I am writing content for the new website. One of the things I am writing about is my journey with God and how I still question almost everything. How I am always open to new ideas and other perspectives. Sometimes however, I come up with questions for myself that hit me hard because they force me to look at myself and my own walk with God. This week I came up with this one:
"When am I "fully" available to God?" I mean fully available in the same way that people focus on their smart phone or when they are watching their favorite TV show or participating in something they love like golfing, or fishing, or playing tennis. Do I lose myself in God's time in that same way? Do I even attempt to tune into God like I would for one of my favorite TV series?
I had to do some comparative analysis. Bonni and I rarely watch TV however we do enjoy watching some of the special series that are on Showtime and HBO. We look forward to that time together. We prepare for that time, dimming the lights, getting our water or coffee, sometimes a snack, and finding our comfortable spot on the sofa or lounge chair. We anticipate the show. And, when it finally comes on, there is no talking because we fully engage in the drama. We make ourselves fully available to those time slots.
Now I look at my God time. I have prayer time but it is on no particular schedule. I love to take my prayer walks but lately I have not been doing it nearly as frequently due to my nursing duties with Bonni's broken leg, (at least that is what I am telling myself!) I read the Bible almost daily but I do find that I have interruptions and sometimes lose focus. So as I compare, I have to plead guilty. I'm not too effective at making myself "fully" available to God. That is frightening to me especially as a pastor. I can only imagine what all I am missing.
Jesus made Himself fully available to God. That is our example. But as I read the Bible I know that man has had a real hard time prioritizing God on a consistent basis. So where does this leave me and us? I think becoming aware of the fact and confessing the fact that most of us fall far short in our relationship with God the Father is a healthy start. Luckily for us, Jesus paid the price for this sin and all others. And, because we are all sinners saved by grace, which is the unmerited favor of God, we can approach Him anytime even in our broken unfocused ways and know that He loves us and always has his door open to us. That is why Christianity is so amazing, our salvation does not require us to live our lives to a certain set of standards. Our salvation is not earned, it is a gift! And, all we have to do to receive this amazing gift is to believe that Jesus is who He said He is, God's son who died for me because I have a real hard time making myself fully available to Him and obeying Him. Now that is worth celebrating! Sincerely, Pastor Kent
This Sunday:
One Worship Service This Sunday
We will have just one special patriotic worship service this Sunday, July 2 at 10:00am. The service will take place in the Prayer Garden. This service will be led by IUMC and pastor Jackie. All music will be provided by a brass ensemble. Please dress comfortably and bring a lawn chair. Sunday School classes will be held at 9:00 am this Sunday.
Prayers requested:
Bonnie Rutkowski who is home from the hospital and recovering from brain surgery.
Cathy Watson who was just diagnosed with breast cancer and will be starting chemo treatments Monday.
Donna Hart and her family, Dave passed away this past Saturday at home.
Kerry Baugher and his family, Kerry's younger brother Jack passed away this past week.
Jack Butler for continued healing and strength since his heart surgery.
Stan Rutkowski who will need surgery soon.
Leland Knapp who has recently had hip surgery.
Mary Knapp who is healing from treatment from dizzy spells.
Gladys Wilkening still undergoing cancer treatments.
Bonni Burns Schuette is still mending from broken femur.
Dave Hart's funeral information
Visitation tonight at Weber Funeral Home on Main Street Edwardsville from 3:00 till 7:00pm.
Memorial service tomorrow at Eden Church at 10:30am with luncheon to follow in the fellowship hall.
July 9th worship service at Glik Park at 8:45am. PCF will be leading this service. I have the manager from Shoe Carnival, Katie Junge, coming to share some stories about the kids we supplied shoes to for Easter. These are our lunch kids that we serve every week. She said that she has some amazing stories to share with us.
See you soon! Love, pastor Kent