Wednesday, April 5, 2017

New Urgent Prayer Request for Bonnie Rutkowski

Updated Prayer request for Bonnie Rutkowski

Never forget your primary purpose in life, "To Glorify God in all you think, say, and do!"

Knowing my primary purpose has helped me so many times when I am feeling down, angry, tired, etc. No matter what the circumstances, I am to Glorify God. But even with this knowledge, I still find myself at sin's door at times. Then what? This purpose quickly reminds me to repent and be thankful that Jesus has given me His righteousness as a gift. I am saved by grace! No other religion in the world has what we have. Jesus! I know there are many good people who believe other things. But here is the deal. If you come to a fork in the road and where one path leads to life but the other will lead to death, how important is it to make the correct choice? So imagine there are two historical people at this fork, and you get to ask one of them which path to take. Do you ask the person who is dead, or the one who is alive?  I will go with Jesus!  He lives!

Please note the Easter worship schedule. 

April 9th Palm Sunday IUMC will be leading worship at 8:45am.
April 13th Maundy Thursday An evening of remembrance. Last supper served. 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday  
 6:30 am sunrise service outside in the prayer garden.
 8:45 am service lead by PCF
10:15 am service Children"s Easter Celebration service IUMC
11:15 am Easter egg Hunt for the kids

April 23rd PCF Leads 8:45 am service

Prayers Needed

Bonnie Rutkowski Darlene and Stan's mom, will be going in to St. Louis University Hospital tomorrow for a procedure to analyze a brain aneurism. Please pray for God's healing and peace for Bonnie. 

Barb Weiss Barb will be having surgery on her back. Please keep her lifted up for God's healing and peace.

Nick Schuette. Nick is my nephew and needs healing prayers for an ongoing stomach and headache problem. 

Butch Peterson. for continued healing and recovery of his two broken shoulders. Also for Sandy his caregiver.

Mary and Leland Knapp, Mary and Leland have recently moved and Leland is experiencing Hip and back pain.

Floyd and Delores Fishercontinued healing and strength.

The staff at Beverly Farmfor Gods healing Grace and wisdom to help them find solutions to finding more qualified employees.


Easter Lilies 
We are taking orders for Easter Lilies that will grace our altar this Easter. The lilies will cost $9.50 this year. You may place one in memory of a loved one, or in honor of someone special in your life. There is a sign-up sheet in the Hospitality Room, or you can call or e-mail the church office with your order. 

Easter Candy Needed
Donations of candy for the Easter Egg Hunt are needed. Candies should be individually wrapped and small enough to fit into eggs. Thank you!

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
Children are invited to our Easter Egg Hunt following the 10:15 am worship service on Easter Sunday. Children may bring their Easter baskets, or bags will be available for them to use.

Kid’s Night Out
On Friday, April 21, children age 3 through those in 5th grade are invited for an evening of fun at Kid’s Night Out. The children will enjoy a meal, games, crafts, activities, a movie and popcorn. There is no cost to attend. The evening begins at 5:30 pm and ends at 8:30 pm. A reservation is appreciated but not necessary. You may RSVP to the church office. 618-656-4648.

Pew Bibles
Our pew Bibles are showing signs of the many years of wear that they have expe- rienced. The Finance Committee has approved a motion to replace these Bibles. You now have the opportunity to purchase one or more of these new Bibles that will have a bookplate with your name, and the name(s) of your loved ones, saying “Presented in Memory of ...” or “Presented in Honor of ...”. Cost of the Bibles are $13.00 each. Please call or e-mail the church office, or fill out the insert found in our Sunday bulletin to order. 
Please call the church office for prayer requests or for more information about our church. 618-656-4648.

800 North Main Street Edwardsville Illinois.  The place where two church families have come together to worship as one!

Pastor Kent Schuette. Neutral Denomination Pastor
Pastor Jackie Havis-Shear  Immanuel United Methodist Pastor

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