This Sunday Pastor Jackie will be leading worship. I have an out of town wedding to perform and an out of town graduation to attend. The following Sunday, June 4th, Bonni and I will be back and PCF will lead worship. We look forward to seeing everyone then and getting back into a more stable least for a little while.
Contemporary Worship to Be Held in Journey’s Inn Room
This Sunday, May 28, we are moving our 8:45 am Contemporary Worship service into the Journey’s Inn Room. Due to the Memorial Day holiday, we want to offer a more intimate worship experience with a smaller group of worshippers than usual. The Journey’s Inn Room is the room in the lower level behind the kitchen.
Canned Meat & Jelly to Fill the Belly
Our Glen-Ed Food Pantry Emphasis this Sunday will be canned meats, stews, and any type of jelly or jam. The Pantry is not in need of tuna, but would appreciate Vienna sausages, canned salmon, crab, chicken, etc. Last Sunday you donated 97 pounds to the Pantry!!
Church Work Day Scheduled
On Saturday, June 3, beginning at 8:30 am, we are asking for volunteers to do some painting and outdoor work(weather permitting) around the church. Donuts will be provided in the morning, and Pastor Jackie will be making vegetable soup with toasted cheese sandwiches for lunch. If you can help even for an hour it would be greatly appreciated!
Prayers Requested
Rich Koenig Rich will be having eye surgery on May 30th at Bellville Memorial Hospital. Rich will be having repair surgery to fix a detached lens that was previously inplanted in his eye. Please lift Rich for Gods healing hand and fast recovery.
Jack Butler Jack is still at Missouri Baptist Hospital. Since his heart surgery he is in rehab and they are dealing with an arrhythmia issue and low blood pressure. Jack has been in the hospital for three weeks now which is a long time. Please lift Jack and Wilma-Jene both up in prayer. They both need Gods peace, healing, and strength.
Mary and Lee Knapp Leland has had his hip surgery and is recouping at home. Mary says he is doing well. Mary has received more treatment for her vertigo and seems to be doing a little better. Please continue to lift Mary and Leland for Gods healing grace.
Jack Butler Jack is still at Missouri Baptist Hospital. Since his heart surgery he is in rehab and they are dealing with an arrhythmia issue and low blood pressure. Jack has been in the hospital for three weeks now which is a long time. Please lift Jack and Wilma-Jene both up in prayer. They both need Gods peace, healing, and strength.
Mary and Lee Knapp Leland has had his hip surgery and is recouping at home. Mary says he is doing well. Mary has received more treatment for her vertigo and seems to be doing a little better. Please continue to lift Mary and Leland for Gods healing grace.
Gladys Wilkening Gladys is Joyce Koenigs mother. Gladys has stage 4 cancer (abdominal). Please pray for Gladys and her family.
Stan Rutkowski Stan continues to struggle with his compression wounds. We pray for Stan's strength and healing.
Dave Hart Dave is in hospice and he and Donna need Gods peace and strength during this time of transition.
Why bother with Church, God, Jesus, the Bible?
I think this is a good question especially with the busyness of todays lifestyles. Here is the Readers Digest answer: "Because all of us are on the same train!" It doesn't matter if you are a multi millionaire, the sexiest man or woman alive, the star of the baseball team, the CEO of the worlds biggest corporation, or living in the streets wondering where your next meal is coming from, we are all on the same train and someday that train is going to stop and the conductor is going to make you get up out of your seat and get off of the train. That train is our life journey but we all must eventually get off the train. The reason for church, God, Jesus and the Bible, is to give you something to look forward to when your stop comes. Everything we can enjoy while on this train is temporary. Everything! Golfing, fishing, eating, shopping, traveling, loving, listening to music, friends, family, celebrations, all temporary. But the stop where we get off is forever! The Bible says it like this:
Luke 12:16-21Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully. And he thought within himself, saying, ‘What shall I do, since I have no room to store my crops?’ So he said, ‘I will do this: I will pull down my barns and build greater, and there I will store all my crops and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?’ “So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.”
1 Peter 1:24-25
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