leave this earth? 
What are you doing with your time now? 
I read an interesting comment the other day. It said, "If you really want to become an expert at something or get really good at something, you would be living differently than you are right now!"
I find that very interesting. All of us are making choices that are either expanding our wisdom and talents or we are making choices that are stealing a better future not only from ourselves, but from many others as well. God can use you. But you may have to be transformed. And here is the deal. We are all being transformed! The question is, is it for the better? 

This Sunday we will be welcoming a new drummer...?.. it's a surprise.
Our worship time will be at 8:45. There will be great music, and hopefully a great sermon.
See you Sunday. Pastor Kent

Prayer Needs:

Mike Rogers. Mike is the husband Lori Rodgers. Mike has had another serious operation on his back and is recovering. His arms are not working properly and needs God's healing touch. Also pray for Lori who is taking care of Mike as well as working many hours at beverly Farm.

Gladys Wilkening  Gladys is Joyce Koenigs mother. Gladys has stage 4 cancer (abdominal).  Please pray for Gladys and her family. 

Stan Rutkowski Stan continues to struggle with his compression wounds. We pray for Stan's strength and healing.

Dave Hart  Dave has been battling cancer of the brain for the past 5 years. He is in hospice care and we ask God to be with he and Donna and their family during this time of transition. 

Barb Weiss  Please lift Barb up in prayer as she is preparing for back surgery soon.

Bonni Rutkowski  We lift up Bonni as she continues to recover from her brain aneurysm procedure. 

Jeff Wiles  Jeff is in transition with his employment. We ask for God's wisdom and favor on Jeff's behalf. Jeff has a servants heart and is a huge contributor in our praise and worship group along with his wife Christian and his son Jordan. 

Butch Peterson Butch is still recovering from his broken shoulders. Even though it takes extra work and effort, the broken shoulders have not kept Butch from being at all the board meetings both for our church and Immanuel United Methodist meetings. Please lift Butch and Sandy for healing and comfort. 

Church Calendar for the next few weeks. 
  • Sunday April 23rd.  PCF leads worship.  Pastor Kent
  • Sunday April 30th. One service at 10:00am. Jordan Grammer will lead worship.
  • Sunday May 7th.    PCF leads worship. Pastor Kent. This will be the only service PCF will lead in May due to Kent and Bonni's Schedule. 

This Friday, April 21, Kid’s Night Out will be held from 5:30-8:30 pm.  Children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited for a special evening of eating supper together, and then doing various activities including crafts and playing games.  The evening will conclude with watching a movie and munching on popcorn.  There is no cost.  All children are welcome at Kid’s Night Out!  You can RSVP by return e-mail, but a reservation is not required.  Adult helpers are needed to serve and clean-up the dinner, and to supervise during activity times and during the movie.  If you can help for an hour or two, please contact Kiffon Lewis (210-9628).


This Sunday is Condiments & Spices Sunday.  Last week you contributed 42 pounds for the pantry, which included 8 packages of toilet paper, 6 bottles of catsup, 7 bottles of mustard, 9 containers of salt, 1 container of pepper, 2 bottles of BBQ sauce, 2 packages of cinnamon, 3 bottles garlic salt, 3 bottles Italian seasoning and 1 can of baking powder.  Pretty awesome considering it was Easter weekend!!  

See you Sunday!  Love, pastor kent

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Important Stuff

What a crazy little church I am so happy to be a part of. 
We keep it simple. 
Go with the flow.
Worship God.
Don't follow any particular schedule or rules....I really like that part!
And have the Immanuel Methodist family and pastor Jackie allowing us to join with them and utilize their beautiful little church. How could it get any better than that?  Sincerely, pastor kent

This Sunday PCF will be leading worship at 8:45am. 
Pastor Jackie is on spiritual retreat for the next two weeks. 

Our shoe project is bringing blessings to many of the children we deliver lunches to on the weekend. Thank you Faye, Lexi, Cindy, Judy, and Bill for all your help with this ministry. 

Here is the church Calendar for the next few weeks. 

  • Sunday April 23rd.  PCF leads worship.  Pastor Kent
  • Sunday April 30th. One service at 10:00am. Jordan Grammer will lead worship.
  • Sunday May 7th.    PCF leads worship. Pastor Kent. This will be the only service PCF will lead in May due to Kent and Bonni's Schedule. 


This Friday, April 21, Kid’s Night Out will be held from 5:30-8:30 pm.  Children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited for a special evening of eating supper together, and then doing various activities including crafts and playing games.  The evening will conclude with watching a movie and munching on popcorn.  There is no cost.  All children are welcome at Kid’s Night Out!  You can RSVP by return e-mail, but a reservation is not required.  Adult helpers are needed to serve and clean-up the dinner, and to supervise during activity times and during the movie.  If you can help for an hour or two, please contact Kiffon Lewis (210-9628).

This Sunday is Condiments & Spices Sunday.  Last week you contributed 42 pounds for the pantry, which included 8 packages of toilet paper, 6 bottles of catsup, 7 bottles of mustard, 9 containers of salt, 1 container of pepper, 2 bottles of BBQ sauce, 2 packages of cinnamon, 3 bottles garlic salt, 3 bottles Italian seasoning and 1 can of baking powder.  Pretty awesome considering it was Easter weekend!!  Condiments & Spices Sunday

We have five Sundays in April, so on Sunday, April 30, we will have just one service at 10:00 am.  Sunday School will meet at 9:00 am.  This will give you the opportunity to visit with friends who attend the “other” service!

If you had your picture taken for the new directory, please pick up the directory with your name on it from the table in the Hospitality Room.  We have a few extra directories that can be purchased for $4.00.  Just let Anita know that you would like to have one and she will fix one up for you.  We also have an online directory that we are working on making available to you.  The online directory can be kept current if you will let the office know of any changes of address, phone numbers, etc.  We plan to develop a “Members Only” page on our website where you can click a link that will take you to a site where you will then put in a password to open the directory.  We want this to be available to everyone who attend Immanuel, but not be available for anyone else to see.    Thanks for your patience while we are getting this worked out. 

Register by April 24th to ensure you receive your T-shirt and support bib to wear on May 6th.  Register at  Your registration fee of $50 provides lasting clean water to one child in the developing world.  You can use discount code forthekids to save $10 off the registration fee.  Join Rhonda Grammer, Teresa and Christal Akers-Helle on May 6th to Walk for Water.

Please note that yoga will not meet this Sunday, April 23, but will resume on Sunday, April 30th.

See you soon. Love, pastor kent

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

It's just So Outrageous!

It is hard to believe! It is outrageous! It's crazy! It is so far outside the box of our reality! It happened so long ago. Maybe it's just a story? Could it be true? But how and why? And when it comes down to it, what does it really have to do with my life today in the year 2017? 

The day Jesus rose from the dead. What a story. What a purpose! This coming Sunday, PCF will lead worship at 8:45am. We will share songs of the Easter message, I will present a unique way to understand the Gospel message of hope,  and we will share communion with all who join us.  This could be the Easter that changes everything for you! Please make a note of all the service times and events shown below. We are located at 800 North Main Street, Edwardsville. Pastor Kent Schuette

Tomorrow evening, April 13th, at 7:00 pm IUMC will present a very special service - “Do This in Remembrance of Me – A Choral Communion Service.” This Communion service includes Scripture, prayer, narrations and hymns.  We hope you will take the opportunity to walk with Jesus as you remember the night he shared The Last Supper with His disciples, was betrayed, beaten, and put to death to atone for our sins. Pastor Jackie Havis Shear

6:30am Sunrise Service in the Prayer Garden, weather permitting.  Bring a lawn chair.  If the weather does not cooperate, the service will be moved indoors. Pastor Jackie

8:45am Worship led by Praise Community Fellowship.Pastor Kent

10:15am Worship led by Immanuel UMC with Children’s Easter Program. Pastor Jackie

11:15am Easter Egg Hunt for all children


We have two Easter lilies that have not yet been claimed by those wishing to give one in memory or in honor of a loved one.  If you would like to purchase one, they are $9.50 each.  Please call by Thursday afternoon for your name to be included in the Sunday bulletin.  Thanks!

All of those wishing to volunteer to paint at Restore Décor this Saturday, April 15th from 11 am until 1 pm, should meet at the church at 10:45 a

See you soon! Love, pastor Kent and pastor Jackie

Church office 618-656-4648

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

New Urgent Prayer Request for Bonnie Rutkowski

Updated Prayer request for Bonnie Rutkowski

Never forget your primary purpose in life, "To Glorify God in all you think, say, and do!"

Knowing my primary purpose has helped me so many times when I am feeling down, angry, tired, etc. No matter what the circumstances, I am to Glorify God. But even with this knowledge, I still find myself at sin's door at times. Then what? This purpose quickly reminds me to repent and be thankful that Jesus has given me His righteousness as a gift. I am saved by grace! No other religion in the world has what we have. Jesus! I know there are many good people who believe other things. But here is the deal. If you come to a fork in the road and where one path leads to life but the other will lead to death, how important is it to make the correct choice? So imagine there are two historical people at this fork, and you get to ask one of them which path to take. Do you ask the person who is dead, or the one who is alive?  I will go with Jesus!  He lives!

Please note the Easter worship schedule. 

April 9th Palm Sunday IUMC will be leading worship at 8:45am.
April 13th Maundy Thursday An evening of remembrance. Last supper served. 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday  
 6:30 am sunrise service outside in the prayer garden.
 8:45 am service lead by PCF
10:15 am service Children"s Easter Celebration service IUMC
11:15 am Easter egg Hunt for the kids

April 23rd PCF Leads 8:45 am service

Prayers Needed

Bonnie Rutkowski Darlene and Stan's mom, will be going in to St. Louis University Hospital tomorrow for a procedure to analyze a brain aneurism. Please pray for God's healing and peace for Bonnie. 

Barb Weiss Barb will be having surgery on her back. Please keep her lifted up for God's healing and peace.

Nick Schuette. Nick is my nephew and needs healing prayers for an ongoing stomach and headache problem. 

Butch Peterson. for continued healing and recovery of his two broken shoulders. Also for Sandy his caregiver.

Mary and Leland Knapp, Mary and Leland have recently moved and Leland is experiencing Hip and back pain.

Floyd and Delores Fishercontinued healing and strength.

The staff at Beverly Farmfor Gods healing Grace and wisdom to help them find solutions to finding more qualified employees.


Easter Lilies 
We are taking orders for Easter Lilies that will grace our altar this Easter. The lilies will cost $9.50 this year. You may place one in memory of a loved one, or in honor of someone special in your life. There is a sign-up sheet in the Hospitality Room, or you can call or e-mail the church office with your order. 

Easter Candy Needed
Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt are needed. Candies should be individually wrapped and small enough to fit into eggs. Thank you!

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Children are invited to our Easter Egg Hunt following the 10:15 am worship service on Easter Sunday. Children may bring their Easter baskets, or bags will be available for them to use.

Kid’s Night Out
On Friday, April 21, children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited for an evening of fun at Kid’s Night Out. The children will enjoy a meal, games, crafts, activities, a movie and popcorn. There is no cost to attend. The evening begins at 5:30 pm and ends at 8:30 pm. A reservation is appreciated but not necessary. You may RSVP to the church office. 618-656-4648.

Pew Bibles
Our pew Bibles are showing signs of the many years of wear that they have expe- rienced. The Finance Committee has approved a motion to replace these Bibles. You now have the opportunity to purchase one or more of these new Bibles that will have a bookplate with your name, and the name(s) of your loved ones, saying “Presented in Memory of ...” or “Presented in Honor of ...”. Cost of the Bibles are $13.00 each. Please call or e-mail the church office, or fill out the insert found in our Sunday bulletin to order. 
Please call the church office for prayer requests or for more information about our church. 618-656-4648.

800 North Main Street Edwardsville Illinois.  The place where two church families have come together to worship as one!

Pastor Kent Schuette. Neutral Denomination Pastor
Pastor Jackie Havis-Shear  Immanuel United Methodist Pastor

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Updated Prayer request for Bonnie Rutkowski

Never forget your primary purpose in life, "To Glorify God in all you think, say, and do!"

Knowing my primary purpose has helped me so many times when I am feeling down, angry, tired, etc. No matter what the circumstances, I am to Glorify God. But even with this knowledge, I still find myself at sin's door at times. Then what? This purpose quickly reminds me to repent and be thankful that Jesus has given me His righteousness as a gift. I am saved by grace! No other religion in the world has what we have. Jesus! I know there are many good people who believe other things. But here is the deal. If you come to a fork in the road and where one path leads to life but the other will lead to death, how important is it to make the correct choice? So imagine there are two historical people at this fork, and you get to ask one of them which path to take. Do you ask the person who is dead, or the one who is alive?  I will go with Jesus!  He lives!

Please note the Easter worship schedule. 

April 9th Palm Sunday IUMC will be leading worship at 8:45am.
April 13th Maundy Thursday An evening of remembrance. Last supper served. 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday  
 6:30 am sunrise service outside in the prayer garden.
 8:45 am service lead by PCF
10:15 am service Children"s Easter Celebration service IUMC
11:15 am Easter egg Hunt for the kids

April 23rd PCF Leads 8:45 am service

Prayers Needed

Bonnie Rutkowski Darlene and Stan's mom, will be going in to St. Louis University Hospital tomorrow for a procedure to analyze a brain aneurism. Please pray for God's healing and peace for Bonnie. 

Barb Weiss Barb will be having surgery on her back. Please keep her lifted up for God's healing and peace.

Nick Schuette. Nick is my nephew and needs healing prayers for an ongoing stomach and headache problem. 

Butch Peterson. for continued healing and recovery of his two broken shoulders. Also for Sandy his caregiver.

Mary and Leland Knapp, Mary and Leland have recently moved and Leland is experiencing Hip and back pain.

Floyd and Delores Fisher, continued healing and strength.

The staff at Beverly Farm, for Gods healing Grace and wisdom to help them find solutions to finding more qualified employees.


Easter Lilies
We are taking orders for Easter Lilies that will grace our altar this Easter. The lilies will cost $9.50 this year. You may place one in memory of a loved one, or in honor of someone special in your life. There is a sign-up sheet in the Hospitality Room, or you can call or e-mail the church office with your order. 

Easter Candy Needed
Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt are needed. Candies should be individually wrapped and small enough to fit into eggs. Thank you!

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Children are invited to our Easter Egg Hunt following the 10:15 am worship service on Easter Sunday. Children may bring their Easter baskets, or bags will be available for them to use.

Kid’s Night Out
On Friday, April 21, children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited for an evening of fun at Kid’s Night Out. The children will enjoy a meal, games, crafts, activities, a movie and popcorn. There is no cost to attend. The evening begins at 5:30 pm and ends at 8:30 pm. A reservation is appreciated but not necessary. You may RSVP to the church office. 618-656-4648.

Pew Bibles
Our pew Bibles are showing signs of the many years of wear that they have expe- rienced. The Finance Committee has approved a motion to replace these Bibles. You now have the opportunity to purchase one or more of these new Bibles that will have a bookplate with your name, and the name(s) of your loved ones, saying “Presented in Memory of ...” or “Presented in Honor of ...”. Cost of the Bibles are $13.00 each. Please call or e-mail the church office, or fill out the insert found in our Sunday bulletin to order. 

Please call the church office for prayer requests or for more information about our church. 618-656-4648.

800 North Main Street Edwardsville Illinois.  The place where two church families have come together to worship as one!

Pastor Kent Schuette. Neutral Denomination Pastor
Pastor Jackie Havis-Shear  Immanuel United Methodist Pastor