Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Curse or Pray?

This Sunday PCF will be leading the service at 8:45am. This will be the only Sunday in May that we will lead the worship due to Bonni and I's travel schedule for the remainder of the month.
This Sunday will be a communion Sunday.

Suggestion: For the remainder of the week, if someone gets under your skin, pray for them. When you feel like cursing, pray! Change your approach to problems. Frustration and anger can be changed into something much more constructive. Life is a series of choices. Behaviors can be changed and relearned. It is OK to go to Jesus and tell Him that you are "Pxssxd Off!" and that you need help with this feeling of anger. It's not as if He doesn't already know! For the past couple of months I have been involved in a cultural change project where people have become angry and distrustful of one another. It is my goal, through a series of classes, to help bring these people together. Of all the things I can teach, my biggest secret weapon is prayer. I pray about the class and for all of the people I am working with. Prayer can be powerful as a stealth weapon. The persons you are praying for do not have to know you are praying for them for it to have powerful results. People who are aggressive, inconsiderate, rude, obnoxious, even down right mean, are that way because they have not discovered the peace of God. Pray for them. Don't throw gas on a fire if you are wanting to put the fire out. 

Matthew 5:44"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"

Prayer Needs:

Mary and Lee Knapp Leland will be having hip surgery May 18th at Anderson Hospital.  Mary is still having vertigo issues and will be having more tests on May 10th. We pray for God's healing touch and for His strength and peace as Mary and Lee have these procedures.

Mike Rogers. Mike is the husband Lori Rodgers. Mike has had another serious operation on his back and is recovering. His arms are not working properly and needs God's healing touch. Also pray for Lori who is taking care of Mike as well as working many hours at Beverly Farm.

Gladys Wilkening  Gladys is Joyce Koenigs mother. Gladys has stage 4 cancer (abdominal).  Please pray for Gladys and her family. 

Stan Rutkowski Stan continues to struggle with his compression wounds. We pray for Stan's strength and healing.

Dave Hart  Dave has been battling cancer of the brain for the past 2 years. He is in hospice care and we ask God to be with he and Donna and their family during this time of transition. 

Barb Weiss  Barb will be having back surgery May 9th. She then will to go to Meridian Village for rehab.  Please lift Barb in prayer.

Bonni Rutkowski  We lift up Bonni as she continues to recover from her brain aneurysm procedure. 

Jeff Wiles  Jeff is in transition with his employment. We ask for God's wisdom and favor on Jeff's behalf. 

Butch Peterson Continued healing and blessing for Butch and Sandy as Butch continues to heal from his shoulder injuries. 

African Vision of Hope New Video
African Vision of Hope is one of the many Christian missions we have supported. Bob and Judi Bertels who founded this amazing organization attend our church from time to time. Their mission continues to grow as God continues to bless their efforts. They are in need of more child sponsors. Take a look at the video and see if God moves your heart to become a child sponsor.

See you all on Sunday. Love, pastor kent

If you have prayer requests or in need of pastoral care please call the office at 618-656-4648. 

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