Monday, June 5, 2017


That is the beginning word to great inquiries. "Why?" Today I will expand my Sunday's sermon on "Why the Holy Spirit?"

If the answer to the "Why" makes sense, I am in. If it doesn't, leave me out!  Since we have been young we have all asked "Why?"  
Why do I have to clean my room?  
Why do I have to go to school? 
Why do I have to be nice to so and so? 
Why do I have to wear this shirt? 
Why can't I go to the party, everyone else is?  and on and on. Sometimes we got answers that made sense, many times we did not. 

Today, "Why the Holy Spirit?"
"Because I said you need the Holy Spirit, now go sit down and be quiet!"  Does that answer suck you into more inquiry? The Bible says the Holy Spirit is given to those who believe in Jesus. Great. But what does that mean? The best way I can describe the Holy Spirit is to say that it is an inaudible voice which speaks to us in our hearts and mind and also intercedes for us going directly to God when we really don't know what to pray or how to pray in certain circumstances. The Holy Spirit exists the same way a rainbow or brown trout exists in a clear, fast moving mountain stream. If you look into a beautiful mountain river, it is very doubtful that you will see the trout. They are there, but without a very trained eye and polarized sunglasses, the odds of you actually seeing one is probably very low. They are camouflaged perfectly in the sparkling water and the stones on the bottom. If you trout fish regularly and learn how to read the reflections and the movements of the stream, along with having a good pair of polarized sunglasses which removes the glare from the surface of the water, eventually you will begin seeing the trout that have always been there. 

The Holy Spirit also takes time and practice to recognize. Although polarized sunglasses won't help you hear the Holy Spirit, prayer and bible reading will. The reason we want to develop our awareness of the Holy Spirit is so we can produce the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives. The Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control. If your life is not outwardly demonstrating these traits, then you are not yet producing the fruit of the Holy Spirit. If you want these traits in your life, the Holy Spirit is what allows them to manifest through you. 

Pray for filling of the Holy Spirit. Read your bible daily. Soon you will become a changed person because you are allowing the Holy Spirit to produce fruit through your life!


Sad news, Peter Marks passed away yesterday. Peter was the one and only Cornishman, as Elizabeth liked to refer to him. He worked at Sears here in Edwardsville as the tool man. Paradise received a good man yesterday! Peter we will all miss you!

Jack Butler has been in rehab at Mason Pointe Lutheran Care center. Wilma Jene says he is doing better and will be coming home this Wednesday. He is still using a walker but is getting stronger. Let's continue to pray for Jack and Wilma Jene as Jack continues to heal.

Gladys Wilkening  Gladys is Joyce Koenigs mother. Gladys has stage 4 cancer (abdominal).  Please pray for Gladys and her family. 

Stan Rutkowski Stan continues to struggle with his compression wounds. We pray for Stan's strength and healing.

Dave Hart  Dave is in hospice and he and Donna need Gods peace and strength during this time of transition. 

Rich Koenig. I spoke with Joyce and Rich on Sunday and Rich's eye surgery was successful so he will be back on the road driving soon. Thank you for your prayers!

Bonni Burns-Schuette  Bonni is home and is resting and healing. Her nurse is trying to keep her comfortable and in good humor. Thank you for your prayers. She will have a 6 to 8 week down time before she can start to get out and about. 

Remember if you have prayer requests or need pastoral care to call the church office at 618-656-4648. Also you can listen to past sermons on the website at 

See you soon!  Love, pastor kent

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